

neurological and rehumatic condition

4 Replies

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What is the difference between Neurorubine (its B6 is 200 mg) and Neurorubine Forte (its B6 is 50 mg) ?
I remmeber reading that in B6 intake is more than 50 mg I can get fingers nubmness and tenglin, but forgot were I read this on the internet.
Please confirm this and tell me about the deference between Neurorubine and Neurorubine Forte. FYI, I have Diabetes for 12 years, but my Glycosylated HB (HB A1c) is under 6%

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I am having needles, numbness and pain like kind of grinding in the bones. Both hands whenever I am using my phone and the pain gets worse when I lie down and more worse at night.
I have been through this for a month and was put on Nervicra 1x2 but no improvement.
I have been put on Neurorubine forte from this company (acino) Switzerland and today is my second day.
My last qstn, is Neurobeon forte from mercs same as the one I have mentioned above?
Note, I have a 2months old baby and he is breastfeeding.

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Neurobion Forte is a vitamin B complex that is used to treat, or prevent a deficiency in the vital B vitamins that it contains, these nutrients are also known to support overall nerve health, according to NIH reports. They also report that it may cause nausea, as a side effect, due to its potency.

Valerie, they should be the same, but there is no harm in double checking with your pharmacist to be sure.

Khaled, the difference is in the dosage, and you should stick with the one your doctor has instructed you to take.

Is there anything I can help with?

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my doctor recommended neurorobine forte but I have since switched to neurobion forte.
Is there any harm in this?

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