Mexican Medication Ardosons Capsules


Can my 12 year old boy take Ardosons capsules? He twisted his ankle and it's swelled. Pls let me know.

2 Replies

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Hi Rosa,

Because the ingredients found in Ardosons are given by prescription-only here in the US, I can only recommend that you contact a doctor who can evaluate your son's condition in person and make an appropriate decision after reviewing his medical records and other pertinent details that may influence the course of treatment.

I understand that in Mexico these types of medications have looser restrictions than the US, but to ensure your child's safety I think it would be worth your while to seek out a professional opinion.

Just for your own information, the active ingredients found in Ardosons are: Indomethacin (which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) + Betamethasone (which is a steroid class medication) + Methocarbamol (which is a muscle relaxant).

I hope this helps!

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