My Prescription Was Stolen Now What? (Page 2)
UpdatedMe and my wife recently had a birthday party for my son. After the party I went into the bathroom to take one of my suboxone and i noticed the perscription was stolen. I have not reported it to the police or my doctor yet. I am not sure what to do. I dont want to ask my doctor for a replacement script because I dont know if I can get kicked out of the program. This program is the last chance for me to get my life straight and it is working so far but I am scared if I dont replace them that I run a risk of relapsing. My next appointment to get my regular refill is three weeks away. Has anybody ever delt with a situation like this or have any real advise on what to do?
I had a so call friend to tell me she stole a few of my suboxone from my bathroom. and they only reason she told me was she got stopped with them and they wanted to charge her with them and she said they didn't but asked her to work for them, she said she declined. I am very upset cause I don't want them to think I sold them to her or gave them to her. I can not afford to get into any more trouble. and I was wondering what do I need to do? she will never be friends with me again and she is not allowed in my home again, troubled in NC
what an informative and interesting reply, "shut up" really? what did that pertain to? the fact that she left her prescription and didn't have it stolen. what are you a hotel maid. please these comments are better left unsaid.
When I see my Pain doctor every 3 months I get 3 hard copy's.I keep them locked up in my truck.Well they were stolen.I do not need more Med's I have enough for the first month.I just want to cancel the other two scriptions before I run out and hope to catch the person that stole them.
Thats totally true! They should have just stayed on the oxys... if someone wants to get off of the oxy n just trades that for methadone or suboxin it is fine but to just continue to take them for 10 years isnt getting them off them its just trading one for another! 10 years omg it should have been 10 months n working down from there! At least the oxy does something for you lol
Had Rx oxycodone stolen, never had any issues like Dr shopping, always use same pharmacy, never take a different amount than told to. Clean record. Called the cops, they said they'd file a report but nothing else they can do, no questioning of anyone, acted like I was the thief myself!!! Ant suggestions? I am so tired of being labeled an addict just because I take a certain kind of medicine. I take other stuff too, methotrexate, humira, blood pressure meds. Nobody says anything about that! What is going on here? We're not allowed to take pain medicine?
Wow your story's almost exact as mine. I have Crohn's disease my life and have to be on and off pain meds prob for life. I took my suboxine the past two days and it helps so much. Unless My ulcers are really bad like today prob getting but I have subs that I am getting rid of cheap. I would talk to u on phone so u feel comfortable. Hopefully your a girl cause I usually only deal with women. Cause I'm a women and people try to take advantage u know. Giving u info I'm in palm harbor and drive so get backs to me if your looking or wanna trade. I'm the safest girl. thank god I don't deal with the five-0. Email me and I will text u my number even show u a pic so u know who ur meeting. Then I have to make sure u delete that. As u can tell I'm as safe as they come. My dads actually a podiatrist so I know a lot. Trying to meet new good honest f***in chill people.
Post #26 "chick" Please do not advertise your good hearted desires of helping good chill people in your area. This only brings heat on everyone else browsing the board, posting about legitimate legal issues stemming from meds being lost or stolen. Keep your side business to yourself. If you are really not lying or making a joke about it, your sounding like a cop yourself trying to set someone up, or someone with no experience and raging to get yourself arrested for felony drug trafficking (posting this on the internet is paramount to crossing state lines, and a federal felony) and if this is you, find another way to make ends. Having a podiatrist father is no experience for any of this. All in all, your probably a good kid, wanting to help 'friends', get a buzz on, post on the net... check your phone next time your high if that is you.
Obviously u know nothing if u think u get buzzed on suboxine. You don't feel high b****. Mind your own f***in business. Stop being a hypocrite. Telling me mind my business. When ur all up in mine. I know more about meds than you'll ever know been hospitalized since 11 so f*** u. Ignorant and rude people like u reminds me of the nazis. Why are u on the site? Thought you know what your talking about. That's right. Shuuuuut up!
That's your opinion,I have been on suboxone for 6 years.i will never get off of it I have followed through counseling, psychiatrist, meetings, and me and sub Dr feel it would be in my best interest to stay on it,and it is different than being addicted to oxycodone,or any other not out Dr shopping to find more,not spending all money on numerous prescriptions,or finding them off the I'm not stealing,my family trust me again life is normal,and as far as getting high ,no u are wrong,it does just enough to satisfy my needs,so after all that I have done to get my drugs,I will gladly stay on it,not because of high,but because of becoming normal again,being accepted by family and friends who I lied and stole yea I plan on staying on it.i finally have life I really disagree with you.and pretty sure some would agree..
It all boils down to the Doctor. Some have no early fill policies no matter WHAT, some Dr.s do it on a case by case basis. I just Saturday had this happen with my Xanax, and I told the Dr.-who I've only been seeing a short period of time-about my Xanax being stolen apparently. He let me get it filled. Then I told him that due to prior authorizations stopping me from getting my meds (suboxone), after days of being without I'd take more then prescribed for about 5 days, then make them stretch the next few weeks. Surprisingly, he decided I should have my films increased from 2 8 mg films daily to 3 8mg films daily!! I'd been asking my previous Dr. to do that for awhile, and I didn't even mention that to this Dr., but he UNDERSTOOD!! It is understood, however, that at my next appt I will show him a receipt for a lockbox only I can get into, and if I have left over meds to bring them in. I was shocked!! I had asked my sister-in-law about the stolen meds & she advised AGAINST telling him, saying it's his job to be suspicious. My drug checks in the few months (since September) have always showed the drugs that are supposed to be in my system, and none that shouldn't be, though, and he's very very good at reading people. I have had other Dr.'s who would've told me "our policy is no early fills, no matter what". They've not kicked people out that I've heard of, though, they just won't fill them. I think that you should do what you feel is best. If you've never had an issue, he seems to trust you, your UAs always come up clean, be honest, call your Dr., TELL HIM/HER you were debating telling them but decided that, not only so YOU don't get sick you needed to let him know, but that you wanted to make sure if ANYTHING happened to the person who stole them, you want to make sure HE doesn't get in trouble, and that he's aware that there could be an issue. If you've got a Dr. you feel you can say that to, they will help you out most likely. If you get the feeling they'll call BS, do what you need to do. In my case, I struggled with what to do, was honest with my Dr. about that struggle, and was rewarded for my honesty by him seeming to trust me MORE! As long as it's not a habit, and as long as their policy doesn't state that you, under no circumstances, can get an early fill, AND as long as you feel like you're Dr. will understand (some will not, they just won't believe you no matter what), I'd call your Dr.'s office 1st & ask what they suggest you do. Better yet, if you're close enough to your Dr., make an appt & talk face to face & say everything you said on here. Both of you. It could be worth it, or at the most I think the Dr. would say "sorry, I can't let it be filled early". 1st incidences though? I think with MOST Dr.'s you'll be fine. If you're not, go to, call the # & they'll help you find a NEW Dr., even helping you schedule your 1st appointment. Good luck!!
I was diagnosed with narcolepsy in Jan 2013, and though I was scared to take it, Adderall brought me to life. I stopped sleeping away every weekend, nodding off at my desk, and was no longer a hazard on the road! Then in May 2013 my prescription for Adderall was stolen from my purse at work; not the whole bottle, but over 2 weeks worth. Like other controlled substances such as opiates pain relievers, suboxin, methadone and benzos, there is a high value and demand for adderall. As I commend several others, I too went the honest route. My doctor and insurance company required a copy of the police report to issue an early refill. Here's where the honest and moral course of action becomes the most stupid thing I have ever done. When I contacted the local police I was told that they do not typically file reports for stolen medications, because then everyone would do that! However, because I explained that I could not safely drive, and I couldn't afford to miss 2 weeks work without pay, the officer made a "special" arrangement. I would have to consent to a polygraph, and if anything came back that I was not honest, I would face charges. Since I did nothing wrong, and was telling the truth, I agreed (idiot!) After a humiliating and degrading interrogation, turning myself in, and now a pending trial for a misdemeanor "filing false incident report", I've been graying rapidly and in a perpetual anxiety attack.
So, everyone, please invest in a heavy duty fire safe, the kind you can bolt into the floor with both a key and a combination. Carry only your daily dose in the original bottle. Don't let anyone aside from medical staff & family/friend whom acts as a medical decision maker know you take these meds. I hold no judgement to those who do have a true medical need for opiate pain killers, only to take care and maintain open communication with your doctor. And my best friend is on methadone, and she is making very slow decreases. The reality is that she may not ever completely come off. All that matters is she sticks with it! Best of luck to everyone!!!
Holy Cow!! I know, 1st hand, that a polygraph is EASILY failed! Especially for people prone to anxiety (myself). They keep this blood pressure cuff (for me at least) tightened, and it's very disconcerting/distracting watching your arm turning black & having no feeling & the examiner telling you that "no, that's not normal", when you ask if you're feeling nauseous because your arm is so messed up looking. You can become SO preoccupied over anything that if your thoughts turn to ANYTHING ELSE for a minute, you can get a false failing "score" (assessment, really, since they should be taking in any environmental factors & NOT all examiners are equal).
That being said, REALLY?!?! They wasted people's time & resources on all that crap? That's ridiculous!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that baloney. I *do* know that unless you have a specific person in mind, or you've got "proof" they were actually stolen my Village that I live in doesn't like to take police reports for stolen meds. That being said, if I told them it's REQUIRED to get meds that I can't safely stop on a dime, I'd sue them if they put me through that rigamarole!! A.) it's IMPORTANT to have it filed (and the police should get this) in case someone is caught with them. Why? Your & your Dr. could be in a TON of trouble if a person IS caught & tries to claim you "sold" them/gave them away.
B.) Polygraph tests are NOT allowed as evidence, so why bother charging you??
I'd fight this, and just try to relax as much as you can. Hopefully your Doc believes you, the cops were being asses-probably to try to prove a point.
First off suboxine is ONLY supposed to be taken for 3-5 days, what it does is when you go into withdrawals you take the drug and all detox pain goes away or is minimized. It also blocks the opiate receptors in your brain so say you take a Vicodin while on Suboxine maintenance it will not work because those receptors are blocked by the Suboxine. Any real Doctor knows this, you start on a large dose then every dose after that gets tapered till your off the drug entirely and through withdrawals, no one should be taking Suboxinr longer than a week period!methadone is a joke you should just stay on opiates or herion and mixing methadone and Valium you get a simillar high to herion! If you are a herion addict and want to get clean it's the same thing as Suboxine a week tops to get you through the detox period and what most people don't know methadone detox is 10 times worse than herion detox so I never understood why the FDA approved it. The proper way to detox off street drugs or strong opiates is Suboxine in a controlled setting like a rehab where you start on a strong dose and rapidly taper that dose in 3-5 days total and then are off the drug completely. As all of us recovering addicts know detoxing and getting sober is the easiest part, it's staying sober that's the hard part and many go to N.A or some other type of support groups, or go to therapy. I was addicted to opiates for 10 years did the Suboxine detox in 4 days and this August have 6 years clean! Both drugs can be abused and both are still opiates so I agree totally with the above post your just trading one drug addiction for another. Detoxing sucks but it won't kill you and 2 weeks of detoxing is very painful but also very helpful when you think of relapsing! I never even knew about pills till 1998 after a horrific car accident where I was in a coma had severe head trauma, broke my right hip and injured my back causing two discs to slip that were so painful and my Doctors at the time threw drugs at me like candy and then act surprised when you become dependent on them and then start to abuse them, it's a frickin epidemic now and a major problem! I speak from experience and know both those drugs are a cop out, buck up check into a detox center get off the drugs or pills then transfer to a rehab for at least 60-90 days to get the tools and support to stay clean because if you have been taking Suboxine or Methadone for over 10 years you are still a drug addict! If your serious about getting clean take my advice it's sure not easy but you will get sober and stay sober! Stay away from those drugs and detox properly and then get into a program for support that is the only way to stay clean!
3-5 days on suboxone is pointless. you said it yourself, its not getting clean thats the hard part its staying clean, this is what suboxone and methadone are meant for, keeping people on an even dose so no withdrawl or high is felt, so that addicts can get their lives back without the least bit of cravings to use (with suboxone i have no urge to use H, now methadone id probably be totally against besides the point that it saves lives) For most opiate addicts 28 day inpatient is a death sentence, they get clean tollerance goes down then when they relapse boom 10 dollar hit kills you. Suboxone makes long term sobriety possible. its not meant to wean people off and neither is methadone. these drugs are maintenence drugs. meaning long term. why not just wean off of your drug of choice and forget the sub or methadone if its how you say it is. suboxone is about long term abstenence. Its not trading one addiction for another, when people take suboxone as prescribed there is no harmful side effects normally and all the negatives that addiction brings go away. you dont steal, you dont try to make yourself feel high, you don't get arrested, you don't DIE! for f***s sake, your an addict. educate yourself
Oh please then u don't know what its like to be dependent. Don't post s*** cuz ur bored and have no life. You don't feel high on this stuff and the main attraction is that your not drug seeking. Look at the epidemic!
Jane your right, I was taking 300 MG of morphine a day. One day I said enough and went on Subs for 4 days. Now I take nothing at all. Just living with the pain if my cancer.
I would give anything for you to go through a 7-14 day HELL ON EARTH called a suboxone/opiate withdrawl/detox. Then you would understand why people are on here to help others. People like you with zero sympathy for suffering make me sick...and really f***ing angry. Suboxone has turned so many people's lives around, not to mention saved their lives. It gave me back my life. And I HAVE BEEN OFF SUBOXONE FOR YEARS...but I cut my dosage down when I felt I was ready. So grow a soul and do some research or fact finding before you open your ignorant mouth in a forum you shouldn't even be posting in. SUBOXONE does not make you feel high, it's a blocker. It helps people through withdrawl and makes them feel normal. People who abuse it and take a lot can feel high but it's bc they took too much of a medication that is strong and they abused it. You have really struck a nerve with me. Still wouldn't wish the detox/withdrawl on you, although you would benefit greatly from it obviously. Go play in traffic.
This thread is old, I know, but For anyone reading this in the future I will say this:
You should've just told your dr what happened (assuming it's your first time with losing/stolen meds). If your doctor has basic human emotions, he will most likely give you a refill the first time. His instincts may even tell him to be suspicious, but as long as it doesn't happen frequently, he will most likely understand.
Also, some people need to understand the difference between recreational use of drugs and dependence/addiction. In my opinion, you're not an addict until all you think about every day is wanting to be high on a drug that's gonna harm you; and you're not dependent unless you LITERALLY CAN NOT FUNCTION without said drug. If your having a withdrawal, you won't be saying, "Holy s***, I think I'm having withdrawals.", you will most likely be dead because REAL withdrawals can cause anything from extreme agitation(which is a mentality and can be overcame) to your body shutting down and having aneurism/seizures. People look at other people who use drugs and say: "Oh they need help because I don't approve of them getting high!"
Recreational use, on the other hand, is a responsible adult that takes care iof his responsibilities while enjoying a nice buzz.
It's up to YOU as a person whether you get hooked or not. If you're weak and have an addictive personality, then you may go down the road of addiction, but your dr is trained to know when something becomes a problem (if he/she is a good dr), and they will tell you. It's ridiculous when I see people judge other people for having fun with meds, especially if they actually need them for their intended purposes. Those people are either hypocrites or they're uptight and take life waaaayyy to seriously. If you tell them to have an alcohol drink, they will either do so gladly or refuse because of their moral codes (and there's nothing wrong with that). But if you asked me, it's wrong of them to judge you on your preferences when you give no judgment to theirs. I'm not saying that addiction doesn't exist or it isn't bad, but people need to realize that getting "high" isn't all that awful compared to some other choices. When I tell acquaintances that I enjoy opioids and marijuana occasionally they look at me like I'm gonna rape and murder them sometimes. We shouldn't have to feel bad because we enjoy something that doesn't fit with the social "norm". Another thing that really pisses me off is when people say: "Oh drugs are bad because they're just a crutch!" What the hell?!? Don't crutches help people walk? Yes, it's true that we can throw the crutches away when we can stand on two legs again, but who's to say when that will be when referring to a philosophical life situation? Anyway, my point is: drugs can be ok in moderation accompanied with strong will power. Don't get you panties in a bunch when your best friend "Tom" takes pills for fun sometimes. Until you see "Tom" actually suck a d*** for some Vicodin, then leave him be. After all, we're all just hurtling through life towards our deaths anyway right? People who are intelligent enough are going to accomplish things in life with or without drugs.
Hi Everyone,
I recently had around 15 of my films stolen. I do not know when it happened but there were other meds stolen too, I was told by a friend to go to the police and notify all my Doctors. When it came to the Suboxone Dr., I was told by reception that he would not replace thme and they are going to either give me a warning or release me!. I did not ask to be resupplied because there is a huge sign that medcine will not be replaced. I was acting on coutesy and the police told me I should contact the prescribers for all the prescription meds. I was in the office crying because I just went to give the report and ask them how I should go about dealing with the next few weeks, and to knowif there would be bad withdrawals etc. They said I have a 50 50 chance of being releasesd because they were stolen and therefore must not have been in a locl box. They were but I do admit that it may have been inlocked. I usually lock it but how wlse could anyone get in?I do not know if it was someone who came in to pick up their kids or some broke in when we weren't home. But I am scared to be released. I am sacared about how the next few weeks are going tio be like. I have less than half than what I should have. Later that day when I was at the dr office, he called me. He said do not panic. Just to take a hlaf a day and a whole every 3 days. He said one thing at a time about the release issue. I don't waant to be kicked. I think its a good sign he called me, right? I just celebrated a year off of street drugs and prescriptions. I do not want to go back to that life. I am scared.
Lucy, how are you making out? I hope ok. I had my whole bottle stolen and ive been in bed for a week now. My 4 year old was brought in by a neighbor bc she was playing in the street by herself. Idk what else to do. Can anyone help?
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