Methadone And Morphine Together (Page 2)
I use to take oxy 30s 10 a day until i got tired or running out and being scared of withdrawls.a year and a half ago my doc put me on methadone 2x2 a day i stuck with 2 only a day and got my life back try to stay on low doses and doc gave me 2 oxy 15 a dau for breakthru.i never hav gptten sick like coming off oxys like ive done before and ive gone 3 days without anything and only gotten hot flashes and some sweating but its nothing like oxy withdrawls.on my next vacation im gonna go down to 1 a day and try to keep going lower my buddy got off it from clinic after he got to 5 mgs a day.but i think if i had strong support i could quit everything but too scared to try longer since i work and support 5 kids and a wife.i got started on pills cuz of back injury at work.
I completely agree with me this message im finishing up four years at 110mg at a methadone clinic and i highly agree with trying your best to stay away from tge methadone unless you plan on a hard ride of on be on it for the rest of your days please take this advise!
He can do it cuz thats what my friend said just discormfort hot and cold flashes beat the hell out of full withdrawls.ive done it from 4 a day to 2 a day last year and this year going to one a day.u just need to keep going slow.goodluck
You are the first person I have ever heard tell that story since a frined of mine told me about Hitler using it in WW2 about 15 yrs ago. I have been on and off of methadone for many years due to chronic pain and just recently started to take small doses again in between my morphine, but I am sweating like I am in with drawl so I looked it up and so your post. Just had to say kudos for ppl with a brain! So many ppl think Methadone is strictly for H addicts and when I tell them the chemical name is Morphine/Dolphine they act like Im the dumb ass. I am terminally ill and methadone has been the most effective medicine for my pain unfortunately the government has cut the legal dose in my state so low and your tolerance to dones becomes very high very fast I cannot get the doses I used to be on 180mgs a day so now Im back on the MS contin, but Im stil wondering why it seems my blood level is dropping faster off the morphine and I get all sweaty and achy much faster then before I started back on the methadone....Booya back at ya :)
I have been on methadone 150 mgs a day for 5 years now.. My husband got mad at me and took my box with my weeks worth of meds in it.. I cannot go back til Sunday and I haven't had anything for almost 4 days now.. I have 2 200 mg morphine pills in my cabinet and all I'm wondering is will I feel it if I take one?? I just gotta get through 4 more days til I can go back to the clinic.. I read that if u don't IV it will be wasted but I always thought morphine was the one med that could breakthrough the blocked effect of methadone.. Please help I'm feeling absolutely terrible physically and just beat down mentally.. I need a divorce and some relief....
I'm currently on a taper off of methadone; down to 49mgs from 120mgs, I'm on it for treatment of fentanyl and meperidine abuse. As the doseage got lower I started experiencing severe pain in the back of my mouth. I guess years of "gumming" fentanyl and methadone rotted some of my molars. Dentist wouldn't prescribe me lain relief because I did the honest thing and told her about being on methadone. However my meth doctor prescribed me 10mg morphine sulfate every 4 hours. I did get a sense of well being from the 10. But wondering hkw much would be "safe" to take to get that euphoric feeling with the 49mgs of meth?
Itsbso hard to get 30 s in vegas except from walgreen and there the worse to i hav two friends this.pain specialist who sends them to a pharmacy that componds them capsules.i hav no problems getting 15s from cvs even.tho pay out of pocket but i guess its better then searching thw city which.never.has here in vegas.ill put the docs and the compound pharmacy whem i.het the info from my friend goodluck
What should I do,if I still withdrawel after takiñg 30mg.of morphin? For the record I used 100mg.of I just run out metadon because,my doctor said were be able until next year...great now I feel like in hell may be worst then hell..
I'm still on methadone and I feel withdrawl from the morphine after a few hours. I don't f***ing get it.
It takes hours and certain doses to counter the withdrawls.for me it took 4 within 6 hours to not fel sick off oxys then took two every 12 hours
@CAS what kind of an a**hole would take someone's meds away? I could understand if they weren't prescribed to you and you were only using it to get f***ed up. But methadone I take it was your treatment for addiction so it's absolutely wrong to take that away from you. Wish you the best of luck. I'm not one to intrude on strangers marital issues, but I'd suggest ditching the husband cuz he clearly isn't looking out for your best interests, considering you're contemplating using opiates for the withdrawl rather than using them for what they were intended for. I don't know what your meth doctor is like but you should've went and told him what happened. They should be able to tell you haven't been taking it from a u.a. Cuz I know my doctor would write me a script for the stolen carries. I accidentally left my carries and safe on the subway. He gave me a script to replace the 6 carries after we made a police report. So good luck, if it happens again go back to the clinic and hopefully you got a caring doctor.
Idk why docs give so much methadones because i use to take oxys 30s for 3 years and only went thru withdrawls twice and i abused them alot when i hit rock bottom and decided my family cant see me like this no more i trired to back track and take lortabs but after that much posion the devil doesnt want to let go.took 8 tabs in 4 hours was still sick so i had a bottle of methadone the doc gave me i was scared cuz of all the bad things i hear that are i took two 10 mgs pills and after two days and a couple of hours of being sick it all went away. if you look at methadone as something that's not gonna make u feel high, which it dont after first 3 days, u can take 2 every day cuz it builds up in ur liver so it regulates a certain amount daily to u so u can start to bring doses down quick. I've been taking for a year and a half cuz i took pain pills for a back injury so dones help as a pain pill sub and gave me my life back.every year im droping half a pill and hopefully b off em for good but oxy withdrawls are the most sicking thing ive ever gone thru ive been like 3 days off dones sumtimes and juat get hot cold flashes no vomit or s***s or suisidal thoughts.hit me up and i can give u all kinds of advise but be warned u take it at ur own risk im just telling how methadones saved my life family job etc
No It does not block the pain killing part in the morphine,it does however block any kind of mental high.
Exactly. Just that it's much stronger than the morphine. However I did have a pretty good buzz yesterday. Along with the Statex my doctor prescribed me MS-Contin. So the Statex is now fir breakthrough pain. So I took that, took 6 tablets of Statex and ripped another 2. Then on top if it all when I started getting a fuzzy feeling I pack a gram of hydro into my bowl and bam first time having an opiate buzz in 19 months, that's when I went off the fentanyl and onto the methadone.
I need to get off this liquid methadone. It's invented my German wwII era possibly nazi scientists. Ruins your receptors forever and runs you into a zombie. Worst part is the methadone wears off if I fall asleep or after 12 hours . I'm on 74mg now. I started weening off months ago from 120mg and thats because I was told that I had to find my stable dose and I kept going up and got sick of standin in line for 3 hours to take what might as well be dimetap cuz it only keeps me from getting sick but I'm not functional. I'm perscribed Klonipin and adderal. Im always tired even when I took two of my 20mg adderals I couldn't stay awake enough to drive. I lay in bed and moan all day, try not to fall asleep on the way to the clinic 30 min away and for about 4 hours of the day I feel functional enough to do laundry and take a shower, eat, and look for a doctor. Then I take my klonipin some Benadryl and Tylenol pm to fall asleep. I'm 26 and I have chronic pain and chronic restless leg synsdrome terrible dread and social anxiety. I'm bi polar I have candida and a problem with gettin toxins out of my body. I've skipped the clinic for two days at the most and with most of my medical issues it felt like I was standing on train tracks waitin for the withdrawl train to take me aboard via head on collision and then derail in slo motion forever as normal time ticked by. This thought makes my anxiety worse cuz it leads to me thinking about hell and here I am in hell or i got one hell of a life to survive. My QUESTION is do any doctors recognize the problem with weening off methadone especially for those with chronic pain? And ibe tried to find methadone pill form on the street so I can ween off the liquid extended release fast by going down 5mg a week and taking 2 or 3 10mg pills spread out every 4 hours in the evening and one with one adderal to get up and make it to the clinic the next day. I can't find enough methadones to do this. I'll need atleast 50 or 60 cuz when I'm off the methadone I'm gonna take 2 or 3 pills a day for 3 days then go a day without anything and switch to suboxone at another doctor. But maybe there's a doctor I can do this weeningnoff method with or a clinic that does it cuz methadone is worse then H and it's more profitable. F***in bastards. I want to watch them die.
Hi Debra, I am sorry to hear of your husbands cancer. As far as the doctor mixing Methadone and Morphine, more and more doctors are doing this. Methadone and Morphine potentate each other. What doctors consider one of the most important aspects of administering the two together is that for some reason it reduces the tolerance level of the opioid. Please see the study at the website:
That should explain some of the questions you have. I myself have had surgery and the administration of both drugs made my recovery go smoothly and I had no withdrawals. I hope this helps. Oh by the way, I am also a doctor, and you really should not listen to every one who claims to know everything simply because they have used drugs, or read a PDR, or the FDA Prescription requirments of some opiates. Hope this helps, JEff
Does everybody knows how long we have to take off methadone? what the different with H if i have to taking this drug for rest of my life?HoW CAN I STOP UsING THiS METhaDONE? is that any med of that,to really stop using any drugs ? Cmon half of my life I take this med...and so f***in tired..if i could get back to my 15 yr old me, i would kick her ass for doing H & SLAP HER STUPID FACE TOO..& just say: look what you have done to me, you ruin my future live. big thx for you babe..
Hello. My dr is no longer. Need new pain man dr. On methadone. However never had to go to a mdone clinic. Really just want a good understanding primary care dr in vegas that will give me my same dosage ( total of 160mg a day)
PLEASE help ASAP if u know of any dr w/compassion. Thank u!!!
Hi i take ativa sertralin and hydramorphon but my pain is so bad can i take a small dose of methadone the hydromorphone is only 2 mg and its not stopping the pain
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