Little Round Yellow Pill With A Single L On One Side
Updatedreally small creamy yellow, round the letter L on one side
what is a small round pale yellow pill with the captial letter L on it?
If it's about the size of an Aspirin tablet, one of the low dose ones, then there's a good chance that's what this is.
There are several on the market that are yellow and use an L, though they are each slightly different, but they all contain 81mgs of Aspirin, the dosage that's used for heart health and blood thinning.
Right now, just doing a general search for a yellow pill with the L imprint, I've found 3 different Aspirin tablets that fit.
Is that possibly what it is?
What is a yellow round pill with a L engraved on it. Its not a black L just engraved
Small round yellow pill, blank on one side capital L on the other. The L is engraved but has no color. I cant find this anywhere.
Same here. Small cream yellow round tablet with the letter L engraved in it. I only found results with the black letter L. There is no color in the L
I found some little round pills marked with an L. What ate they?
They could possibly be a vitamin. You can always call poison control as well. Tell them you found them on your kid or something and need to know what they are.
Man this messes with me bad !!! All these people finding little yellow pills with L imprint on one side !!! Somebody dropped their whole bottle of these !!! Lmao im out of aspirin and my chest hurts alot but nobodys sure on the WHOLE web what these are! Somebody Please give me an answer Quick because I won't take it if its NOT ASPIRIN!!!
Walgreens 81mg chewable aspirin are small, yellowish tablets engraved with a capital L. Thanks to those who suggested aspirin as the culprit.
Why not just go buy another bottle of baby aspirin? It would take you less time than waiting for someone to reply! That could be days!
What is it?? L engraved on side, pale yellow, small circle
Please don't do this. Poison centers take calls about children ingesting pill seriously. Just be honest and ask them what it is.
Very small round tablet pill with small letter L on one side IS low dose aspirin.
Hi, an sorry if I've come on here wrong but couldn't see how to, lol . Anyway, . I have a Very Small Yellow Round but bother sides have little humps Luke a small hill both sides, . It's the same size as a small 2 Medium norm watch Battery & 1 Side is The L same as u all BUT there's a - on the Other like a Minus sine, . An I ant Got a Tube of Glue what it is but I had it put away Quit Good so I mugshot new what it was once, lol . But I'm hopping its a pain killer but a Strong 1, . Of even some kind of Relaxent to help me drop off cus as u can see From the time I Havent/dont sleep good Full Stop an found this Digging around my flat but it's a defo Leagle tab by how it's made so please let know if u can help, . Nice 1, . DAY . !
They are low dose Aspirin 81mg made by Signature Care and sold in Jewel Osco. It is for minor aches and pains.
They are definitely adult low dose 81 mg asprins. (Nsaids)
The small pill with an L is 81mg aspirin. Now the mystery is solved
Omg I am looking for same thing. The L has no color just stamped into the one side
This little yellow pill is 81 mg of aspirin both have the letter L engraved on it. it maybe colored black or maybe just the color the of the pill both are the same pill.
I what has a capital L on one side and the number 1 on other side?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: bryan (# 3)
The pill is a low dose aspirin, I have hundreds of them, it’s the first thing all doctors prescribe now, the magic of aspirin and the heart.
Re: H Bomb (# 1)
What is the small round pill with a capital l on one side it is yellow
Re: Mrpharmacist (# 17)
No mystery solved. Everyone knows that. One L engraved, one colored black
Re: Domego (# 30)
Thank you very much for your reply. And, no, you haven't come across as rude and/or base, etc. at all. Actually, you come across as a very informed and thoughtful person. I regret to hear about your husband. I hope that you are getting along well yourself. I, too, take many prescription medications. I'm 56 y/o, and retired from the healthcare field due to numerous physical injuries, and deep burn-out. Paramedic and ER RN for 25 years. Anyway, thank you for your Post.
Re: Karilla (# 10)
Cause it’s nice to engage on the internet
Re: Only me (# 14)
Definately not aspirin, I have so I was given by doctor for car accident I was in.They are not for pain so must be muscle relaxer but I don't know for sure. I want to know also I need a muscle relaxer right now for my neck
Re: H Bomb (# 1)
What is a little yellow round pill with just one L on one side only
Re: bryan (# 3)
It is a low dose aspirin of 81mg. If you go to eBay and type in:
Aspirin EC 81mg TAB 120 CT
It should bring it up and it does show a picture of both sides. There is nothing on one side and the letter L engraved on the other side, not colored black. We have the same pill here at my house. My husband takes it for his heart.
Not to parrot everyone else too much, but very important, you should really call Poison Control if you are that concerned. If you take as a prescription, you should call your pharmacy and ask.
On any prescription written by a provider, when it is filled in a pharmacy, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) mandates a physical description of the drug must be included in the prescription information. It can usually be found on the package itself, but if not, must be in the literature provided with the prescription. It just depends on where your pharmacy gets it’s supply as to what your description is. I check the prescriptions as they come in. My husband has had four different types/brands of aspirin sent as a prescription. Markings are:
Pill #1: Round, yellow, blank on one side, L on second side. The L has no additional color, it is just an imprint and yellow. (NDC 57896-983)
Pill #2: Round, yellow, blank on one side, raised heart on the second side. The heart has no additional color, it is just raised and yellow.
NDC: 0182-1061
Pill #3: Round, yellow, 121 on one side, the letter P underneath a caret ^ on the second side. The caret is also called and A on some pill description sites. It is bigger and the P is capitalized but sits inside the caret.
NDC: 0536-3086
We received a fourth pill once:
Pill #4: Round, yellow, blank on one side, A1 on the second side. This IS NOT aspirin. This is Zolpidem Tartrate Extended Release. It is 12.5 mg and is often used to treat insomnia. I know because, as it turns out, I take it for my insomnia.
We called the pharmacy and they replaced the order and we disposed of it by giving it to the local pharmacy we use since most of our prescriptions (including the aspirin) are sent through mail-order.
Just as a point of reference, no, I am not a provider. Nor do I work in the medical or pharmaceutical fields. I do, however, receive quite a number of prescriptions monthly (nearly 30 between the two of us), so am vigilant about checking as they can have serious interactions with other medications or ailments. I cannot afford to have a wrong prescription as I have many drug allergies. My husband has had two massive heart attacks, so I am equally as vigilant with his.
Tone cannot be conveyed in a letter, but I am not trying to be rude, arrogant, flip, blasé or anything like that. I am merely trying to be informative and helpful. Hope this is the information you seek and is useful.
Very Respectfully,
Re: H Bomb (# 1)
Also trying to find this out. 21 on one side & L on other side
Re: irakyew (# 6)
I found small round pill with L on it. Whats is it used for?
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