Need A Doctor In Marion North Carolina That Is Willing To Prescribe My Pain Meds And Clonazepam Along With Other Medications (Page 3)
UpdatedI am a 51 year old woman that is on disibality. I DESPERATLY NEED A DOCTOR.. in or as near as possible to Marion North Carolina, that will take medicade and will prescribe my pain meds and clonazepam along with my other meds. and not treat me like a criminal PLEASE!
dont come to buffalo ny , dont see dr goce ,, they are all running scared . as all thats in need of relief get none, what is hpening to the over stock of meds ? pain meds , why does the goverment stock pile there own ? why do we as the people have to fight so hard so on so on . we need to protest all , even the doctors, if not for us patience's these controlled doctors would be out on the streets
No haven't found doc yet. Any help would be great.
Verwon you are an absolute liar. It is now 2017and I personally have been and still am receiving pain meds and Clonazepam together from my pain management doctor since '07, and just received my new scripts a week ago at my appt. Furthermore, I personally know quite a few family members and frends who receive their pain meds and benzos from their Primary care doctors right now, and some I know have for 20 years or more. U need to stop spreading misinformation and outright lies. I'm not the only one who has noticed you doing this! What is your problem?
Kiity, don't know where you live nor do I think it matters but I see 2 doctors and Verwon is NOT lying! Both my doctors told me I can not take percocets And Xanax in the same day because of a law that was passed this year so I'm being weaned off of my Xanax which I've been on for well over 20 years and percocets since 2004. I'm getting ready to try Buspar but will admit am very nervous about being taking off of Xanax as I can already tell a difference in my life. My B/P has risen, feel more nervous and for sure am more short tempered.There's more but don't feel like talking about it as I think they might have to do with taking myself off of Lyrica. Thank the abusers for us not being able to get pain meds and benzos! Are your new scripts for the same amount you've been getting? My Xanax have gone from 90 two mg.s a month to 72 one mg. a month now...wonder what they'll be next month? I see my doctor again in July and for sure will talk to her about it as I cannot see my ever getting off of them...unless that Buspar works!
Cynthia, I live in Alabama and I know I'm prescribed Percocet, Oxycontin, Clonazepam, and Methocarbamol together. I do know people who receive pain meds, depression meds, and benzos together from their primary care doctors! I don't know where YOU live, but these are the facts. If you care to read through the comments, many others have said what Verwon says is untrue, because they receive pain medications and benzos from their primary doctors as well. Some doctors like to tell their patients that they can't presribe these meds together and refer them to pain management because they are running scared of the DEA and are covering their behinds. There is NO such regulation requiring patients in the US to see a specialist to receive pain meds, that's just untrue; and I stand by my previous statement. Like I said, many PCP are sending patients to pain management because they don't want to face the wrath of the DEA, not due to a non existent regulation. Telling patients in pain looking for a Doctor untrue information about a non existent regulation requiring them to see a specialist to be treated is just wrong.
Cynthia, I didn't read through your entire post before I posted before. To answer your question, yes my Clonazepam script I got this month from my pain management Doctor of almost 10 years is for the same amount It's always been. All of my scripts are. There is no law or guideline requiring Doctors to refrain from prescribing pain medication and benzos together, Doctors just don't want the liability and are scared of the DEA; and so they are lying to patients and blaming the DEA because patients are much less likely to argue with them if they think their Doctor has no choice. This is happening all over. Google what I just told you and you will find out the truth. I wish you well, sorry you are going through this.
Thanks Kiity for the well wishes and all. I'm in North Carolina and I did google it a long time ago. Mass. was the first State (I think the first), to pass the law. Well this is strange I must admit, as I spoke with my Pharmasict today (sorry for misspelling, nerves are shot), and she said the same thing about that law being passed because of the drug abusers...maybe I need to move out of this State then! I've been in pain management since 2004 and my other doctor I've been seeing since 2000, (when I moved back here) a shrink due to busting my head in a car windshield in a very bad car accident back in May of 1987. She (shrink), even called to tell me about that law being passed before she started weaning off my Xanax. Hmm...something needs to be done as I can tell a big difference with my personality, meaning I get short tempered a whole lot faster than I use too, my sleeping is not good either, etc. Like I told my pharmacist today, I don't see why a doctor cannot tell the difference between someone that needs pain meds and an abuser...MRI's, and any diagnostic would be a give away for starters, not to mention how they act with the doctor. No PCP here will give pain meds but they will refer you to pain management as that's how I got my start with pain management. I plan on talking with the doctor that gives me the Xanax in the next few days as I don't have any refills left which makes me think, the next script I get is going to be even lower! Plus the side effects of Buspar make me nervous...raising my B/P is one, yeah like I need it to be higher, I'm going to end up having another heart attack is what's going to happen. Oh well, I'll see what she has to say but don't think it's going to do any good as N.C. has that law, which I'm surprised as we're usually the last State to pass anything! Take care and have a good week~
Cynthia, Thank you and I hope you have a good week too. I'm truly sorry about what you are going through. I want to clarify my statement from before, I meant there was no federal law requiring patients to go to a specialist for pain medications, and I'm positive there's no federal law against prescribing pain meds and benzos together, but I had no knowledge of individual states such as yours passing these laws. That's just ridiculous. It's making things twice as hard for us legitimate patients in pain who also have anxiety and/or depression. I keep up with all the news on things happening in the pain world, but hadn't heard about this happening in certain states. I'm going to do some research and see what I can find out, and I will post back later. I will get to the bottom of it and find out if there truly is a law like that, just to make sure you are being told the truth. There is a particular blog I would like you to check out, I can't write the exact name because this site won't allow it; but their name is Steve and they are a pharmacist. Put pharmacist first and then the name in google and you will find it. There's a wealth of information about everything going on right now. I wish you as much of a pain and anxiety free day as you can possibly have. Take care.
Hi Kiity! Just got off the phone with my Xanax doctor and guess what? There is NO law! She admitted it when I brought you up. What she said was DEA or whoever was coming down hard on them and wanting them to stop us from having both pain meds and Benzos because of all the sudden deaths (which does confuse me a tad about the State of Mass.). So she is upping my script again, which to me she should've never stopped because not one time have I ever called her or any pain doctors I've had for early refills on anything! Maybe she had problems with other patients? Who knows...I'm just so glad she is upping mine again, now I won't be a threat to anyone! hahaha just kidding to all reading this. (meaning losing my temper like I had just started to do in the last few days). Thanks for everything Kiity and for understanding and trying to help me, I do appreciate it! {edited for privacy}. Oh and 100% agree with what you said: "That's just ridiculous. It's making things twice as hard for us legitimate patients in pain who also have anxiety and/or depression." Thanks again for everything and hopefully this will post right away, the one from yesterday didn't. Take care~
Cynthia, you are very welcome! I'm so glad that you told your Doctor about me and let her know that you know there's no law restricting pain medicine and Benzos together, and am very glad she owned up to lying to you and upped your Xanax again! I agree with you that she never should have stopped it, withdrawal from it can cause seizures and death. I'm so tired of Doctors lying to patients so they can cover their behinds with the DEA. It's not fair to those of us like you and I who take our medications responsibly, we are not to blame for what addicts do. I'm just so happy that you are back on your Xanax, and hope you get back to feeling much better soon! Best wishes and take care. My real name is Rachel by the way. :) Anyway, hope you have a pain and anxiety free blessed night and upcoming weekend.
Kiity, how ya doing? Everything is much better since she even called my script in several days earlier. Overall, she's a pretty cool doctor and I do understand their position, at least here in N.C., heck in my apt. complex alone, you can get just about anything you want (& yes, I'd love to turn them in), Ft. Bragg sits just about in my City's lap. I agree that it is not fair for those of us that do not abuse or sell our pain meds and I stick with believing the doctors could sort most of the abusers out. Let me sit in on a few of the patients and I could tell them! Then again, we do (or did), have a couple of doctors, for a couple of hundred dollars, that'll give you what you want, one was finally caught! Thanks for the kind words Rachel and hope your weekend is a blessed one as well. Take care and it's been a pleasure chatting with you on here~
I live in Morganton and desperately need a doctor! Can anybody help me?
Hey is dr hicks still taking pataints at this time
Dr Darlington Hart of cornerstone medical prescribes xanax in Charlotte NC... He does do urinalysis...and also pulls your prescription history from the state monitoring...hope this helps someone
Yes, I really need a pain management Dr, like now. I have two plates and four screws in my back n two screws r broken n I have been hit by a tractor trailer on the interstate and the Dr I was seeing just let me go cause he says I live too far n he doesn't want to write me my meds anymore after sending me to get a second opinion. So if you know where I could go I would greatly appreciate it.
You have to go to a pain clinic for your pain meds in North Carolina, and to a psychiatrist to get your clozopan. A lot of doctors will not prescribe you pain meds and anti-depressants at the same time. So if you find problems getting them do not be surprised with the new FDA laws coming into affect they’re cracking down on supplying these drugs together. Like I said before you have to see two different doctors because you’re dealing with two different conditions.
Re: cher (# 2)
That is awesome I hope that this doctor works out for you. My physician passed away and the office was in turmoil took a year to get it back labor restructured nobody wanted to write any pain meds they referred 100 people at one time to the pain management clinic. Total chaos so good luck to you and your pain
I need a dr in south carolina that will prescribe narcotics and doesn't give drug panels.
Re: summerbeach (# 58)
No, do drug panels!!! That will not happen in SC. This state is like Nazi, Germany. If u can't even fill a script 5 minutes before day 30 do you really think anyone will not do U/A's? My doctor actually does them every time he sees you, even for a flu-shot. Good luck.
Re: JAM (# 7)
MN may not have the drug problems many other states are facing, therefore the Drs there may not have the FDA riding their backs. Here in SC you can't even get a pain management Dr to give you pain meds. They send you to physical therapy which doesn't help very much at all. Just want pain relief in SC.
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