My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Me and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?

129 Replies (7 Pages)

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I just happen to have had my pain medications stolen by my own mother so I was trolling the internet looking to see what my options were. After reading your post, I am repulsed. There are people out there who suffer from addiction and it is a sickness. Not everyone recovers at the same pace and that every program works the same for every individual but for an addict, taking the pharmaceutical alternative versus street drugs is much safer and it takes a strong person to admit that they have a problem.
How the hell do you think you are to pass judgement on people who suffer from this horrible disease?
You never know what someone else has been through or what baggage they carry, fortunately you have obviously never struggled with this & I hope you never do but I have lost family members to this disease and I praise anyone who admits openly that they need help and are willing to put their pride aside to live a normal life.
You really are a special kind of stupid to be making statements like that.
I was struck by a motor vehicle as a pedestrian about a year ago and have had back surgery as a result. I have tried every alternative to narcotic pain medication to relieve my pain but medication seems to be working along with physical therapy.
In the process my body has become dependent and I fear the day that I try to take myself off of these medications.
I am grateful that there are plans out there the help aid with withdrawals.

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YouTube has shows that show how to crack any code on those type of locks.

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To JANE: You're out of line & judgmental. Methadone and suboxone are for opiate weaning or recovery. True, it may not be the best form we have, but these drugs don't make you feel high. They are available for pregnant women too. It's far better to be on methadone or Suboxone during a pregnancy than to be abusing illicit drugs. Stop judging! So she's been on it 10 years. She's trying. So 10 years?! I was on methadone for almost that long. It helped me get my life back. As of today, methadone is available and legal under doctors' direction. Methadone clinics are a godsend to many of us who want to get clean. These programs require work too, and extreme adherence.

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I filed a police report with a suspected perp. Then I was able to get Rx filled at full price. Will find out this week how to proceed. He was asked to leave - and he has been gone for 5 weeks, but called begging for a bed to sleep in after going out of town, getting a job, then getting fired from the job when his roommate put all his stuff out in the front yard and he left work to get it, they said not to bother to come back. So after sleeping in my car for several days he came crawling back home. Problem here is that my wife does NOT believe that he took my meds, so he's back. I have a different lock this time after I found out how easy it was to crack the Master combination lock (actually I broke it too as I can't reset the code). Anyhow, I'm stuck with him again as my wife makes me the villain and doesn't believe our - "her" son, stole the meds from me. I am not the keeper of my castle, but that's another whole problem.

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I had that happen to me and I filed a police report. My Dr gave me a replacement script when I presented that to him. He said it was a one time deal however. Doc's just don't wanna feel their being conned. Plus maybe you'll find out who did it.

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Suboxone can be eventually weaned-off of- IF and only IF- the person has made a mental connection to change their lives- ie: a 12-step program or the like. They have to be strong-willed, but it can be done. Unfortunately, a relapse is so easy IF they don't get a new set of non-drug using friends and have a support net to help them stay away from the bad stuff.

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Oh bs suboxone got me high as a kite. A guy i knew took suboxone nodded off and crashed his car. The excuses and lies addicts make up to justify their habit is ridiculous...

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No, you are screwed, your meds needs to be keep in a safe if you have kids or bad ppl in your house.

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Please don't post lies, they will NOT refill or give you anything until next appointment.

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Re: Humble (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

Humble, there is little to no chance your doctor will write you another prescription before they are due. Your doctor may not prescribe these meds to you any longer.

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Re: Jane (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Wow, you obviously have not been an addict, and no, neither medication makes you feel high (that's kind of the WHOLE point of them)...You can take your judgmental butt off that high horse and run along. You have no idea what you are talking about! I'm sorry but if it wasn't for methadone my brother wouldn't be alive today and I don't care if he has to be on it for life it is better than him going out and sticking a needle in his arm. It's not trading one addiction for the other. He is able to live his life on methadone because YOU CAN NOT FEEL HIGH ON IT! Stick to what you know.

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I believe in the truth. .I hate to say it because Im in recovery and it seems that people are not always going to to look down on us but if we tell the truth we get a pattern of having integrity.I too had my subs stolen just a month ago. And I immediately called the police..who thought is was joke. I explained quickly and without hysterics though after someone taking 50 pills from you and its your suppose to friend.And the police won't do anything. Not even take the bottle for prints. But bc I had a relationship with my pharmcy they fought with me to get a refill. from my insurance....NOTE: only way you can get one is when you have an upgrade from 2 pills to 3 my doctor helped me with this because I needed an upgrade anyhow. It was actually to a half. This is if the actually stolen. I'm not for working the system. I know how it feels to be sick and your body be pulling away from you.Hope this helps someone.Somehow.

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I know for me Methadone does not give a high to me at all. Pain Dr. prescribed for me before more powerful opiate containing meds. I would like to know where 99% of people get kicked out. I have a friend who filed twice and was not even questioned. Many patients abuse filing, sell their script or use it all. Drs have a good idea about these people. Also thanks to the snorters who caused Endo to reformulate Opana and now often get alot of people ill as myself.

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When I see my Pain doctor every 3 months I get 3 hard copy's.I keep them locked up in my truck.Well they were stolen.I do not need more Med's I have enough for the first month.I just want to cancel the other two scriptions before I run out and hope to catch the person that stole them.

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Obviously u know nothing if u think u get buzzed on suboxine. You don't feel high b****. Mind your own f***in business. Stop being a hypocrite. Telling me mind my business. When ur all up in mine. I know more about meds than you'll ever know been hospitalized since 11 so f*** u. Ignorant and rude people like u reminds me of the nazis. Why are u on the site? Thought you know what your talking about. That's right. Shuuuuut up!

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This thread is old, I know, but For anyone reading this in the future I will say this:

You should've just told your dr what happened (assuming it's your first time with losing/stolen meds). If your doctor has basic human emotions, he will most likely give you a refill the first time. His instincts may even tell him to be suspicious, but as long as it doesn't happen frequently, he will most likely understand.

Also, some people need to understand the difference between recreational use of drugs and dependence/addiction. In my opinion, you're not an addict until all you think about every day is wanting to be high on a drug that's gonna harm you; and you're not dependent unless you LITERALLY CAN NOT FUNCTION without said drug. If your having a withdrawal, you won't be saying, "Holy s***, I think I'm having withdrawals.", you will most likely be dead because REAL withdrawals can cause anything from extreme agitation(which is a mentality and can be overcame) to your body shutting down and having aneurism/seizures. People look at other people who use drugs and say: "Oh they need help because I don't approve of them getting high!"
Recreational use, on the other hand, is a responsible adult that takes care iof his responsibilities while enjoying a nice buzz.

It's up to YOU as a person whether you get hooked or not. If you're weak and have an addictive personality, then you may go down the road of addiction, but your dr is trained to know when something becomes a problem (if he/she is a good dr), and they will tell you. It's ridiculous when I see people judge other people for having fun with meds, especially if they actually need them for their intended purposes. Those people are either hypocrites or they're uptight and take life waaaayyy to seriously. If you tell them to have an alcohol drink, they will either do so gladly or refuse because of their moral codes (and there's nothing wrong with that). But if you asked me, it's wrong of them to judge you on your preferences when you give no judgment to theirs. I'm not saying that addiction doesn't exist or it isn't bad, but people need to realize that getting "high" isn't all that awful compared to some other choices. When I tell acquaintances that I enjoy opioids and marijuana occasionally they look at me like I'm gonna rape and murder them sometimes. We shouldn't have to feel bad because we enjoy something that doesn't fit with the social "norm". Another thing that really pisses me off is when people say: "Oh drugs are bad because they're just a crutch!" What the hell?!? Don't crutches help people walk? Yes, it's true that we can throw the crutches away when we can stand on two legs again, but who's to say when that will be when referring to a philosophical life situation? Anyway, my point is: drugs can be ok in moderation accompanied with strong will power. Don't get you panties in a bunch when your best friend "Tom" takes pills for fun sometimes. Until you see "Tom" actually suck a d*** for some Vicodin, then leave him be. After all, we're all just hurtling through life towards our deaths anyway right? People who are intelligent enough are going to accomplish things in life with or without drugs.


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Lucy, how are you making out? I hope ok. I had my whole bottle stolen and ive been in bed for a week now. My 4 year old was brought in by a neighbor bc she was playing in the street by herself. Idk what else to do. Can anyone help?

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Yep take this asa lesson RULE #1 don't leave your prescription drugs unlocked (especially during a party in a bathroom) they are gone and you won't be likely able to replace them without a heart to heart with your doctor.

I think the only way to avoid serious WD is to find a black market source of Suboxone. They are a dime by the dozen on line most are for real and depending on where you live they might be available. Not to lecture you but I am not at all surprised and it takes an incident like this to teach most people that pill cabinets might as well be labelled to strangers to say open me up. Sometimes just for kicks like revealing clues about you, others as a source for actually drugs. Chances are the theft is not opiate Naive and has no real threat of ODing because should they kick the bucket (extremely unlikely to impossible scenario you could and be held partly responsibly for their death). These are nasty truths however unlikely that I hope will convince you of the importance of putting all medication behind a lock.

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My medicine has been stolen as well. Just sent a message to the doctor. I will be out of everything tomorrow and can't fill until next Monday. My doc trusts me. She even told me I know you don't abuse your meds, u never asked for early refills in 3 years, not once.
I am praying she will give me something to get through. A different medicine and the insurance I'll pay for. Like if I ask for opana. I usually take OxyContin and oxycodone.

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What if they think i took or sold them? I have been on this medication for a while and i have never been through this. This is why i carry them on me bc people steal. I am in good standing with my doc.

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