Need A Doctor In Marion North Carolina That Is Willing To Prescribe My Pain Meds And Clonazepam Along With Other Medications (Page 2)
UpdatedI am a 51 year old woman that is on disibality. I DESPERATLY NEED A DOCTOR.. in or as near as possible to Marion North Carolina, that will take medicade and will prescribe my pain meds and clonazepam along with my other meds. and not treat me like a criminal PLEASE!
Can someone please send me information about the Doctor in Morgaton. Nc. As mentioned in my previous post, I just moved here and I have been through 3 that wants to only do inj's. I tried it and I was crying for weeks... and ended up in the hospital. Please help me.
Prednisone needs to be tapered. Go to ER & tell them you need to be "bridged" until you see a primary.withdrawals from prednisone are crippling for my joints (knees) if I don't taper by 5's.been that way since I was a child with Crohns. Hoping to never take it again, cause for me personally its a "deal with the devil". Severe mood changes & aggressive behaviors, cataracts on my 20's & its now got my bones so affected that I'm requiring an orthopedic surgery. I'm sure hoping a Dr. Won't let you leave without a proper taper plan & prednisone. God bless; this too shall pass
Its not Dr ellisson is it? And if not then who is it hun?
Did you find a good pain specialist in the Charlotte, Huntersville, Statesville, Salisbury, North Carolina HELP!!
Need Compassionate Pain Dr
& PCP who does not treat chronic pain patients like criminals & does not have a problem w/ Klonopin or Dilaudid or Oxy 15 or 30S
Suggestions are welcome & appreciated!!
I am from Charlotte, NC & know what you are going thru. Have you found anyone decent? Willing to travel, sum?
Jo, if you are needing and are legit. First get Appt with a primary Dr. DR Kenard in Mint Hill NC. Then he will write your anxiety if you need then have him to refer you to a pain management (that's only way to get in is referred by primary care, all in this area) but the pain clinic is Gaston Pain Clinic and they will about keep you on what is best for you in past. But one thing. The xanax or benzos or limited to 3 mgs a day. HOPE THIS HELPS.
Nanna, did you ever get into a doctor to take care of you?
Jo, do you have a good primary care physician, that's the only way to get in to any pain writing Dr's? If so you can get a referral to Gaston Pain Center in Gastonia NC. Theyre location is Auburn Rd Gastonia Nc 28054. 704-865-9116 or 9115 is the numbers. Hope you the best.
Ricky ,can you get to Charlotte, Rather Mint Hill NC And Gastonia NC? Primary care physician and pain clinics that can help you with legal paperwork. ..
Jo have you found a Dr yet? I have one in mind. ..
Went to pain clinic today in C.B N.S. CANADA had back surgery and severe chronic pain doc handed me paper stating to the effect that the pain doctors are to stop prescribing narcotics and will have me off them quickly yet safely pretty screwed up .what does a person do when you take these meds so you can at least bare the pain to put in 25to30hour of work since it is just a big joke fighting with comp.what do you do about pain and not a chance of making it through a work day as they are very good to me now.Anybody else hear about this or is he just bullface lying to me!!!
My dr closed due to fraud charges. Need to find dr near hickory or morganton north carolina to treat my several illnesses. High blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and degeneration of disk in neck. Need all meds including pain pills and muscle relaxers.
I'm in need of a doc that takes Medicaid and prescribes 2mg xanax for extreme panic attacks and PTSD. I also need pain meds bc I've had migraines for 34 years. I am on disability for the migraines. My doc of 15 years dropped me without a reason! I figure he's getting rid of his medicaid patients. I'm on meds that can't be stopped. Plz help me bc I don't want to end up in a psych ward!!!
I am looking for a pain specialist either in Charlotte, Gastonia, Rock Hill, Shelby or Spartenburg who is prescribing large amounts of narcotic medication. I know how that sounds so let me explain a little. I've had 16 surgeries on my arm, 5 on my spine, 2 on my leg after it was ripped half off in a motorcycle accident and then 2 more on my arm again. So I live in a lot of pain daily and can't find a stupid Dr. That's willing to give me what I need to function every day. If you know of one personally who will prescribe larger amounts than most I would appreciate a name and number to the drs office, thank you all.
Para sair mais em conta, escolha uma dose menor possível, mas pelo menos razoável, mas, ao pegar a receita,explique ao médico para colocar uma dose de prescrição, maior do que você toma. Quebre sempre o Xanax, em 2 ou 3 pedaços, e faça o maior espaçamento de horas entre uma dose e a próxima. Com isto, evita ter que aumentar a dose, e desenvolver dependência. Só não faço isto com o Valium 10, 1 por dia, porque se eu esquecer, não faz diferença, pois, a dose é insuficiente. Potencializo ora com Propanolol, ora com Prometazina. Estou em busca de algum 'benzo', que realmente faça pelo menos alguma diferença.
Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):
To get more in mind, choose a smaller, but at least reasonable, dose, but when taking the prescription, explain to the doctor to put a prescription dose, greater than you take. Always break Xanax in 2 or 3 pieces, and make the largest spacing of hours between one serving and the next. This avoids having to increase the dose, and develop dependence. I just do not do this with Valium 10, 1 a day, because if I forget, it makes no difference, therefore, the dose is insufficient. I potentiate with Propanolol, sometimes with Promethazine. I'm looking for some 'benzo', which really makes at least some difference.
I am 58 years. diabetic patient since last 18 yrs. Now I am using insulin NOVO MIX
30-70 twice a day i.e. 22 Unit before lunch & 20 before dinner. I have no any other problem. Regular morning walk & avoid napping. Know about the medicine through News paper & add. in T.V. I intend to use this medicine. Please help me.
Já fiz uso de altas dosagens de Lorazepam 2 mg, 8/dia, totalizando 16 mg. Penso que as dosagens devem ser personalizadas. Cada organismo reage de maneira diferente, a uma determinada substância.alprazolam 1 mg 3/dia. usei durante um longo período. Passo por uma experiência semelhante, com o diazepam.10 mg/dia. Cheguei a usar 100 mg/dia 10 comprimidos de 10 mg. hoje, apenas 1 de 10 mg. Penso que 6 ou 8 mg de xanax, não fazem tanta diferença. Isto é mais uma dependência psicológica,e talvez física. Fazer uma retirada xanax,adicionando e intercalando, carbamazepina (tegretol stab), e reduzindo o alprazolam, até uma dosagem de 3/mg dia,e depois acrescentar um anti-depressivo 'menor dose possível', e à noite de preferência, funciona para muitas pessoas. Dificilmente notamos uma 'intoxicação benzodiazepina'. As vezes,uma associação 'dimesilato de dislexanfetamina'/sais, e algum sonífero, assim como a fluoxetina 20/dia, e diminuir o xanax para no máximo 3 mg dia, pode não ser tão 'horrível', quanto à simplesmente ir diminuindo. Seja qual for a 'benzodiazepina', uma vez dependente, sempre dependente, ainda que somente a dose noturna. Já passei por fortes 'crises de abstinência', e não deve ser muito diferente dos 'opiácios'. Mas penso que simplesmente ir aumentando a dosagem, de acordo com a tolerância, não é o 'melhor caminho'. Suplementos vitamínicos, também podem serem úteis (complexo B).
Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):
I have already used high dosages of Lorazepam 2 mg, 8 / day, totaling 16 mg. I think dosages should be customized. Each organism reacts differently, to a particular substance.alprazolam 1 mg 3 / day. I used it for a long time. I go through a similar experience with diazepam 10 mg / day. I got to use 100 mg / day 10 10 mg tablets. today, only 1 out of 10 mg. I think 6 or 8 mg of xanax does not make that much difference. This is more a psychological dependency, and perhaps physical. Make a xanax withdrawal, adding and intercalating carbamazepine (tegretol stab), and reducing alprazolam, up to a dosage of 3 / mg day, and then adding a 'lower dose' anti-depressant, and preferably at night many people. We hardly noticed a 'benzodiazepine intoxication'. Sometimes a combination of 'dimethylylate of dislexamphetamine / salts, and some sedative, as well as fluoxetine 20 / day, and decreasing xanax to a maximum of 3 mg per day may not be as' awful' as simply decreasing. Whatever the 'benzodiazepine', once dependent, always dependent, although only the nocturnal dose. I've been through 'abstinence crises', and it should not be very different from 'opiates'. But I think simply increasing the dosage, according to tolerance, is not the 'best way'. Vitamin supplements may also be helpful (B complex).
I was prescribed 6 to 8mg klonopin 2mg 3 to 4 x daily since 2003. That was my start dose. Apparently my old dr stopped reading updates in 94. I stopped. cut off 8 when he retired. I experienced the most horrific side effects. Physiological issues
that are still with me. That was was 2014 to 2015 until reinstated at 2.5 in March 15'. I'm now at 1.25 with a new dr who writes it as total 3mg .5 k. I'm tapering now slowly and smoothly. You need to find a benzo wise dr. I use one at sheppard pratt baltimore md. She saw me at 87 lbs with ibs c. Strabismus, spasms, neuropathy .... and my heart rate was 130 or so... Please do not cold turkey. I was cut off from 8mg to 3mg to start the gaba A receptors and my entire CNS was damaged. Please find help to taper. It resides in the adipose tissue in your entire body.
Looking for pain mangement in greenville sc. I cant get a referral so need one without one
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