Kvk Tech Oxycodone 30 Mg (Page 2)
UpdatedRegarding KVK Tech oxycodone 30mg / K-9...Garbage! I have serious pain from two separate problems. Bottom line is Walgreens switched from Activis to KVK recently and I noticed the difference within one day, pain waking me more than usual and early withdrawal sensations. I should add that I don't misuse or abuse, all I want is pain relief. I'm fed up with fighting every step of the way to manage my pain (resulting from injuries sustained as a firefighter/medic and a connective tissue disease) Thanks to the war on drugs and so many people overdosing, the government has the doctors and pharmacies all running scared, etc.. So people who are legit and truly suffering every day are screwed. Seems like they forgot about us. I wish these people AND the addicts/abusers could feel what chronic pain is like.... 24/7! Avoid this KV if you have real pain issues and are prescribed 30 mg oxy.
Lumbar disaster, Hi. Did you reach a decision about starting the Enbrel? How are you doing with stopping the prednisone? What's the relationship with doctors and pharmaceutical sales people? My other half is diabetic and just started a new drug that his doctor said the sales person was pushing and we would give it a try. Are doctors getting football tickets for prescribing new drugs? LOL
Lumbar disaster, I was having trouble understanding the difference in the words generic and substitute when talking with the insurance company. The Oxymorphone that I was given, may be a substitute not generic for Opana, and that's why they won't pay for it again. You are probably right that Opana doesn't have a generic. I've been taking the "real" Opana for several days now and it's really hard for me to believe, but I actually feel even better. But I am having sleep issues, big time. I am so sleepy but when I do sleep, there's really vivid dreams and not sleeping over an hour or so at a time (again LOL), but that could be my FM.
Lumbar disaster, Sept of 2011 I started with an irregular heartbeat. Is that arrhythmia? I'm irregular in the upper chambers. That's why I take the Metoprolol. I used an at home monitor then I had a stress test at the cardiology specialist, but as I couldn't run on the tread mill fast enough or long enough for the pictures they wanted, they gave me medicine that causes your heart to react as if you're running. The Metoprolol has (except for 1 brand) kept me beating regular and feeling OK. I'm going to give this some attention now, because I'm tired of the brand being switched constantly. I don't see the need in constant change with the brand of my medications. Especially now that I'm aware that there is such a huge percentage of legal difference between brands.
Lumbar disaster, I ask so many questions at once, I know it's an eye full LOL Did you have any input on the word "moderate" when used with arthritis? As part of my pain management the doctor had planned for me to start with low impact exercise at a gym this month. After the xrays he said for me to stay away from the gym. Pool and walking only. He thought that I may do further damage even with low impact exercise.
I got a Pedometer yesterday, cause I had read that the ideal goal is walking 10,000 steps a day LOL. First I'm going to establish a baseline of where I am now, and then see what I can add without putting myself in bed for days at a time. My right leg has been giving me fits all week and I didn't do anything that could cause it. Can't decide if it's a muscle or what, but the calf is making me miserable. Everyone around me must get tired of me, it seems as if every other week I have something new that's hurting.
Have you found over the years that just as one thing is under control and you learn to live with it, that something else begins hurting? I do wonder if I fell into a big vat of "sissy sauce" LOL
Lumbar disaster, not sissy sauce, its a bloSusod clot
Lumbar disaster, sorry blood clot
I have been out of service for about 10 days due to prednisone withdrawal / adrenal insufficiency and the hell that comes with it. Stupid doctors who insisted " I would need the damn drug for life" have now reversed that and insist that I stop using it ! Not because of bad lab results or any problem other than my NOT starting a biologic (Enbrel) or methotrexate. Depending on when and where a doctor has been educated seems to determine how they feel about tapering that poison (when prescribed they never mentioned the damage it can do to one adrenals .... just risk of infection and lesser side effects) Did I say that I hate doctors ?
The problem is that after a period of time the adrenals stop producing hormones that are vital to life and it can take certain people many months or longer to taper VERY slowly and these two a**holes insist that I can just step down in a few weeks. Mind you this is not opiate withdrawal type symptoms. We are talking everything from blood pressure to just pure weakness and exhaustion. Complete inability to cope with physical or mental stress. Twice now I have nearly landed in the ER and most would have.... I just know the symptoms and managed it myself.
Also I have suddenly developed severe GI problems including bleeding and symptoms of gallstones. Perhaps the point should be that ALL medications are toxic and the fewer you take the better. I truly believe our diets, activity levels and stress play a huge role in many of these problems we face and healing. Chemicals are not the answer, at least not taken for long term in many conditions and they just compound problems.
You mentioned sleeping a lot but poorly. Opana is very sedating for most people and these conditions we have talked about such as fibro are known to cause sleep issues or lack of. My sleep is very fragmented after about 4 hours (pain starts it)even if I take medication the sleep is poor quality. Tell that to a doctor ? Have a sleep study and then comes a prescription for another pill such as Lunesta !
It seems like doctors are either seeing too many patients and can't be bothered beyond your 20 mins and therefore put little thought into your issue OR they have become prescription writing robots ! Most don't even look at the drug interactions they might be causing, I see that all the time and when I question them they shrug their shoulders or get pissed off because they now have to take time and look it up. As for the Enbrel ? This month he completely forgot about it and was pushing methotrexate
GOOD Luck to ya !
Hi Bob, Hope you are through the predisone withdrawal and that whatever side effects are left, leave you shortly. Been fighting a new one for the past several weeks, blood clot, it says DVT? I did a 5 day Enoxaparin 100 mg series of shots, along with 5mg Warfarin. That didn't thin my blood so had to do a 2nd series of Enoxaparin for 7 days. Last INR blood prick showed that my blood got thicker instead of thinner, so my Warfarin mgs were increased. The pain has lighten some the past two days, still can't stand 5 minutes on my leg, but am up and around a little today. This doctor is a partner of my regular doc, and she said that I can expect the pain to ease after my blood thins, and the clot begins to dissolve. As we can't seem to get my blood to thin, I guess I will never dissolve the clot LOL. The ultra sound showed this blood clot starts in a deep vein in my calf and goes all the way past the mid point of my thigh. I always thought something that large was called a blockage, not a clot. Oh well, guess it doesn't matter what they call it.
Hi Bob, I know I don't understand what biologics are? What puts them in a class apart from other medications? As suggested, I've been paying close attention to the warnings about the different medications on the TV ads. Enbrel sounds extremely risky. Are the benefits shown to be significantly greater than the risks? Or is this another, they really don't know as it hasn't been on the market long enough? What's the difference between Enbrel and methotrexate? Big difference or just copy cats of each other?
I agree. 30mg KVK is like taking a baby chewable for a migraine. I live in a small town & found a pharmacy that had different generic but they wouldn't sell to me unless they dropped customers. It makes no sense. I have some days where you take hour by hour. Kvk is junk.
Hi Cissy, Boy do I ever believe that KVK Tech products are junk. Worse pills I have ever taken. I live in a rural area near a small town, so have little choice in pharmacies. I checked in the nearest larger city and found two pharmacies that sell other products and don't even carry the KVK products. It's 70 miles for me, but worth every mile I drive. Be careful how many of the KVK pills you take, even though they don't help with the pain, you could end up with too much medicine in your system and OD or something. Taking more of them didn't help me anyway, cause they just don't work.
I have read all these messages and I thought I was the only person with all these problems. When my pharmacy changed the Oxycodone 30mg I was taking I knew something was different. It didn't stop the pain as it had in the past. My bladder seems to be always full and hurts but when I go only a few drops of urine. The battles of daily hot flashes, cold sweats are brutal. I have talked to my pharmacist and he says that when he puts in an order that they just say what they need and the supplier decides what they actually get. He also told me that manufacturers can only sell a set amount of drugs each year so when they reach that amount the supplier will get another brand. They can however order brand name drugs but of course they cost 10 times the amount of a generic drug. I just got lucky this time and they gave me the bottle they came in and that is how I found they came from KVK-Tech. He had been telling me they were from Mellincot (spelling) which I didn't think was correct since they had changed in appearance. I cant wait until they sell their allotment is sold so I can get back to the pain relief I was used too. The bladder issues, daily headaches, muscle spasms, severe cramps and other added body aches caused by this so called pain reliever compounded by the real problems I have are taking their toll on me. I sure don't need the added "side effects" they have caused. My doctor took me off the pain patch I was on for years with the Oxy that I guess covered the added side effects because of the SCARE from the DEA that he claims has put a limit on what a patient can take in one day! I don't believe that for one second especially coming from a pain management clinic. I have spoken with other doctors at pain management clinics and they all say they haven't been given these new rules. They have asked they get rid of the ones that don't really need the pain meds and you are right, the bad apples are hurting the ones that do need the meds. The streets are full of illegal scripts and they seem to get more than what I can and sell to pay their bills. It is a messed up system for sure. If anyone can confirm that the DEA has told this I would like to hear it from someone other than my doctor who is scared to death of them.
Kev in NC, Oh boy!! I thought that may be the problem was starting to fix itself with the KVK Tech products, but certainly isn't !!! Live in a rural area in CO where I have been driving 70 miles to purchase a product other than the KVK Tech. Today, one of the independent pharmacies that I did find, and I have been getting "real" oxy there for 4 months, surprise only has the KVK Tech products this month. I had even put on my drug allergies that I can not take KVK Tech products, he's sorry but that's all the supplier would provide this month. KVK Tech products are many times less expensive than the other oxycodone and that's why their corporate office purchased them. He "hopes" to have a different brand by September, because I am most certainly not the only customer with a problem with the KVK Tech products. Over the past couple years I have heard about every excuse in the book as to why KVK Tech products are being forced on me. The only excuse that has rang true is the huge profit margin that is being made on this product. This month I have finally gotten control of the bladder problems that KVK caused and now I am going to be faced with the whole situation all over again. Several months ago, Walgreens and Safeway were finally honest enough to tell me that they would not be getting any other brands, as long as KVK Tech continues to undercut the price as they have done. Walgreens and Safeway also told me that they have already purchased millions of these "poison pills" that nearly every customer complains about.
Kev in NC, I'm feeling sad about the KVK Tech situation. The problem I had getting a "real" pain reliever today and then I read your post, which at least lets me know that I'm not alone with this problem. I don't know that I have in it me, to fight this much longer. The pain, and all that goes with my conditions, and then in June I added a huge blood clot to deal with also, is really wearing me down. I'm going to try calling all the other independent pharmacies and see if I can find one that doesn't carry the "poison" KVK Tech drugs, if not, I am going to make an appointment with my doctor, and discuss alternative drugs to the oxycodone for breakthrough pain. I have a wonderful ER 20 mg, but really depend heavily on the oxycodone for the breakthrough pain.
All the excuses given about "drug abuse" are nothing but excuses. If the DEA really wanted to shut the abuse down, they would start with the huge pill mills that push pills on the cash office visit only, purchase pills on the spot new patient operations, that DEA themselves feature on the anti-drug programs on TV. I really believe the problem starts at the FDA, with them allowing such a "fudge factor" in medication effectiveness. Lumbar disaster and a few others explained to me about this legal fudge factor, and I find it horrible. This "fudge factor" is even allowed in my heart medication. The nationwide pharmacies know about the problem and probably knew long before most of us. They should have questioned immediately what the problem with KVK products are, with the price of KVK Tech being so much lower. Just a side note, the info I receive monthly on what my insurance company is paying doesn't seem to reflect that huge price savings the pharmacies are getting. Before having insurance, I wasn't saving any out of pocket either when I was sold the inferior KVK product. I approached the problem by placing complaints with the pharmacies, which did no good. FDA doesn't seem to care either. May be complaining to my insurance company is the way to go?
Even if I ask for a different pain med from my doctor, I still don't feel as if I should let this KVK "poison pill" thing drop. It's had too large an impact on my whole life and sounds like it has other people too.
Lumbar disaster, Bob, Kev in NC
Hope all of you are doing well.
Well, the Opana is now getting a little too sedating for me, I was enjoying the extra sleep, but it's getting to be a little too much extra sleep LOL.
Time for the "fill my prescription for the breakthrough oxycodone" saga again.
I have asked my pharmacist to change from the KVK and they say they have no choice in what they get from their supplier. It seems that they could have a say. They also don't believe me when I tell them of my experiences and also what I have read on here. They think I am crazy. I asked for name brand and it was over $1,000 for my monthly refill compared to $170 generic. That is totally uncalled for since I am a cash customer with no insurance. Who do you write too?? Other drug stores wont tell me what brand they carry unless I have a script to hand them. And with the doctor I go to you have to stay at the same drug store with all meds. We need a place to write our concerns to and no one will help with that. If anyone knows please share!
Kev in NC,
First let me give you this. fda.gov website, select Report a Problem, then select Begin Report as: Consumer/Patient
If enough people would report the problem with KVK Tech, perhaps the FDA would take a look at the problem. I know that just me reporting, didn't do anything LOL
Kev in NC,
I don't know which pharmacy you use, but the three that are within 25 mile radius of me are all part of corporations. Walgreens, Safeway and City Market (which is Kroger). We do have a Walmart, but they don't carry much of anything and keep saying they can't order any because of the "drug abuse". There's all sorts of manufacturers that make oxycodone and I'm not sure which brand your pharmacy is saying is non generic and is so expensive, what do they mean by which one is "name brand"?
All three of these pharmacies have told me that they aren't allowed to order any other brand than what corporate has decided that they will carry. Walgreens and Safeway both told me that KVK Tech gave their corporation a huge discount on the price of their oxycodone, that it was "pennies on the pill" and that they had purchased millions from KVK Tech and until that supply is gone, there will be no other oxycodone available through their pharmacy. They only good part was both places explained that I could go to an independently owned pharmacy which isn't required to carry what corporate decides and that does have the freedom to carry or to order another manufacturer for me.
That means I make a 70 mile trip to an independent pharmacy. Which worked for me for several months, then this past month they stuck the KVK Tech pills in on me. OMG I am so tired of this saga. Tomorrow is "prescription saga" day for me. I am going to that independent pharmacy first and fill my Opana and see if they were able to get oxy from a different supplier. If they only have KVK Tech, then I'm not going to fill my prescription there. I will drive 10 miles further to another independent pharmacy and fill it there.
After I do that, when I get back to our local town where my doctor's office is, I will have to stop and update my pharmacy information which is part of my drug contract. Then I have to go through all the explaining to the girl there, why I am changing pharmacies AGAIN and why I don't have all my medications at one place.
Also, I'm not sure that your pharmacy is being honest about "no one else" having a problem with KVK Tech products. I don't think they like to admit that so many people are complaining and that they are ignoring the complaints. I hope you do fill out the complaint area of the FDA website that I gave you in my last post. I think if they receive enough complaints they will take some time to look this situation over.
I'm not sure since the FDA allows the +/- of 20% on medications active portion, if KVK Tech is running at the - 20% of the actual pain reliever or if the problem is with the buffer/filler that they use. I believe that the problem is with the buffer/filler which transmits the pain reliever to your CNS. The pills are as hard as rocks and coated so thickly, I don't believe that they are releasing the medication quickly enough to be of any benefit or to even reach your CNS, hence no pain relief.
I believe that whatever they are using to create such a hard surface is the portion of the pill that is "poison" and makes me so sick. When I filled my prescription at the end of July, the pharmacy gave me 102 of "good" working pills, put a piece of cotton in the bottle and gave me 18 KVK Tech pills LOL. I still have the 18 pills as I can't take them without getting sick. I am going to offer 17 of those pills back to them, cause I want one left to show to my doctor at my next appointment. I want him to understand why I am changing pharmacies every few months. I'm also not sure what the "big" deal is with changing pharmacies because the computer tells them exactly when I last filled a prescription for a narcotic, what exactly it was, exactly the date, exactly how many, so what does it matter who fills the next prescription, as long as it has been the required 30 days and I'm not trying to "pull a fast one" by going early?
Kev in NC
Last post today LOL I have found that none of the pharmacies want to tell you what brands they carry, unless like you said, you are there with prescription in hand. Which is really a pain in the butt for me with such a long drive. One told me that they don't want to discuss it, because of the fear of robbery. Since when would a criminal only rob your pharmacy because you carry a particular brand, didn't know criminals were so particular about what brands they steal LOL
Kev in NC
4th post of the day LOL
Mallincrodt and ZyGenerics also manufacture oxycodone and the price was at the $100 range. Can your pharmacy get either of these brands? Also could you ask which brand the $1000 one is? Never heard of such a thing.
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