Kvk Tech Oxycodone 30 Mg (Page 3)
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Regarding KVK Tech oxycodone 30mg / K-9...Garbage! I have serious pain from two separate problems. Bottom line is Walgreens switched from Activis to KVK recently and I noticed the difference within one day, pain waking me more than usual and early withdrawal sensations. I should add that I don't misuse or abuse, all I want is pain relief. I'm fed up with fighting every step of the way to manage my pain (resulting from injuries sustained as a firefighter/medic and a connective tissue disease) Thanks to the war on drugs and so many people overdosing, the government has the doctors and pharmacies all running scared, etc.. So people who are legit and truly suffering every day are screwed. Seems like they forgot about us. I wish these people AND the addicts/abusers could feel what chronic pain is like.... 24/7! Avoid this KV if you have real pain issues and are prescribed 30 mg oxy.

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Marathon Row
Thank you for the info. I have been so frustrated over this KVK Tech mess and the pharmacies ripping us off. Not just that, the fact that the pills don't stop pain, and have such horrible side effects.
An employee of Walgreens told me that they paid "pennies" for these poison pills, but I don't think that savings is being passed on to my insurance company when I get stuck with KVK. I do know that they were not cheaper for me, in fact more expensive than the others, when I was paying out of pocket.
If you get any more figures, I would be greatly interested in what you find out. I would think it's illegal to charge insurance companies as much or more than a decent medication, especially when we the patient are being made to pay the price for the corporate greed.
Safeway and Kroger got a huge deal from KVK also. So they making "a killing" also. I would be greatly interested in knowing how many other pharmacy chains are doing the same horrible thing to their customers.

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kvk 15 mg 8k is the worst med. I have ever taken. First, pain patients undergo major scrutiny to simply get their legal prescription filled for pain. Walgreen has an internal policy which you can view, posted by a former Walgreen employee. After waiting 5 days to get it filled, I ended up with this low grade KVK oxycodone which does not control the pain. Moreover, the side effects of early withdrawal feeling, sweating, then freezing..agitation, and itching is unbelievable. I did a little research on the cost of different oxycodone that is listed by Purdue for Vermont pain patients which the legislature made a requirement to be posted. KVK tech's oxycodone costs 75% less than Purdue's. 100 cost $189.00 whereas Purdue's 100 15 mg oxycodone cost $489.00. So you can see...Walgreen gets what it paid for, yet patients are made to suffer. I am going to check how much Walgreen charged my insurance company. Dispensing low quality meds. to unsuspecting patients is unethical. They claim it is the same thing...if it was there would not be such price disparity. I am not sure what we can do collectively to get quality meds. dispensed on time without hassle.

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The pharmacies here told me that I was the only one complaining, Liars. They also told me that they are getting a great deal on the price of KVK Tech products is why they are buying them. All kidding aside, they finally admitted that almost every one of their customers complains and has horrible side effects from the KVK brand oxycodone. I'm convienced that it's the filler/buffer that the use. It doesn't transmit the opiate to your central nervous system, so therefore no pain relief, but you still have the opiate in your body. Danger of that is that lots of people have taken more pills thinking that they would work if they took more. I'm really interested to know how many people have had an OD because of this horrible medication. The list of side effects, not just no pain relief, is horrible and I had almost every one of them. I drive my 70 miles gladly, so that I don't have to put that poison in my body.

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Well....Thank goodness. .someone else knows that KVK Oxycodone is ZERO!!!! Nothing seriously!! I knew something just wasn't right when I was still in pain and my nose started running a lot. Now I'm going through withdrawals... yet taking my meds as prescribed. Happy to know it's not just me. This really pisses me off!! And there's nothing I can do about it until next month. Tylenol works better than that crap!! Yeah...and I so agree with you guys. ...we're paying for nothing! Someone is making a killing off of us because I get the 15 mg and there might be 5 mg in them. Now I'm getting sick. My chronic pain issue is not a joke! This is not funny. Well.....I'm calling the pharmacy in the morning to tell them what they are putting me through. At least get it off my mind. And then Monday I'm calling my doctor. This happened last month too but I just Suffered through it. Yeah and this is a " mom and pop country drug store". What can they do ? At least they'll know I'm pissed. Oh I am pissed!! 3 more damn weeks of that Baby aspirin...and lots of pain. They got that money so they probably don't even care. Seems like they'd take what's left and give me something real. I take opana too...brand though so it's real but I still need my instant release meds. I will surely ask in the future and go to ....wherever ...to avoid KVK Tech Oxycodone. Pitiful excuse for medication. I hope they fail big time for this mistake.

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Well....Thank goodness. ..I knew something just wasn't right when I was still in pain and my nose started running a lot. Now I'm going through withdrawals... yet taking my meds as prescribed. Happy to know it's not just me. This really pisses me off!! And there's nothing I can do about it until next month. Tylenol works better than that crap!! Yeah...and I so agree with you guys. ...we're paying for nothing! Someone is making a killing off of us because I get the 15 mg and there might be 5 mg in them. Now I'm getting sick. My chronic pain issue is not a joke! This is not funny. Well.....I'm calling the pharmacy in the morning to tell them what they are putting me through. At least get it off my mind. And then Monday I'm calling my doctor. This happened last month too but I just Suffered through it. Yeah and this is a " mom and pop country drug store". What can they do ? At least they'll know I'm pissed. Oh I am pissed!! 3 more damn weeks of that Baby aspirin...and lots of pain. They got that money so they probably don't even care. Seems like they'd take what's left and give me something real. I take opana too...brand though so it's real but I still need my instant release meds. I will surely ask in the future and go to ....wherever ...to avoid KVK Tech Oxycodone. Pitiful excuse for medication. I hope they fail big time for this mistake.

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KVK Tech products are worse medication I have ever taken in my entire life. I drive my 70 mile trip every month so that I have a choice in what I purchase to put into my body. If I had the money I would put on a TV ad to let everyone know how bad their products are.

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I am so sorry that you are having such pain and aren't able to get proper medical treatment. I'm afraid that is a situation that is becoming more common every week. It doesn't seem to matter that we are legit patients with very real pain, it's just getting where no one wants to take the risk of treating us.
The government agencies are the cause of this problem. They are making the rules too difficult for doctors and pharmacies, and they did that in the hopes that would happen is exactly what is happening. We can not get the medical care that we need.
We are working with a nice lady named Marianne who has a petition to try to get some of the lawmakers on our side.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2000 and I have bad back etc. etc. etc. I really do feel for you. I was prescribed Lyrica, but it was one of the most worthless drugs for fibromyalgia that I have ever taken. Lyrica wasn't made in the first place to treat fibromyalgia, it's because it doesn't seem to work for anything else, that they are marketing it for fibro now.
Have you ever tried it? Let me know if it does help for you.

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Malencrotch is prob 3 rd on my list, I've only tried 4 in a search for a pharm that don't try to change the Drs orders, some do that. For me, qualitest at cvs is prob best then malencrotch ( i know, there's no crotch) but stay away from actavis and KVK, if you get stuck ask about a mail order pharmacy, never know.. Good luck

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Try the quail test (generic) brand at cvs..I've had both the ones you have and I believe that qualitest is better...just a bit of help

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Im taking the Neurontin for my pain, 100mg x 90 for 30 days, I have taking it for 6 months and it is doing nothing for my pain, I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, My Doc gave ME the LYRICA, My INSURANCE WOULDNT COVER IT AT ALL AND THE PHARMACY TOLD ME I HAD TO PAY $400-$500 bUCKS FOR IT, I DONT WORK, OR HAVE ANY INCOME AT ALL PERIOD, ALSO I have Disc Bulging in my lower back (LUMBAR REGION) but this was only seen on X-RAYS, my back MRI was NOT DONE DO TO MY LAME F***ING INSURANCE telling me I have to do 6 WEEKS of Physical Therapy before my MRI would be covered, WHAT F***ING BULLS***!!!, My Doctor WILL NOT GIVE ME ANY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES PERIOID, ANYTHING I HAVE TAKEN DOES NOT WORK, I also take Amiltryptaline, which still does nothing for my pain or help me sleep at all, still, I NEED HELP TO GET PAIN RELIEFE, ANY WAY POSSIBLE, My Doctor even gave me referrals to Pain Management even Spine Speciallists, and I have had 3 SEPERATE REFFERALS to these SPECIALLISTS, Not ONE OF THEM WOULD ACCEPT ME AT ALL WITH NO REASON AS TO WHY, OK WTF?????? WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP F***ING SUFFERING, REALLY I WANT TO JUST DIE MOST DAYS I FEEL SO BAD FATIGE, PAIN, SLEEPING PROBLEMS PAIN WEAKNESS ECT. I live in Northern Kentucky, close to Cincinnati. I AM OUT OF OPTIONS???

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I would definitely stay with the small pharmacy that has another brand, rather than the KVK Tech. I've said it loud about what garbage I find their oxycodone to be. It absolutely doesn't work in controlling my pain and I have horrible side effects. I make a 70 mile trip to an independent pharmacy where I can purchase something other than KVK Tech. Good luck, let me know what you decide.

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What is happening? I suffer from chronic pain as well. I just got off the phone with a rep at Walgreens. I am trying to find a manufacturer of oxyir 30's. I was doing ok with Qualitest then my pharm. went with carosco or something of the likes. I am suffering,and do not want them again. Walgreens say kvk tech,uh oh. I've been reading and everyone says trash. My small town pharmacy has Mallinkrodt',shall I stay there?" I want meds that work! Nothing like carasco.What shall I do',anyone !"

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Kev in NC
YEAH !! The independent pharmacy had ZyGenerics brand for me today, so I didn't have to drive in search of another pharmacy.

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Kev in NC
WOW I sent you four replies last night. Only two showed up this morning and they were the last two I sent. Weird what order stuff shows up.

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Kev in NC
4th post of the day LOL
Mallincrodt and ZyGenerics also manufacture oxycodone and the price was at the $100 range. Can your pharmacy get either of these brands? Also could you ask which brand the $1000 one is? Never heard of such a thing.

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Kev in NC
Last post today LOL I have found that none of the pharmacies want to tell you what brands they carry, unless like you said, you are there with prescription in hand. Which is really a pain in the butt for me with such a long drive. One told me that they don't want to discuss it, because of the fear of robbery. Since when would a criminal only rob your pharmacy because you carry a particular brand, didn't know criminals were so particular about what brands they steal LOL

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Kev in NC,
I don't know which pharmacy you use, but the three that are within 25 mile radius of me are all part of corporations. Walgreens, Safeway and City Market (which is Kroger). We do have a Walmart, but they don't carry much of anything and keep saying they can't order any because of the "drug abuse". There's all sorts of manufacturers that make oxycodone and I'm not sure which brand your pharmacy is saying is non generic and is so expensive, what do they mean by which one is "name brand"?

All three of these pharmacies have told me that they aren't allowed to order any other brand than what corporate has decided that they will carry. Walgreens and Safeway both told me that KVK Tech gave their corporation a huge discount on the price of their oxycodone, that it was "pennies on the pill" and that they had purchased millions from KVK Tech and until that supply is gone, there will be no other oxycodone available through their pharmacy. They only good part was both places explained that I could go to an independently owned pharmacy which isn't required to carry what corporate decides and that does have the freedom to carry or to order another manufacturer for me.

That means I make a 70 mile trip to an independent pharmacy. Which worked for me for several months, then this past month they stuck the KVK Tech pills in on me. OMG I am so tired of this saga. Tomorrow is "prescription saga" day for me. I am going to that independent pharmacy first and fill my Opana and see if they were able to get oxy from a different supplier. If they only have KVK Tech, then I'm not going to fill my prescription there. I will drive 10 miles further to another independent pharmacy and fill it there.
After I do that, when I get back to our local town where my doctor's office is, I will have to stop and update my pharmacy information which is part of my drug contract. Then I have to go through all the explaining to the girl there, why I am changing pharmacies AGAIN and why I don't have all my medications at one place.

Also, I'm not sure that your pharmacy is being honest about "no one else" having a problem with KVK Tech products. I don't think they like to admit that so many people are complaining and that they are ignoring the complaints. I hope you do fill out the complaint area of the FDA website that I gave you in my last post. I think if they receive enough complaints they will take some time to look this situation over.
I'm not sure since the FDA allows the +/- of 20% on medications active portion, if KVK Tech is running at the - 20% of the actual pain reliever or if the problem is with the buffer/filler that they use. I believe that the problem is with the buffer/filler which transmits the pain reliever to your CNS. The pills are as hard as rocks and coated so thickly, I don't believe that they are releasing the medication quickly enough to be of any benefit or to even reach your CNS, hence no pain relief.

I believe that whatever they are using to create such a hard surface is the portion of the pill that is "poison" and makes me so sick. When I filled my prescription at the end of July, the pharmacy gave me 102 of "good" working pills, put a piece of cotton in the bottle and gave me 18 KVK Tech pills LOL. I still have the 18 pills as I can't take them without getting sick. I am going to offer 17 of those pills back to them, cause I want one left to show to my doctor at my next appointment. I want him to understand why I am changing pharmacies every few months. I'm also not sure what the "big" deal is with changing pharmacies because the computer tells them exactly when I last filled a prescription for a narcotic, what exactly it was, exactly the date, exactly how many, so what does it matter who fills the next prescription, as long as it has been the required 30 days and I'm not trying to "pull a fast one" by going early?

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Kev in NC,
First let me give you this. fda.gov website, select Report a Problem, then select Begin Report as: Consumer/Patient

If enough people would report the problem with KVK Tech, perhaps the FDA would take a look at the problem. I know that just me reporting, didn't do anything LOL

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I have asked my pharmacist to change from the KVK and they say they have no choice in what they get from their supplier. It seems that they could have a say. They also don't believe me when I tell them of my experiences and also what I have read on here. They think I am crazy. I asked for name brand and it was over $1,000 for my monthly refill compared to $170 generic. That is totally uncalled for since I am a cash customer with no insurance. Who do you write too?? Other drug stores wont tell me what brand they carry unless I have a script to hand them. And with the doctor I go to you have to stay at the same drug store with all meds. We need a place to write our concerns to and no one will help with that. If anyone knows please share!

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Lumbar disaster, Bob, Kev in NC
Hope all of you are doing well.
Well, the Opana is now getting a little too sedating for me, I was enjoying the extra sleep, but it's getting to be a little too much extra sleep LOL.
Time for the "fill my prescription for the breakthrough oxycodone" saga again.

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