My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Me and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?

129 Replies (7 Pages)

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Congrats on being clean for 6 years. BUT you have to understand everyone is different, every addict is different. You got addicted from a medical condition(wreck) but not all opiate addicts became addicted in this way. Some grew up watching their parents pop pills & didn't realize until they were 13 that not everyone takes pills. Everyone's situation is different. I'm so tired of hearing\reading comments like this. Yall act like y'all know each & every addict on here & what's best for them. smdh

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Your response in a joke. I take subs and they DO NOT MAKE ME FEEL HIGH. Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. We take then to kill craving, also it's an opiate blocker so prevent us from using. Ppl are dying from opiate overdoses and we would rather take a little strip every day rather than keep ruining our lives with drugs. Why don't you keep your BS opinion out of here. You sound like a complete heartless i****

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I know this thread is fairly old now, but if it can help someone who has had this happen recently and is looking for answers, then I suppose it's valid. I sympathize with those who have been through this - having their meds stolen, or losing them, it really does suck. As far as getting them replaced, it really all depends on your Doctor and the relationship you have established with them over time - but every Doc is different - as are state regs.... so what is possible in Ohio may not be by law in New York, etc. We also need to remember that these Doctors can be held accountable by agencies above them, like the DEA and the FDA, not to mention the rules that Pharmacists also have to follow with dispensing controlled in some cases, it's not even the Doctor's (or Pharmacist's) decision, because they don't want to get into trouble, either.

I would think that filing a police report is probably your best bet, but, there's no guarantee that this will work, either. When I entered the recovery program and was prescribed Bupe, I had to sign a contract where it was stipulated in VERY BOLD TYPE that under no circumstance would the Doctor ever replace lost or stolen medication. Their logic is that it's up to us to insure that the meds we are prescribed are safe - which means, don't ever leave them in a hotel dresser ( are you kidding? That's begging for them to be stolen!) and don't ever carry more with you than you absolutely need. The remaining meds should be in a safe or lock box to which only you have the combination or key to, and it shouldn't be stored in plain sight, either..

The good news with Bupe, as opposed to opiates, is that it has a very long half-life to it, so if you end up being short by just a few days, you're probably going to get thru those couple days just fine ( you may be a bit edgy, but some of this could be psychological too - remember... most of us on this drug are recovering addicts and we know that the mental addiction can be just as tough to deal with), so if you're only 2-3 days short, it's probably not worth "flagging" yourself to your Doctor. But three weeks, yeah, that's a tough one... a police report would be the only thing that I believe that would work - but there's no guarantee that will, either ... again, every Doc is different.

Here's what I wouldn't do... DON'T self medicate with anything OTHER than what you are prescribed... (and I'm not condoning you hitting the street for these... but I understand the feelings you are dealing with, so I'm being realistic). DON'T reach for Benzos or other tranqs or sedatives, because besides being dangerous (and ridiculously addictive) they could come up on a drug panel, and you could get risk kicked out of your program entirely. So, if you only have a few days to get through to your next scheduled appointment, then tough it out. Any more time than that and I'd be calling the Doc - but, understand that it might not go over well. Remember, they've heard every story and excuse in the book, and they are well aware of the extent(s) to what some drug addicts will go through to feel good again. ;)

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TT, since you've waited so long, I doubt the police will make a police. But, if they do don't expect them to prosecute him under the circumstances because it is your word against his. Does your dr know that your meds were stolen three months in a row ? You need to get a safe and put your meds in it and Do Not give the combination or key to Anyone Under Any Circumstances. Also be sure that no one is in the room and the door and blinds are closed when you open it if it has a combination. If you use a key, keep they key with you at all times by pinning it to your under clothing and don't let anyone know that you have the key on you.

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Mark makes a great point about not telling Anyone what opaite meds you're taking. I will never understand why people think they have to tell others what opiates they take. It is not Anyones Business. Not your daughters and most certainly not someone you date. If you were married, maybe or maybe not your husband. If anyone asks, do what Mark suggested and tell them you take Advil or Tylenol!. A friend of mine lost her partner last year. She was murdered by someone that she knew very well because they wanted her pain meds.

If your dr does drug panels and you don't have any of your meds in your system, he may dismiss you. If that happens you may find it difficult if not impossible to find anyone to treat your pain.

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I apologize! I forgot which post I was commenting on since I know most of us read more than one, I combined two...1) keep your opiates locked up and tell no one, and 2) don't do suboxone LOM

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Hey #74. It's ill informed not I'll. It's nalaxone not nation. So who's rambling now

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I had told him that I was abusing my oxycodone. So he put me on Suboxone, 3 films a day. 10 days later he went to 4 films a day. I took about 5 days worth then stopped to see what happens, and no withdrawal symptoms at all. It's been a week now and I'm good to go. I've OD'd 4 times and was a sick bastard but I'm clean now.

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Suboxone makes you high also I know I've been on it all best thing to do is tamper off and get your life straightened out and turn your life over to God that's what I done I've been clean for two years now

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In regard to a reply from Jane fr 2012?. Replacing suboxone is NOT trading one addiction for the other. That is plain ignorance. As far as a script being stolen I've been through that several times over the years from my kids stealing my subs. I ended up having to keep them on me.My Dr and I have a great relationship . I've always just been honest.. Honesty is the best policy. For me.

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Litte John, do not allow your family member in your house. If he lives there, tell him to get out. It is highly doubtful your family member will be charged with anything. Even though what was done is against the law, unless another crime is committed and the family member is caught with the medication when they arrest him for something else, nothing will happen to him. Most law enforcement agencies and District Attorney Offices do not view this as a wise use of resources. It is up to you to keep your medications safe. There being no sign of force on the cabinet proving it was broken into does not help matters either. Your family member has a drug problem and needs to get help.

If/when you get another prescription, be prepared for the same thing to happen. Do not allow the family member in your home under any circumstances. Do not tell Anyone if/when you go to the doctor and get another prescription. It is no ones business what medications you take but your doctors.

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Re: Jane (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Do ir research dude ur brain receptors nwver repair from the damage the pain pills they fed us did to our brain i am recovered 5 yrs and will have to be on suboxone rest of my life DO RESEARCH BEFORE U JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER AND Y U WORRIED ABOUT IT IF U AINT BERN HERE IN OUR SHOES U DONT KNOW BUTT OUT

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Re: Hello (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

Tramadol really for pain?? You got to be joking. You have nothing when it comes to real pain then if a non-narcotic that has no opiate in it helps you. Those people are giving it away for free because they are a BS medication. My doctor says they use tramadol to catch liars who are in no true pain, this is a proven FACT! That's what my doc uses to weed out the fakers. I know this because he is my grandfather and is the main doc of the office.

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what an informative and interesting reply, "shut up" really? what did that pertain to? the fact that she left her prescription and didn't have it stolen. what are you a hotel maid. please these comments are better left unsaid.

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Jane, why are you on this thread? We are people who are trying to get our lives back. Stop being a troll. If you had an inkling of knowledge of suboxone you would not have said anything like that

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JH, the pharmacy is correct. It is always best to count your medication Before leaving the pharmacy counter where they give you the prescription because once you leave there, there is nothing they can do if you don't have the same amount of medication that the bottle says you have.

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I don't know what to do the man I WS dating stole my meds three months in a row didn't report had me convinced my daughter took them until last month I caught him took him home and suffered severe pain and withdrawal for two weeks, I have been soul searching and feel he needs to be prosecuted so he cannot do this to someone else

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Sorry bout the theft but as you know... in their eyes we are all drug seekers first and patients last...I think a police report will make them think you were not responsible enough to safeguard your meds. It's been years since I was in same boat. I know my dog saved my life because I kept trying to finish something and kept nodding and as I entered dream stage I knew it was too hard and too deep. She jumped up in my lap and I forced myself to walk around for a few hours while drinking coffee. I spent ten years on opiates, LSD and even PCP-but that night on suboxone (and I had taken it before) was the only time I was scared to death and thought I came close to dying...even with a 450mg dose of oxy--don't play with subs....

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U can ask your dr for another script but I would show some credibility by filing a police report so u don't look like you're abusing them or selling them and if they are making such a big difference in your life like they are in mine I've learned to be responsible for something so important by locking them in a safe lock box or keeping the room door locked. Addicts have a nose for finding them. U having young people over for a party, are u kidding me. I would have had them glued to my forehead. I know when I was active I was sneaky manipulative and creative. They're giving u a chance for recovery. Be pro active in saving your life. Now if they didn't get stolen and your looking for some good ideas to get over then your disease is getting worse and u need more than just a new script. God bless u and it will work out. Be responsible and do what's right. You'll be ok. My prayers are with you. I'm recovering and have been through it all.

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Lee, losing a prescription is not a crime like having one stolen. It is highly doubtful your doctor will write you another one.

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