Coming Off Methadone
Updatedpray alot,it will work,any thing you put your mind too and praying helps alot
6 Replies
i just thought that i should tell u that u shouldnt be giving advice to ppl addicted to methadone if ur gonna say pray...methadone is a opiate and i dont know if you know what an opiate which is what herion, morhpine, pure percocets, oxycontin, roxycontin, and other extremely strong pain killers are...and if you know anything about opiats is that they are extremelly addictive and not mind they are physically addictive...ppl die from the withdrawls so please before give advice know what you are talking about!!!!!!!
Wow, jumped down her throat there. I'm sure she assumed that her advice would be given in general knowledge that no one is going to come off their medication lickity split and hop on their knee's. Praying, from an non-theism p.o.v. is kind of like diet meditation. Having the mind relaxed and praying with powerful thoughts and positive visions immediately affects your hormones, and not just every organ in your body, but EVERY inch of you that is connected to the old gray matter. If you need to hear it soulreaperi, your absolutely correct. In my own opinion, anyone who would forgo medical expertise for any faith based treatment is nutty and probably going to die. However, noone can deny the power of the mind, and there are many who would say the same of prayer and faith.
Coming off Methadone is very difficult but not impossible by any means. I was addicted to it and several other opiates for seven years.
I would suggest that you try and get into a detox center that will keep you for about seven days. If you want to go to rehab then check in to that as well.
If you are like me and want to avoid the rehab then here is some advice:
Tell your friends or family members what is going on so that they can check on you several times a day for about seven days just to make sure that you do not go into a seizure or anything like that.
Drink lots and lots of fluids because you will be sweating a lot.
Take tylenol or bc powders for the aches and pain that you will have.
You will need to constantly remind yourself why you are doing this because you will have moments of pure agony.
If you believe in a higher power I do suggest that you pray to it and keep yourself spiritually fed.
I promise that it does get better with time. It is so worth it!
This drug is dangerous and could easily kill you if you are abusing it.
Don't let this drug take your life.
Keep your friends and family around you for support.
Cry when you need to, scream when you need to, laugh even when it hurts.
You CAN do this.
Dear Kimberly, I agree with u. Prayer works miracles. With God, nothing is impossible!
Hi I'm weaning off methadone to switch to Suboxen looking for someone to chat with who no s what I'm going through
I have been on methadone fore 4 years going up and down from 125mg to 50mg I quit cold turkey it's been 10 days now the shakes and chills are gone but I want to cut my legs off they are so sore. But whoever said you can die doesn't know what they are talking about it may feel like your dying but your not you have to go through then suffer i know it sucks but you will be fine if anything try taking anxiety meds to take the edge off I did it doesn't totally help but it's better than nothing. You'll be fine
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