Ketoprophen Cyclobenzprine Ointment
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this is a compound made by pharmacies. It has ketoprophen, cyclobenzaprine, gabapentin and lidocaine in an ointment
7 Replies
My mother is 92 and has had neck and head pain for almost a year. Her Dr says it is RA and prescribed Keto, Cyclo, Lido cream. I see in this thread not to use on your neck. Can you tell me why?
Thank you for your response, Verwon. I realize the med is not a cure. What kind of doctor should I see to get a diagnosis? Edie
These ointments will vary, depending on what your doctor orders as the ingredients, they are specially made by the pharmacy to meet those specifications.
Learn more Ketoprofen details here and you can learn more Lidocaine details here and there are more Cyclobenzaprine details here, you can also find more Gabapentin details here and you can learn more Baclofen details here.
Side effects are usually related to their topical use and can include skin irritation, rash and hives.
These creams really aren't a cure all, but they can help with pain that's related to your skin or muscles.
Are there any comments or questions?
Both feet feel as if a hot iron is being held to them. My podiatrist prescribed keto/cyclo/ketal/lido/gaba/baclo. He said it's possible that I have neuropathy or problems caused by my thyroid. I am not a diagnosed diabetic, though I do take meds for hypothyroidism. This sensation began after I bought and wore a pair of Ascic running shoes. Will this med make the pain go away completely? What else can I do? Should I see a neurologist? I'd appreciate any feedback.
According to research this cream is not to be used on the neck, or back!! It is primarily used on the hands, arms, elbows, and knees and thighs.
I have a comment regarding using Ketopro. I have 2 fusions and one artificial disc in my neck and have used Ketopro (or the generic from my pharmacy). I have noticed a dramatic increase in neck pain and headaches if I use this on my neck. I think the Ketopro filters deep and causes some nerve pain so close to my brain. If you experience an increase in pain when you use this on your neck, stop the Ketopro product. My pharmacist did say that over time the area will become saturated with the pain killing effects so I probably shouldn't use this on my neck ... too little too late. Just wanted to pass this on.
I am researching ketoprophen cyclobenzprine ointment and found this forum. I am a chronic pain patient with neck pain and back pain radiating down my left leg and sometimes the right leg. I have had a disc in my neck removed and titanium plates and screws placed in it and have had 2 large cysts removed from my L5-S1 spine. Spine surgery January and July and the neck surgery was March....all 3 surgeries were this year. Any information would be appreciated.
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