My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 4)


Me and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?

129 Replies (7 Pages)

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My problem is I was shorted 60 pills at the pharmacy and they are telling me that there is nothing they can do.

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JH, the pharmacy is correct. It is always best to count your medication Before leaving the pharmacy counter where they give you the prescription because once you leave there, there is nothing they can do if you don't have the same amount of medication that the bottle says you have.

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I don't know what to do the man I WS dating stole my meds three months in a row didn't report had me convinced my daughter took them until last month I caught him took him home and suffered severe pain and withdrawal for two weeks, I have been soul searching and feel he needs to be prosecuted so he cannot do this to someone else

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TT, since you've waited so long, I doubt the police will make a police. But, if they do don't expect them to prosecute him under the circumstances because it is your word against his. Does your dr know that your meds were stolen three months in a row ? You need to get a safe and put your meds in it and Do Not give the combination or key to Anyone Under Any Circumstances. Also be sure that no one is in the room and the door and blinds are closed when you open it if it has a combination. If you use a key, keep they key with you at all times by pinning it to your under clothing and don't let anyone know that you have the key on you.

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BL is so RIGHT!!! With the state of prescribing guidelines these days your opiate unfilled prescriptions and filled prescriptions are going to be the targets of many thieves. Because of the lower prescribing amounts opiate pills will be worth alot more money, so not only will addicts steal them, but non-addicts too to sell them for alot of money. Always call the police immediately if either are stolen or the doctor won't rewrite your prescription. I'm sure if it happens several times in a short time period your doctor may refuse to prescribe you any scheduled drugs at all. Get a lock box or safe and keep all keys hidden and tell no one the combination. I have a smaller biometric safe that opens with my thumb print. I paid $300 for it. It's mounted to the concrete floor via 4 bolts in a closet so no one can carry it off. I did it myself by drilling 4 pilot holes via a template that came with the safe, it was easy and I'm not a handyman type person either. My best advice is... If anyone asks you what you take for pain tell them Advil or Tylenol. It's none of their business! Telling anyone you're taking an opiate might get your home broken into or even worse get you or someone in your family killed! Like I said before these new prescribing guidelines of less pills is going to cause more criminal activity and you need to be safe about it. It's no one's business what you take and you only take Advil or Tylenol!

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Sorry bout the theft but as you know... in their eyes we are all drug seekers first and patients last...I think a police report will make them think you were not responsible enough to safeguard your meds. It's been years since I was in same boat. I know my dog saved my life because I kept trying to finish something and kept nodding and as I entered dream stage I knew it was too hard and too deep. She jumped up in my lap and I forced myself to walk around for a few hours while drinking coffee. I spent ten years on opiates, LSD and even PCP-but that night on suboxone (and I had taken it before) was the only time I was scared to death and thought I came close to dying...even with a 450mg dose of oxy--don't play with subs....

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Not to be mean TT but 3 months in a row sounds ridiculous. Whether it was your daughter or boyfriend you should've locked them up or something especially after the first time. All pain contracts clearly states your are responsible for your medication and to get a lock box. The person who claims the pharmacy shorted you 60 pills is absurd. Counting your pills in the pharmacy only makes you look like a drug seeker. On my first PM appt I did a questionnaire that asks do you find yourself counting your pills. If you say yes then they will say they can't help you because that's addictive behavior. Ijs

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Mark makes a great point about not telling Anyone what opaite meds you're taking. I will never understand why people think they have to tell others what opiates they take. It is not Anyones Business. Not your daughters and most certainly not someone you date. If you were married, maybe or maybe not your husband. If anyone asks, do what Mark suggested and tell them you take Advil or Tylenol!. A friend of mine lost her partner last year. She was murdered by someone that she knew very well because they wanted her pain meds.

If your dr does drug panels and you don't have any of your meds in your system, he may dismiss you. If that happens you may find it difficult if not impossible to find anyone to treat your pain.

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I apologize! I forgot which post I was commenting on since I know most of us read more than one, I combined two...1) keep your opiates locked up and tell no one, and 2) don't do suboxone LOM

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Im not really sure if u ou should report it or not. I'm not sure about LA but in Indiana you are allowed to get a 3 day supply early for emergancy. I had to once. This was from walgreens. Ask the pharm rep. They may tell u no, but ask again and make sure ur talkin a an experienced rep becuz they told me the first time that I couldnt then when I talked to the 2nd person I was able to.

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LOL I count my pills every time I take one; before and after. I also count them during commercials, before and after meals or a shower, before I go to bed and after I get dressed in the morning AND upon returning after I've gone out. Did I forget to mention that I suffer from a bit of OCD? LOL

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Vero, a dr still has to be contacted for an Emergency Prescriptin for a Schedule II. Under Federal Law, a dr can call issue the prescription orally, but it must be followed up with in seven days written and signed prescription from the dr. There are also other requirements. State Laws can have stricter guidelines than federal.

"An “emergency prescription” in this context, is defined to mean that the immediate administration of the drug is necessary for proper treatment of the intended ultimate user, that no alternative treatment is available (including a drug which is not a schedule II controlled substance), and it is not possible for the prescribing practitioner to provide a written prescription for the drug at that time. In a bona fide emergency, a practitioner may telephone a schedule II prescription to the pharmacist who may then dispense the prescription. The prescribing practitioner must provide a written and signed prescription to the pharmacy within seven days and meet the below requirements:

The drug prescribed and dispensed must be limited to the amount needed to treat the patient during the emergency period. Prescribing or dispensing beyond the emergency period must be pursuant to a written prescription order.

The prescription order must be immediately reduced to writing by the pharmacist and must contain all information, except for the prescribing practitioner’s signature.

If the prescribing individual practitioner is not known to the pharmacist, he/she must make a reasonable effort to determine that the oral authorization came from a registered individual practitioner, which may include a call back to the prescribing individual practitioner using his or her telephone number as listed in the telephone directory and/or other good faith efforts to insure his or her identity.

Within seven days after authorizing an emergency telephone prescription, the prescribing practitioner must furnish the pharmacist a written, signed prescription for the controlled substance prescribed. The prescription must have written on its face “Authorization for Emergency Dispensing” and the date of the oral order. The written prescription may be delivered to the pharmacist in person or by mail, but if delivered by mail, it must be postmarked within the seven day period. Upon receipt, the dispensing pharmacist must attach this written prescription to the oral emergency prescription which had earlier been reduced to writing by the pharmacist. By regulation, the pharmacist must notify the local DEA Diversion Field Office (Appendix K) if the prescriber fails to provide a written prescription within seven days. Failure of the pharmacist to do so will void the authority conferred on the pharmacy to dispense the controlled substance without a written prescription of a prescribing practitioner.

For electronic prescriptions, the pharmacist must annotate the record of the electronic prescription with the original authorization and date of the oral order."


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I'll bet your judgement is SUPER helpful.

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I never post on these sites, but this is one of the most I'll informed, selfish, garbage statements I have ever read. Why don't you research what the relapse rate is for opiates? It is above 90%. Would you tell a diabetic they shouldn't take insulin? Properly taken Methadone does not get you high. And suboxone specifically contains Nation so that it CAN NOT get you high. Take your self righteous ramblings somewhere else.

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Methadone in my opinion is not a maintenance drug. I was feeling high everyday while on it, worse than before I started treatment. Suboxone actually doesn't make you feel high at all!!

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Hey #74. It's ill informed not I'll. It's nalaxone not nation. So who's rambling now

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Suboxone does not make you feel high, its like a nicotine patch and if you could come sit in on one of our weekly groups where we discuss how much the suboxone had helped us that it brings us all to tears, well then maybe you'd shut up. You clearly do not understand.

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U can ask your dr for another script but I would show some credibility by filing a police report so u don't look like you're abusing them or selling them and if they are making such a big difference in your life like they are in mine I've learned to be responsible for something so important by locking them in a safe lock box or keeping the room door locked. Addicts have a nose for finding them. U having young people over for a party, are u kidding me. I would have had them glued to my forehead. I know when I was active I was sneaky manipulative and creative. They're giving u a chance for recovery. Be pro active in saving your life. Now if they didn't get stolen and your looking for some good ideas to get over then your disease is getting worse and u need more than just a new script. God bless u and it will work out. Be responsible and do what's right. You'll be ok. My prayers are with you. I'm recovering and have been through it all.

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To Jane's response number nine, I would say to you Jane some people because of being in pain clinics and using pain medicine for so long are so dopamine deficient that they need some substitute to even give them a chance for recovery. I was so depressed after five years in the clinic when they stopped me that I couldn't even dress myself. for me it has been a lifesaver so I have been hard-core NA for 20 years and I had to get a humble to get open-minded so I would ask you to stop judging others work your own fourth step take your own inventory and let others do what they need to to get themselves in the ball game so they can be in recovery. I just ask you to keep your judgments to yourself because your opinion may end up killing somebody and God bless you because I hope you don't have to get humbled the hard way.

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Someone stole my suboxone( only 6) at work and im out and starting to feel sick,I dont know if I should tell my dr or not. I dont want her to take me off my meds completely because she thinks im lying or something

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