Lamictal And Smoking Majiuana (Top voted first)
UpdatedI wanted to see if anyone can tell me the known side effects with smoking majiuana and taking lamictal, if any. I have been trying to get info on this for about 2 months and can not seem to get anything back on it. Of course my doctor and counselor says tht it is not good to do ANY drugs...but I have to be honest, I smoke and dont plan on I would like to know what to expect when these two are combined. Thank you and I would love to hear a responce about this. By the way, I do not smoke alone so I need to know what to expect so I can educate my husband. Thank you again, Leilani
I take lamictal for a seizures and bipolar II- the lamictal was a recent add-on, and I have been a day, heavy pot smoker for years- quitting my precious babygirl maryjane was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but the truth is that all our chemistries are different, and when I increased my lamictal and smoked a bowl simultaneously to taking my morning dose that day, I had a grand mal seizure- it was my first- previously I'd only had complex partials- i did some research and found that this is quite common, simply due to the fact that mj and lamictal simply work to stop seizures through an OPPOSITE neurological mechanism- therefore, for some ppl, these opposing mechanisms cause too much neural conflict an result in a grand mal seizure ( I am of course explaining this in non medical terms, lol)- therefore, yes, mj can interact with your medication- and in this case, for me, two positives equaled a negative- I miss my maryjane dearly, but obviously I can't risk anymore grand mal seizures.... Mary Jane, however, got me through YEARS of pre- lamictal seizure and bipolar prevention- so this is no anti- pot campaign- it's just a plea to always inform yourself- and not be blinded by propaganda on either side of the fence! :)
I have just recently starting taking this medication for a siezure disorder and i have continued to smoke about a blunt a day and it doesnt really effect me any different then before i began taking the meds. i dont smoke week because im depressed or anything i jus enjoy the feeling of calmness. so i say keep smokin that good GREEN! =]
Its also prescribed an anti-convulsant, which is why I take it, for epilepsy. 100% fact. I have never had a seizure while taking lamictal, since day one. I am soOO fortunate 5 yrs now seizure free. and have continued to enjoy my daily smoke and toke. Thanks to lamictal I live a normal and smoke and drink socially without the anxiety of having that oh so familiar (((("Aura")))) before i fish out and wake up and throw up. Seizures suck and HURT. Thank you lamictal, my friends, mary jane, and all of the people who created all of these things to enjoy. =)
BULL,I take lamictal myself and I have spoken to my own doctor and he personally told me in his office, "there really is no conclusive evidence that marijuana causes seizures, really anything can be a trigger, lack of sleep, stress, loud noises, falls, hunger, blood sugar or salt content, etc etc etc." Smoke all you want, just TAKE your LAMICTAL.
is this your site??? if so disregard what I am about to write however, if you're using my site and its not, then you can stop judging other people, and what is abuse to you, is legal in other states. Also you do not know if she is "abusing" marijuana , you're making an assumption and when you assume, well. you know what that makes you! I came here because my child with add/spd is on lamictal, and may be getting on the moreno (sp?) pill the THC pill, It has little side effects and is much more natural then say one of the drugs currently being sued for causing boys to grow breasts. So before you judge, which wow people think they can do this why? why don't you try and get all of the facts or better yet, shut it and just answer the question or leave!! (to everyone else please forgive the typos, i get a bit flustered when nameless faceless people think they have they need to their morals onto others and are probably hypocrites in the first place!)
Maryjane is a natural drug. I dont care what anybody says it does nothing to your brain or body besides make you lazy and want to eat. I smoked for years and graduated college at the top of my class at 34 yrs old so I'm living proof all the crap you see on tv is pure bull. I've been on all kinds of meds while I was smoking and had no affects. All I can say is keep on smokin.
Heck yeah SHELBELL; I have been on lamictal for 5 years now. I was smoking for 4 years before lamictal and have been taking it since it was prescribed to me in 2006. NEVER ANY COMPLICATIONS. However, what WILL have an adverse affect is if you stop taking your lamictal abruptly. NEVER DO THIS. NEVER TRY TO QUIT LAMICTAL ON YOUR OWN. Smoke all you want though =)
I am having a bad reaction when smoking while taking lamichtal. Always feel spaced, tired and stoned.
Just to add, so you do know for sure, there aren't any interactions with Marijuana and prescription meds, so there is no danger.
smoke weed all you want, weed dosnt effect anything what so ever, if anything weed helps obviously. but weed with any medication what so ever is fine. smoking crack or doing herione some b.s. like that though i wouldnt recomend
Verwon: How can you say that maryjay has no interaction with prescription meds at all? I've read about ppl who are on several prescription meds at the same time and they get all screwd up when smoking.
Yes and No - as many people have noted, marijuana doesn't "interact" with prescription medicines and it is not a "dangerous" combination. But from personal experience - if your doctor is prescribing lamictal for bipolar they are trying to control your overall mood, reduce mania and/or depressive symptoms. Marijuana also affects your mood. So it can be hard to tell if a drug is working if you're high all the time! If you're high only occasionally, the mood change it causes could make you kind of manic - but it all depends on how weed affects you.
You are very welcome, just so you are aware that this site does not condone its use, however, you will be safe.
Contrary to the propaganda put out by the Just Say No and the Anti-Drug campaigns, it does not react with most meds at all, other than sometimes to enhance the high or drowsiness, but it will not cause serious adverse effects, or overdose.
If you think about, you will realize that is why so many people would like to see it legalized for medical usage, and why so many patients with Glaucoma and Cancer want to use it, they can relax and ease their pain, without worrying about unwanted side effects or interactions with other meds.
I am currently smoking weed on lamictal with no problems, the weed gets rid of my mania, without it im always hypo/manic
I'm on lamotrogine for a form of epilepsy not depression or bipolar.. and I dont know if its safe or not. ?
I have sat in a extremely hotboxed tent and got high that way before and had no reaction, other than being very baked...
I have also had a few tokes, but I dont know how safe a whole one is?
Do ur research - lamictal isnt prescribed for depression. Its a mood stabilizer. Its prescribed for bipolar disorder.
Ive been on LAMICTAL. on a few months and i smoke weed. it helps me with my manic episodes and helps me to sleep. i find its the only way to help me relax and stop my racing thoughts. also it has stopped my anxiety,
Lamictal is actually an anti-seizure med and cannabis also has been known to prevent seizures. So unless you are abruptly stopping your lamictal without tapering, this BS about both together can cause seizures is very much unlikely true. I've never heard of it happening to anyone. Cannabis is a natural plant. Much like all the herbal supplements you can buy at your local drug stores,etc. Most of those un-FDA evaluated & approved supplements can actually be much more dangerous. Exspecially when self prescribed and taken with pres prescription drugs. The whole "Marijauna is a horrible drug" thing is just another lie/scam to make the pharmeceutical companies, the alcohol industry and the government millions, if not billions of dollars. They would much rather you take their extremly overpriced meds than smoke weed. God forbid it might cut into their profits! Its all a scare tactic and absolutely NOT the truth!!! Smoke & be Happy!!
P.S. the chance of u being given or sold laced pot is slim to nothing. Cannabis is PERFECT & BEAUTIFUL naturally!! No drug dealer who is trying to make money is going to cut into his profits by spending money on extra "stuff" to add to or put on Bud. The idea is slightly ridiculous to me. Been smoking since for over 24 years, pretty much on a daily basis and I've never once encountered laced weed. Just some REALLY good BUD. different strains better than others. Doesnt mean its laced. Also I take Lamictal 150mg a day & 20mg of Lexapro.... plus all the Nugs I can get my hands on ;) No problems here. Don't be scared of the green! If anything be scared of all those prescription bottles filled with all those little "Happy" pills!!
I can tell you that ive been on lamictal for 14 yrs i was diagnosed with epilepsy when i was 12yrs old, and i can tell you for a fact that there are no side effects when smoking pot, in fact they sell medical pot for epilepsy..Oh and again pot isnt illegal anymore. My doctor is 3rd in her field and told me flat out that its not harmful to you to smoke pot and take this drug, anyone that tells you other wise doesnt know anything about this drug, when it first came out i was a ginni pig and i have my license, i work, i was able to have kids and yeah trust me ppl think they know and
I take the following meds AND I use MJ on an hourly basis:
Sertraline / Zoloft 75mg
Lamictal / Lamictin / Lamotrigine 25mg-50mg-75mg
Pur-Bloka 10mg
Solian 50mg
Dormonoct 2mg (Loprasolaam)
Topalex 25mg
And I must say that I have no negative affects, apart from an increased libido ;) and one hell of an appetite.
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