Methadone Detox Using Suboxone
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Yes !!! I was on 120 mg. - 180mg of methadone daily for 18 years and didn't thinkI I would ever be off methadone, but 24mg of soboxone did me good with little side effect or withdrawal. I did it in rehab and the fact is you have to be determined and dedicated. Suboxone/Subutex iwas developed in, I believe, France years ago and has been usrd succissfully in Europe for years being accepted by the FDA in 2003. Go for it. Wishing you the best.
4 Replies
Re: Maliah88 (# 3)
I’m right there with you! I’m in a deep depression all of a sudden. I guess it’s part of Methadone withdrawals and being on subs for 2 weeks. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I have no support, whatsoever. I’m afraid to even vent to anyone because I’m a nice guy and people have used and abused me and I just can’t take it no more. No suicidal thought at all. Just not transferring smoothly as usual from the Methadone. I can’t find a stable dose. Every morning is ok but 5 hours later depression and cravings hit a Maximum. I’m in a rut, but dammit, I’m gonna get out of it one way or the other. I think it’s the Methadone withdrawals. My 1st transer was not nearly as bad. That was 10 years ago. So, I’m also older. I work every night and good while I work. He dose wears off within an 8 hour period and makes me feel like I’m going all through it again, which is depressing. Idk, but I’m on 10-12 mgs of subs last few days. I don’t know what to do next, but I’ll be doing.
I'm on 16mg suboxone and this is day 2. I was on methadone for over 15 years. How long will I feel pain? I still don't feel well. Has anyone been on methadone for many years and switched to suboxone? If so, how long did it take for the suboxone to start working?
Thanks for the words of encouragement Amanda and Twinn! I know everyone's situation may be different but I just wanted to share a few related discussion threads here pertaining to other patient experiences coming off of methadone, in hopes that readers will be able to develop a well-rounded opinion from multiple patients undergoing a similar cause:
1. Discuss/coming-off-methadone-175745.htm
2. Discuss/Quitting-methadone-284054.htm
3. Discuss/Life-after-methadone-258345.htm
4. Discuss/Methadone-Detox-at-the-end-272449.htm
5. Discuss/methadone-188699.htm
If anyone else has more specific details to add from their own personal experience I'm sure your story will only serve to help others who might think they're alone in feeling a certain way during this sensitive yet challenging process. I wish good luck to each and every person out there striving to overcome it.
Hi to everyone who are wanting off methadone!!! I do not believe I could of progressed successfully without these FORUMS and SUBOXONE! I was in the METHADONE PRISON STATE OF MIND! I was on 210mgs.of methadone daily for 3yrs.with the prescription of four 1mg.xanax daily for 2yrs.well I woke up one day,remembering the reason I was on methadone was for maintenance.Well it took took me to go down from 210mgs to 170mgs in 6months.and I was still trying to find out how I was going to become drug free from the two without hurting myself and i was abusing the methadone orally and sometimes the xanax too.So I finally got tired of hurting my family and myself and if I was going to hurt myself then it should be in a better way so I stopped using 170mgs methadone on a Sunday and stopped the xanax on that following Wednesday and went to the doctor on that following Friday and started Zubsolve (buprenorphine+naloxone) and it was bad! so I had to stay on this for 2wks.and it was difficult but I survived through the 2wks without suicidal thoughts that was my biggest threat of withdrawal that I'm afraid of because i have been very suicidal since a teenager.So the doctor put me on Suboxone film 20mgs a day and I am fine now after 7wks of HELL! but I am making the best out of my recovery! It felt as if I had been a bad car wreck and I thought I was going to go back to the methadone several times because I was running out of meds. but I now see a counselor and it helps more to talk to someone who understands or just knowing they're wanting to understand so they can help you through this! I am wanting people to know that if your wanting to get of the methadone no matter where your at in life JUST DO IT! YOU WILL GAIN MORE THAN WHAT YOU'VE LOSS but if your stabled on the methadone and are not abusing it in any kind of way thats putting you or someone in danger then I would stay with the methadone,because its very difficult to adjust to another medication thats not a full blocker but also keep in mind its possible,I can't tell you how I just feel better all over,because that would ruin the surprise when you do fully recover and I'm still not fully recovered yet,I have fault the need and the want for methadone and the xanax's but I'm putting my addiction in a place where that I will not have to worry about addiction ruining my life ever again and to get to that place, I have to keep positive all times in everything I do even, the mistakes I do while in recovery! I have learned to place my anger in good habits like cleaning or walking other than taking it out other people because it hearts and its heartbreaking for me because I never knew nor understood why drug addiction was so bad,because my addiction had me like blind folded inside.I will stop here and know everythings possible at all time if your willing and ready to start a life of being OPIATE FREE! I am continue to remain on Suboxone until my body and mind is ready to become Opiate free.when i do I will be greatly to inform you more ways to help.Thanks for giving me a chance to help us and if anyone has beat the accomplished this process Please let us know if your reading,how you done it,because it would help alot of persons who gotten this far in recovery Thanks very much!!!
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