Methadone And Morphine Together (Page 8)
I was in a situation recently where my Clinic wasnt open one Saturday because of weather and went too the hospital and they prescribed 60mg er every 12 hours along with clonidine and it seemed to work fine. Didn't feel perfect but wasn't sick or unable to function.
I was on methadone for 4 years and as of 3 weeks ago i am finally off. I started with 40mgs and by the time i said i dont want to die from this i got down to 2.5 with no withdrawals but couldnt sleep but maybe 1 hour every 2 days. I took about 4 days worth of restoril and got sleep but also when i quit I had restless legs and stomach. I post here all the time and you can see what progress i had to go thru. Methadone saved my life from a prescribed 30 mgs oxy to lortabs all prescribed but there was a time i was taking 12 oxy 30s a day so whoever prescribes anyone methadone 20 mgs is way more than enough in my opinion because your right it builds up times 3. I tried to quit on 30 mgs, almost had a heart attack at work and if u take oxys too you get constipation and it can kill you to quit cold turkey.
Only when methadone dose is 40mg or more does it cancel out other opiates
If you are trying to cold turkey 130 meth. You won't sleep well for 30 days!
It was 2 months for me.suks but wasnt sik.was at 5mgs a day from 40mgs for 4 years
When I was in the hospital for a severe stomach bleed and pain from that, but couldn't take my methadone 150mg daily dose (due to bleeding), the doctor TOLD me the conversion rate is 500mg of morphine spread out over 24 hours, given every two hours, FOR 150mg of methadone. THAT IS THE CONVERSION rate.
But HE, being a country bumpkin, small town doctor that he was, trying desperately to avoid a legal suit and because doctors are terrified to OVER MEDICATE a patient on narcotics due to respiratory depressions "not breathing" (which is NOT a problem or remote possibility for high level methadone patients) HE only gave me 10 mg every two hours to start, so it was only 120mg (over 24 hours) of morphine at first.. I WENT INTO SEVERE WITHDRAWALS. and was in soooo much pain i was screaming. He doubled it to 20mg of morphine every two hours and the withdrawals let up a fraction but i was still in withdrawals, nose running, legs cramping.... and they had to give me a high dose of benzos TO KNOCK ME OUT COLD, because I was screaming in pain for hours. (which they shouldn't even be doing with pain meds, ESPECIALLY METHADONE but THAT was what the on call Dr. decided). As soon as the benzos wore off the normal ICU doctor had my 150mg dose waiting to be taken, in two doses to prevent too much damage to my stomach, but they didn't even try after that first night of HELL with morphine.
Had they actually given me what the medical journal he read said he should....which would have roughly been 40mg (41.6mg to be exact) of morphine every two hours INSTEAD of one daily dose of 150mg of methadone, I think i would have been out of pain for the most part, or at least back to NORMAL as far as NO withdrawal symptoms. You do the math for your dose, lol. But that's what I was specifically told by a ICU physician AFTER he went and looked it up.
I couldn't imagine what u had to go through. I've been on this thread for awhile and i had a back injury from work for 17 years now but the doc i went to was a nice doc that you could tell him anything you were taking and he'd prescribe it. I was taking up to 300 mgs of oxycodone and in the last 13 years, 2 days was all i could go without the full blown withdrawals. I was prescribed 60 mgs of methadone when i got tired of it but only took 20 mgs at first and it worked wonders. I got up to 30 mgs and stayed at it but one day i tried to get off of that cold turkey even though i had 100 pills reserved. I almost had a heart attack when constipation tried to come out. I went to a pain clinic because i dont think the doc wanted me dying on him even though i never abused methadone. I finally got down to 5 mgs. It's not hard from 20mgs, but i've helped addicts in my family get off drugs with as little as 60 mgs methadone over 4 days, so i don't know why docs prescribe so much from my years of personal experience. The only thing was for 1 to 2 months I couldn't sleep great, but was never sick.
It takes 80 at first then it builds up over time it stores in your bones body fat and bone marrow
Right on! It isn't a blocker.Just adheres to the opioid receptors requiring more opiates to feel the effect!
How much Did she take see I only took ten miligrams of morphine and then two or three hours later took 20 miligrams of methodone
Hi, my gf is tapering off methadone for opiode addiction and I'm concerned is using morphine or other drugs again. She has been suffering from nausea, restless leg, trouble staying asleep and sweating...she was in detox and has been pissing clean for awhile now is able to carry 6 days of methadone only doing drug panels every 6 weeks. Yesterday came back with pin point eyes, slurred speech, poor coordination and elated and confused and nodding before dosing her methadone. I found green pills that I think said n 15 on them. Please someone tell me if they think she is using other opioids again or if this is a sign of methadone tapering? She is insisting she is not using and I'm scared. She is on 38 mg methadone, tapering 2 mg per week.
I'm on 90ml of methadone. Is it safe to use morphine patches while on methadone? I am in a lot of pain after an accident and was wondering if the patches would help?
Re: Nuggs (# 152)
I always thought that methadone would block opiates. As far as feeling high it will block the euphoria, but to kill the pain it might if it doesn't kill you for doing both. I've seen methadone addicts waste a lot of money taking opiates on top of their methadone.
Re: yellowtail (# 4)
Methadone is nowhere near as strong as morphine as I used to take morphine and now I have been clean for 4 years but still trying to get off methadone. It's the most evil drug of them all. I've been on methadone for 17 years and even when you're off it takes 29 days to get out of your body.
Re: licensetospill (# 5)
The OP is not taking it recreationally! Herein lies the problem of why those of us who are in severe pain, and need our pain meds, cannot get them now because the insurance cos. are using the "opioid crisis" as an excuse to save money. The OP is taking the meds for CANCER, not to feel high and therefore, it is NOT a waste. Thanks to comments like yours and people like that, it is very difficult, if not impossible to get insurance to cover our meds. THANKS!
Re: John (# 1)
Wrong... methadone doesn't block morphine...that's subutex or naltrexone..the body when ingesting methadone converts it to diamorphine... Basically, that's what he's been prescribed...I do think it's a bit weird tho, when methadone is usually a replacement for opiate addiction... But then again methadone tablets called physeptone are the same drug but not prescribed for opiate addiction, are for pain... If anything he should have been prescribed that. Either way they all work the same. But it will be easier to stop when it comes to it...a small amount of 2 drugs is easier to come off than a big dose of one... Hope this helps.
Re: Bobutz (# 144)
If not longer, then you won't be the same person you were before you got on methadone.
Adubb (# 22) what language r u speaking because u make no sense
Re: cynthia (# 8)
What do you mean by "feel it?" If you've been prescribed morphine with methadone then that is for pain. Your concern is better spent at understanding the equivelncy of morphine per mg is to methadone is per mg in the abilities of both to prevent pain. If you want to know how much to take to feel it, then you are using for reacreation and not how it is prescribed.
Methadone prevents other pain medications from working properly. That doctor is crazy.
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