My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


Me and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?

129 Replies (7 Pages)

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Yes I am in the same problem I had my xanx filled the 26th of august I counted them and 20 have been taken doctor nor drug store can do nothing so I suppose we will have to suffer.

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yes I have had this problem myself,some of my meds. were taken last month and i tdidn't call my doctor either for I know he will not replace them.But mine are totally different med.So maybe and I hope so you may very get your doctor to at least believe you this time.Which I'm not saying yours didn't get stolen.But I know what your meds are and if your doctor don't want you to relaspe which I pray that you want he or she will help you so that you don't good luck.Oh by the way I do know if you have insurance that helps you with getting your meds THEY WILL NOT!!! pay for them until your script is due again.

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I was honest with my pain management doctor, i told them the rx was stolen. I got kicked out of the program. Good luck.

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Very well said Jane NoGroovin! You are so right! Your statement was a fact, the other persons opinion is totally false! They have no idea what they are talking about.

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Im not really sure if u ou should report it or not. I'm not sure about LA but in Indiana you are allowed to get a 3 day supply early for emergancy. I had to once. This was from walgreens. Ask the pharm rep. They may tell u no, but ask again and make sure ur talkin a an experienced rep becuz they told me the first time that I couldnt then when I talked to the 2nd person I was able to.

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I never post on these sites, but this is one of the most I'll informed, selfish, garbage statements I have ever read. Why don't you research what the relapse rate is for opiates? It is above 90%. Would you tell a diabetic they shouldn't take insulin? Properly taken Methadone does not get you high. And suboxone specifically contains Nation so that it CAN NOT get you high. Take your self righteous ramblings somewhere else.

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Someone stole my suboxone( only 6) at work and im out and starting to feel sick,I dont know if I should tell my dr or not. I dont want her to take me off my meds completely because she thinks im lying or something

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Soo,I told my dr and she wont be able to help until my appointment Tuesday

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Jackie call your local police department so you can get a police report to take to your doctor. You also might want a copy of it too and a note from your doctor to show the pharmacy.
This day and time you want to dot all i's and cross your t's.

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I'm on Vyvance I take one 30mg in the Morning & 20mg after lunch. I went and got them filled Friday. My friend came over last night and asked if she could stay because she's homeless so I wake up this morning she's gone and so is my medication smfh... I did call the police but he gave me a case number I guess for the police report.. My doctor is only in the office on Fridays. Do I have to wait for my doctor or can my counselor there call and get it done?

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Brandi, you may or may not be able to get another prescription for your Vyvance before you are due.

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Actually the reason doctors put you on that medication starting off is so you don't die from your body going through withdrawals. It's steps at a time, not get up and get over it. Doesn't work like that.

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Went xmas shopping all prescription wasnt due til 2days later. when i was paying for my daughters dress I realize that my prescription script wasnt in my wallet.most likely when i was paying and fell off..start bugging out looking every where for it, I call the dr. Office the following morning call all the pharmacy to see if anyone tried to fill it.went to the police station to make a report and call them 2 days later and they cant write a report cause they told me they can t report do to its a lost item not a crimal act.the dr. Needs a report but they wont do it..the pharmacy have done a track for me and no one has try to fill it..these are my oxycodone that I been taking for the past 5 yrs and now i don't have no med.I took my last one 2today and most likely the dr.wont give me another script.any suggestions..

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This is such an old post but anyone reading it..... it seems a fairly easy answer to me...
#1- file police report
#2- show to doctor and ask his/her advice
Assuming you've done nothing wrong

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You should have filed a police report. Now, your bottle of pills are floating around. Sure the bottle has been emptied, but if the thief got pulled over or caught with the bottle, it looks as if you gave it to him. Or maybe looks more like you sold them and used your bottle to place them in. Does this make any sense? It has your name on it. By now, you are safe as its been a while and your not in jail. Next time any thing like this happens, to cover your a.., file a police report. I have had to do it before.

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I had a small Master Combination Lock on my medicine cabinet, but apparently, to an addict that has 3 hours to try every 3 digit combination in the world, it really doesn't matter. Now I have had my month's supply of MY Klonopin stolen by a family member, a 2x relapse. How do I get MY medicine and how the heck to I keep him out- I am ready to hook-up the house alarm to the cabinet.

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Same problem here- how do I file a police report that my son broke into a locked medicine cabinet and stole my whole month's supply? Not even my doctor of 25 years can help me out.

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You call the doctor that has the scrip on file and let them know that the police may be contacting them regarding a stolen medication. Next .... you call the police. Report your son stole the medication. Now..... this will mean your son could possibly face charges, and you will also have to "press charges" against your son if you have no doubt that is who stole it.
You can not just call the doctor and tell them about it... hoping they will say " I'm sorry, here let me write you another script , no problem."
That's not happening.
There has to be a case opened with the police department, charges pressed on someone, a police report filed..... then you take all of that information to your doctor and "MAYBE" you will have a slightly better chance at getting a new script. Also, the scripts have a tracing number on them, so the police will track that to the pharmacy where it was filled as well.
But...... in the long run, you may possibly be able to get your medecine within a week or so.
Hope this helps.

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He left the bottle with 3 pills, like i wouldn't notice 90% is missing, so at least the bottle isn't floating around out there.

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Call the police, they will
Come to your house and fill out a report...
Then you contact your doc, with that report.

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