Kansas City Mo Pain Medication Prescribers (Page 5)


I am uninsured and have a referral to a pain management clinic, but cannot afford the clinic. I would like to know of any cheap doctors who would prescribe the narcotic pain medication I need to be on in the Kansas City MO area.

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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Toby, I am in the same boat as her, I have no insurance right now, but my back, neck & legs hurt so bad i can't even walk some days my hubby is a disabled vet & i can't work i cant find a dr or clinic that will take me since i have no insurance right now i applied for mo health insurance & my ssi but right now i need to find dr or clinic under $300 a visit so please if you or someone knows where i can go plz tell me i live in st joseph but i dont care how far i would have to go, hubby drives i haven't drove since may cause my pain

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Good luck. Hits hard to find a doc to write for that. I have gone 2 months without.

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L3,4 r completely gone l5 is almost there t2,3 r pinching nerves I have bad hips bad knees

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There aren't any PM docs in the KC area who will prescribe Fentanyl & Oxycodone...if u find one let me know...I called everyone & it was detox or just plain no...I've been at same dose for almost 10 years the PM doc where I was going in KC retired & they wanted to take me off everything(they don't have a local DR there so it was a nurse trying to detox me) Hope u have better luck than me.

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I was dismissed by my doctor who was prescribing quite a bit of narcotics. I have been trying to find a new doctor but I'm having trouble finding one that will even make an appt. For me. I have been on these high doses of meds for 12 years and I'm very sick without them. I am kind of angry that I'm in this position, my Dr. Put me on these high doses and then acts shocked that I have an addiction. Do you have any ideas on where I can go for help.

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Good luck if u can find someone let me know I had to return to my original pain management doctor in Austin, TX

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Curious about getting my scripts filled somewhere that is not expensive.

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Jo, if you have not agreed to get your prescription filled at one particular pharmacy, you can also use Prescription Discount Cards.

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Westport painmanagement is great they will prescribe you what u want

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I just need somewhere that can give me like a weeks supply until I can get back to my place next week. Just hate going through the pain and the withdrawals of being without until then.

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However your prescription won't be covered bc their nurse isn't licensed to write them and there's not a doctor actually present

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At Westport Pain is where your script won't be paid for & is without a Dr.

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Jennifer, look up Addiction Treatment in your area. If you have insurance, you can call your insurance company and ask them for a list of doctos that treat Addiction in your area.

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Jennifer, patient becoming addicted to pain medications is one of the reasons it is difficult to find doctor that will treat pain with opiates now.

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My doc lost his lic. Can i get that info? I busted my back L4 & L5 fused and L2 (burst fracture). It's been unstable for two years. Thanks if u can, but also it's really hard for me because I'm only 33 and take 30 milligram oxycodones five times a day.

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Hi, ever since the cdc put out its opioid guidelines in spring of 2016 it is almost impossible to get pain medication prescribed. The guidelines were directed at primary care physicians and the guidelines even said do not use this at the expense of other patients well-being and quality of life but doctors and other health professionals instead of looking up the guidelines and reading them themselves are going by what they're hearing and it's absolute bullcrap! We do not allow animals to suffer the way we are allowing human beings to suffer with chronic non-malignant pain. We all have to unite and attack because that is what has happened to us. We have been attacked. We have been grouped in with the addicts and that is not in any way shape or form fair. So if they want to attack us then they're going to get an attack back. The problem is so many people feel so badly and have such a low quality of life without their medication that they cannot be proactive but we're going to have to be for anything to change. I wish I could help you but I hope this helps explain it. My best goes out to you as well as thoughts and prayers.

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jeff,, some State Medical Boards put Disciplinary Actions on their website. Some do not. Who told you your doctor lost his medical license ?

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Did u find a pain dr ..I'm in need of a new one also ..any help appreciated. Need 1 who will write scripts for opieds since I've been on for 7 years ..thx

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B.L. I am afraid you are totally incorrect in your information. Studies have proven true chronic pain patients , not drug-seeking addicts rarely become psychologically addicted. Anyone , including a diabetic on insulin is physically dependent. There is a moumental difference, I am in the health care field and if you would actually do real research, not just take what the mainstream media gives you. You will find I am correct. It is statements given off rhe cuff like the one you wrote, that aids in lumping the true CPP and the addict together. Are there drug seekers, does it ever happen( CPP becoming addicted, Yes!) Ironic fact is it is usually what we call pseudo addiction, resulting from the persons chronic pain not being adequately treated. Once it is successfu treated the addictive behavior goes away.Is this always? No! There are instances in which CPP do become addicted. It is NOT THE NORM! So please before making a statement like The reason opioids are not prescribed is because they all become addicted to their pain meds, find the TRUTH, THANK YOU ,HAVE A,GREAT DAY :-)

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I just moved here to kansas after being hit by a car going 55mph as I crossed a highway in california, I have 5 metal rods in me and also can not find a dr. They just all want to take my pain meds away from me. I wake up in so much pain every morning. I can not live this way much longer. I also have had anorexia nervosa for most of my life so inj's. of the weight gain drug steroids is not an option. If you found a dr. or if you even look at this post any more (I noticed the date being 2014 & its 2017 now) please let me know. I can control my pain with regular hydros now but those 2 in the morning literally save my life every morning. Please let me know if you know of a doctor that can help me. Thank you.

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