If Allergic To Opiates, Will I Be Allergic To Suboxone? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am trying to find out if someone allergic to opiates (yet is seeking assistance for opiate addiction) would have a good chance of being allergic to Suboxone/buprenorphine? Technically, suboxone and subutex are classified as narcotics, but being partial does anyone think the same allergy would be triggered?
2 Replies
If they have a genuine allergy to all opiates, then they will most likely also react to this one, there is no way to know for sure, unless they try it, though.
However, one important question to ask is what symptoms did they experience, when they took opiates, that they consider to due to an allergic reaction?
Quite often, the symptoms that many people think mean they are allergic to something, are actually just normal side effects. The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, constipation, and itching.
Is there anyway you can ask them more details?
The client claimed fluid on/in the lungs or chest as an allergic reaction. That is not a typical symptom of anaphylaxis, but I'm not the authority. I was more looking for ways to write up pre-auths so the insurance companies will give the least amount hassle to whatever course of medicine/treatment the doctor decides.
I very much appreciate the assist!
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