Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 11)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

214 Replies (11 Pages)

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Yes I do. But I am experiencing nausea, bloating, and pain just under my rib cage. I'm on the 250mg dose. May try halfing it.

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Are you on the generic version? I have been having all sorts of stomach issues with it.

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Ive had shortness of breath for 6 months on nuvigil and ggonna stop it immediately. Hope my breathing gets bette

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I have the exact same issues. I'm only 24. I get symptoms like if I lye in bed and stay completely still I loose all feeling in my arms and legs and if I move they start to sting. Also I have the same issue with the porn and it takes an extreme amount of exertion to climax. Also I can't stop knashing my teeth and I have little feel in my mouth. Sometimes I will get flu like symptoms and my lips swell and my veins are bulging my nostrils become sore and it always feels like there's something in my nose. When I am finally able to fall asleep in have extremely vivid dreams this is actually one of the pluses they very strange but enjoyable but about 35% of them are terrifying, I don't mind this since before the medication I never could remember my dream. I also start to have auditory hallucinations and minor visual hallucinations after about 6 hrs into the day the walls look like there moving and it looks like a swarm of gnats are under my door and I think I hear people walking around the house or talking but nobody is home and I will think I hear sirens constantly but they never get closer.

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Woa stop taking it! Sounds like a heart attack or stroke.

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I had horrible side effects I felt like I was on speed couldn't sleep at night confused and didn't want to continue living on that way I quit taking that but it took a week before I began to feel normal again Took me a while before I figured out what was making me go crazy

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Went from adderall to nuvigil. The doctors are getting BIG kickbacks for this drug. It's a $900 p/m drug... So they are going to fight to keep you on it. I had an allergic reaction on the darn stuff, my former doc KNEW it was a huge issue and took me off immediately. It's been 4 years. I told my doc I started breaking out itching all over that only got worse and never stopped Even 12+ hours after taking the tablet. He just said to lower the dose and keep trying to "make it work"-- now I'm worried because I'm reading about s.j.s and all these HUGE warnings about itching with this drug... I'll be looking for a different doctor Monday morning.

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I am also on Nuvigil for Narcolepsy and Shift Work Disorder and experience similar side effects. From what I have read and can understand, Nuvigil blocks the reuptake of dopamine creating extra-cellular levels, however it does not increase dopamine production. Because of this method of action, Nuvigil can become ineffective and have increased side effects after just a few days. Dopamine is often the nurotransmitter related to our "pleasure center," increasing feelings of wakefulness, euphoria and even pain relief. So when the initial boost of extra-cellular levels of Dopamine decline, we begin to experience pain, depressed mood and reduced wakefulness. Nausea, headaches and muscle/joint pain are listed as common side effects of Nuvigil. Increased anxiety and heart rate are also common which could explain the feeling of irregular breathing. The best advice I have come across to reduce these symptoms is to only take the medication when absolutely necessary. I choose to have my "off days" when I am off work. Unfortunately, on these days, I can barely function and still experience the negative effects which makes life very difficult as I am a single mom. I have also read of people cycling their Nuvigil where they take it for two weeks, one week off, one week on and two weeks off. For me, that does not seem like a feasible option so you would need to take into account your own life style, schedule, etc. and discuss it with your doctor. I hope this helps.

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From my experience with insurance, the most likely reason they will not pay for it is because treatment of MS would be an "off label use," so insurance companies want documented proof that MS specific treatments have been ineffecrive for you. I have Narcolepsy and Shift Work Disorder and my insurance still would not cover Nuvigil until I had tried Provigil as it is cheaper.

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My head felt like there was a hamster on speed running around on a wheel it was horrible

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I've taken Nuvigil for years along w/ meds for RA, thyroid, fibromyalgia, HPN, etc. My insurance denied coverage repeatedly for weeks recently. I contracted Influenza A & pneumonia during this time, plus experienced withdrawal. I began Nuvigil for the past 2 days again and had terrible reactions within 6 hrs.

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For chronic fatigue I valiantly tried to make Nuvigil work for me on & off for years and end up going right back to Generic provigil. 2-3 pills in of Nuvigil. I start to feel it coming on & get then the stomach spasms from Hell begin then Fever body aches, Ringing in my ears. This drug is in need of a serious over haul in my opinion. it’s truly a waste to have a potentially wonderful life changing medication not do what it’s designed fully to do.

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I took Armodafinil (Nuvigil) 75mg for three days and everyday I was experiencing itching in my body. I'm badly in need of taking this medicine for daytime sleepiness. Can I take an antihistamine medicine for relief from the itching? Or what are the alternative ways to treat it?

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Re: Bob B (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

Hi kill me how you write......funny, but brutally honest!! I just started taking nuvigil and the last thing I want to loose is my sex life.....with numb arms! Sounds Horrible... Thanks for the info....Beverly from Colorado.

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