Is Baclofen The Same Thing As A Soma (Page 7) (Top voted first)


my mom has been taking somas and her doctor changed her meds and she is skeptical of new medicene.

145 Replies (8 Pages)

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Wow; so judgemental. How could these words help anyone?

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You sound like a pompous, self righteous ass. How dare you go on this message board and judge people who you don't even know. You DO NOT know their problems or their life. Some people need certain medications, and when that person knows that the particular medication works then there shouldn't me a problem asking/discussing the possibility of being prescribed that medication. I've been a Physicians assistant for 12 years, and it's refreshing when someone knows what they need to be taking (within reason, and taking into consideration their past medical and prescription history). Don't judge people.

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St8 or whatever you name is, I don't disagree with your statements but just because you can write out from memories your DX with Tx and med's with both generic and label names, makes you sound just as much like a drug seeking PT. Never discount or judge someone like this, you could be the part of a cycle for this person that isn't helpful.....or caring. It sounded rather selfish on your part. I'm sorry for your injuries but most addicts these days begin with genuine DX and pain that can spiral into addiction, don't be one that fails to see the whole picture cause it could one day be you, or it is you today with a well refuresed statement.

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Dear Sk8ter, you have no clue what that person is asking for. I came on here because I couldn't remember the name of my muscle relaxer. You are a jerk. I actually couldn't recall if it was Biaxin which is a antibiotic or another than sounds like it that starts with a B and has an X in it. No, I am not seeking drugs I needed to know the name for my primary Drs appt. Some people are in too much pain to "suck it up" when you have cancer, or every vertebrae deteriorate, or/ well it really doesn't matter. Not everyone is a drughead like you were. BTW, why are you on here if you are not checking on drugs ? And I will be tell you right now, yep I take meds. Because I want to live a somewhat normal life. I want to go out with my friends and do things. And without medication, I couldn't . The very thought of someone telling someone else to suck it up makes me fricking sick . I hope you never have a SERIOUS problem healthwise where you HAVE to take meds.
TO THE REAL PEOPLE ON HERE, I am trying to find out what the name of my muscle relaxer is called. I always call it Biaxin but it is not the real name, this time in my bottle they put methocarbamol. Thank you and appreciate any help you can give .

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If you think doctors "don't hand out oxycontin like candy" you grossly believe you're well informed. Guess you've never lived in Florida... and your 7 years clean bulls*** doesn't make you ANY better than anyone on this forum... This is all just an fyi from me to you. I'm sure you'll have some witty comebacks for me with all of your knowledge I do truly adore.

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I have had a mess since the age of 14 backofen I do not like it Soma is much better for relaxing the muscles and is a stronger medication I used to take it at night prescribed for the Massachusetts General Hospital so they can't be all that bad and if somebody is in severe pain or tightness back of and does nothing that also causes ovarian cysts so there you got your answer from somebody who's been taking medication all her life backofen sucks it's simple as that

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Re: J (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

Soma is the strongest muscle relaxer on the market. Period. End of story. Baclofin may work better for you (and that's great, you're very lucky) but it is not stronger. Hence soma being a schedule IV and now nearly impossible to be prescribed because people who don't need it abuse it.

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Re: drew (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Soma or carsidoprol starts with an s and comes in 350mg and I forgot other dose worked great for me for pain from muscles

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Re: Sk8r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody is harder, more critical, critizin nor quicker to put ourselves on the cross to crucify ourselves faster than we do to ourself. Only God can judge, u either positive reinforcement or part of the problem. Beware, God has a way of humbling us by putting us in that person's shoes to walk a mile and truly understand their struggles. I'm living proof. Love all you.... My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,. Peace, love, freedom & recovery to all you cause u beautiful and highly favored! Muah

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Re: Sk8r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

And you shouldn't be judging people. It's people like u that talk a lot of s***....but it's your kind of people that sell and bring these drugs to America...

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Re: Jean Valjean (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Well said! Thank you from all of us civil, intelligent (and not so smart), well thought out folks! One may or may NOT sound like an addict but the other one definitely sounds like an intolerant, frustrated, aggravated and poorly thought out yo yo!

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Re: courtney (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

But what dosage was your soma compared to baclofen mg? I’ve been on carisoprodol 350mg 1 per day with spasms calmed enough to function with very little drowsiness if any. I’ve also been on low dose oxycodone 10mg, together for years. I had tried almost all other muscle relaxers on the market, but had side effects causing more harm than good. Now, I was switched to baclofen 10mg because this new clinic doesn’t like soma. I’ve just started today and feeling a bit queasy after eating.

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Re: Information Seeker (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for addressing attitude. We’re seeking non biased and neutral advice, not personal judgements.

For me, I just took 5mg baclofen a couple of hours ago. I’m nauseous and suffering severe pain in my upper left quadrant back, going up through my neck. I never experienced this with carisoprodol, which actually helped ease the pain. New Doctor changed me to baclofen because they fear side effects, etc. I have HICP and will need to take pain meds/muscle relaxers for life. So, why do they worry about no existing addiction and change what my former doctor and I finally found what worked?

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Re: Sk8r (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

U sound like a drug addiction, get help man. Your budding.

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Seems you enjoy judging and criticizing everyone that posts here....You sound like a veteran drug addict that got sober for a while and now you troll the comments trying to sound like something you're not.....

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Wow, you're truly angry. Why? That pain has manifested in your mouth. Maybe you've abused the drugs prescribed? I think this site is for information on the drug and it's effect verses another. Not attacking everyone and labeling them. Please be kind as I think most of us are truly in pain and just need more information as to what might work. Hope someone sheds a little love your way!

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Dr's do hand out oxycodone like candy I've had two try to give them to me

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I don't know if anyone mentioned previously, but one of the reasons Soma isn't prescribed any more, for many pain patients, is due to the fact that it turns out that Soma mixed with opioids and benzos is called the "Holy Trinity" of overdose potential..... Given the fact that severe chronic nerve pain often causes anxiety, and muscle cramps/tension/tremors, and that xanax is everywnere, many people die from this Holy Trinity.....

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Re: Sk8r00 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

So your Dr feels you need to be on that massive amount of prescriptions yet you take nothing and condemn those who are seeking info on a particular prescription that allows some of us to walk. No way in hell do you qualify for all those prescriptions based on factual diseases and yet don't take any and can function. Not possible.

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Baclofen is stronger than soma any day n its not a narcotic

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