I know what they are: They are Loser Pills for pill poppers. How about we call it Lost Pills because when you take two, two hours later you may be lost....Especially that they all have just a little larva and little pellets of plastic inside them (that was real) and they’re made and manufactured in everyone’s favorite healthy swatting country China, but I can save ya the trouble of going to the store to buy larva and plastic pellet pills (aka Aspirin chewables, aka RX aka Chinese dogs*** recipe)!
It should bring it up and it does show a picture of both sides. There is nothing on one side and the letter L engraved on the other side, not colored black. We have the same pill here at my house. My husband takes it for his heart.
Not to parrot everyone else too much, but very important, you should really call Poison Control if you are that concerned. If you take as a prescription, you should call your pharmacy and ask.
On any prescription written by a provider, when it is filled in a pharmacy, the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) mandates a physical description of the drug must be included in the prescription information. It can usually be found on the package itself, but if not, must be in the literature provided with the prescription. It just depends on where your pharmacy gets it’s supply as to what your description is. I check the prescriptions as they come in. My husband has had four different types/brands of aspirin sent as a prescription. Markings are:
Pill #1: Round, yellow, blank on one side, L on second side. The L has no additional color, it is just an imprint and yellow. (NDC 57896-983)
Pill #3: Round, yellow, 121 on one side, the letter P underneath a caret ^ on the second side. The caret is also called and A on some pill description sites. It is bigger and the P is capitalized but sits inside the caret.
Pill #4: Round, yellow, blank on one side, A1 on the second side. This IS NOT aspirin. This is Zolpidem Tartrate Extended Release. It is 12.5 mg and is often used to treat insomnia. I know because, as it turns out, I take it for my insomnia.
We called the pharmacy and they replaced the order and we disposed of it by giving it to the local pharmacy we use since most of our prescriptions (including the aspirin) are sent through mail-order.
Just as a point of reference, no, I am not a provider. Nor do I work in the medical or pharmaceutical fields. I do, however, receive quite a number of prescriptions monthly (nearly 30 between the two of us), so am vigilant about checking as they can have serious interactions with other medications or ailments. I cannot afford to have a wrong prescription as I have many drug allergies. My husband has had two massive heart attacks, so I am equally as vigilant with his.
Tone cannot be conveyed in a letter, but I am not trying to be rude, arrogant, flip, blasé or anything like that. I am merely trying to be informative and helpful. Hope this is the information you seek and is useful.
Very Respectfully,
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Brandy Says:
Re: H Bomb (# 1)
What is a little yellow round pill with just one L on one side only
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Max Says:
Re: Only me (# 14)
Definately not aspirin, I have so I was given by doctor for car accident I was in.They are not for pain so must be muscle relaxer but I don't know for sure. I want to know also I need a muscle relaxer right now for my neck
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Axiom Says:
Re: Karilla (# 10)
Cause it’s nice to engage on the internet
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brespectful1967 Says:
Re: Domego (# 30)
Thank you very much for your reply. And, no, you haven't come across as rude and/or base, etc. at all. Actually, you come across as a very informed and thoughtful person. I regret to hear about your husband. I hope that you are getting along well yourself. I, too, take many prescription medications. I'm 56 y/o, and retired from the healthcare field due to numerous physical injuries, and deep burn-out. Paramedic and ER RN for 25 years. Anyway, thank you for your Post.
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Me Says:
Re: Mrpharmacist (# 17)
No mystery solved. Everyone knows that. One L engraved, one colored black
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Max Says:
Re: H Bomb (# 1)
What is the small round pill with a capital l on one side it is yellow
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Tim Says:
Re: bryan (# 3)
The pill is a low dose aspirin, I have hundreds of them, it’s the first thing all doctors prescribe now, the magic of aspirin and the heart.