Metoprolol Causing Problems
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I started taking metoprolol 25mg. Half in morning and half at night.3 weeks ago for tachycardia brought on by anxiety, ekg normal, chest xray normal, cbc normal, last couple of days i wake up at night to my heart pounding and sometimes a chest pain that comes and then is gone just that fast, i woke up and checked my resting pulse to be up to 115 to 120, then goes back down after a few minutes,bp normal. kind of scary why would this be happening, also went to hospital a week ago for stomach pains, did a ct scan with contrast and was told i was constipated. could this be related? never had this problem before, and no treatment is helping it. please let me know.

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I ended up having to switch off of them, after trying several and being miserable with them all.

I finally ended up on Labetalol, which is similar, but actually a mixed alpha/beta blocker and it's known to cause far fewer side effects than the straight beta blockers.

Its typical side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, dizziness and dry mouth.

If you really think your issues are due to the Metoprolol, then you should tell your doctor that you'd like to try something else.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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I have had some of the same problems with beta-blockers. What did your doctor do for you?

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Yes i have consulted with my gp.she says its stomach pains ate intense too.

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Hello, Karen! How are you doing?

There is a chance it may be related, anything that can cause pressure on your vagus nerve could result in chest pain and elevated heart rate. The elevated rate could also be due to your sudden wake up with the chest pain startling/scaring you. However, only your doctor can give you a definitive answer to this.

Metoprolol is classified by the FDA as beta blocker and they are problematic for some people, many end up having to switch off of them. I have never been able to tolerate straight beta blockers myself.

Other side effects you may experience could possibly include nausea, headache, stomach pain and hypotension.

Have you consulted your PCP?

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