Ic Gabapentin 300 Mg Bladder Side Effects (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I take 100 ic gabapentin 3 times/day for sciatica. Now I find that my bladder leaks about once a week which is unnerving. Has this been reported as a side effect?

125 Replies (7 Pages)

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I too have this issue. I currently take 4 x 300 mg twice daily. I have it so bad that i have to sleep with pads on my bed and on myself. I have been battling this for the last year or so...and we have not been able to figure it out as to why this is happening..i see my Dr tomorrow and will be talking to her about this.

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Same here! Been on it 2 months and this just happened to me last night!

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I just started gabapentin I don't have leakage but I do urinate alot more than I ever have in the past. I take 900 mg a day.

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I take gabapentin as well and am experiencing the same bladder leakage

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I have been taking gabapentin 300mg once a day for one month. Now I have started bed wetting. Could it be the cause? Should I stop taking it?

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This has happened to me the other night. While asleep after taking gabapentin, I peed. I woke so scared. It's never happened before

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Re: Peach (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I just started taking gabapentin 300 mg the first night I had bladder leakage not a little, a lot. This absolutely has to be related. It never happened before I took this first pill.
They gave this to me for sciatic pain I will have to talk to the doctor about it and report back.
I guarantee this is a side effect.

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Re: Jeannie (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Just so you all know...my husband has the same issue and is on high doses of it!! - he is more crippled up than he originally was!!!! and I think it should be listed as a side effect for sure!!

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I also feel the same on use of gabapentine 300.Gall boarder stone has developed and sometimes, a smell comes out of mouth with severe stomach problem.

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Re: Psalms (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I just started Neurontin at 300mg/day taken before bed. So far I've taken it twice. About 2 hours ago I started needing to go to the bathroom to urinate constantly. It sure feels like a UTI. I am going to call the doctor now.

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Re: Ginger (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I do not leak, but I get up and pee a lot. For now if going to continue taking gabapentin wear a pad at night. I also am having trouble sleeping.

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Re: Ginger (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi I have been taking gabapentin for 2 years ago and now I am experiencing urine leakage are you still having urine leakage Please let me know what are You doing about your problem thank you

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Re: Ginger (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Yes! I have woken up completely soaked with urine. Had to wash sheets and mattress. Had to put down cover on mattress. Figured out must be the Gabapentin as that is the only medication I’m taking that is different.

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They really need to take the gabapentin off the market I have been taking gabapentin over a year in half the doctor put me on them for my knee problems that I'm having I'm have been having urine leakage 9 months now which gabapentin have caused incovience in my life I hate having to have to wear pads all day everyday what kind of help can I get to stop with the urine leakage

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Re: Peach (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Definitely a side effect. Worst night, leakage occurred 4 times in one night.

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Ginger (# 6) --

I am taking 600mg twice a day for nerve pain from being a bilateral amputee. I also have noticed that I am using the bathroom a lot more and at times am unable to make it in time. I am 45 and never had this problem before. I wake up several times a night. It never happens during the day. I think it happens at night while sleeping because my body is relaxed. I think it's the gabapentin.

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This happens to me. It started when I was on Gabapentin but I stopped taking it a year or more ago and I still have very frequent and urgent need to pee, and it just falls out sometimes. I didn’t have kids and am not old enough to have this naturally.

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Re: Ginger (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on 600mg of Gabapentine for over 2 years for anxiety. I’ve never had any issues with bladder leaks. I do however drink over 32 oz if water a day just bcuz I love water. Plus I’m on several other meds for numerous mental illnesses that dry me out and allergy pills. Ironically I pee constantly. Maybe increase your water intake and see what happens- just a suggestion. Worth a try

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I started on 300mg 3 times a day had to stop when I retain fluid in feet. Doctor prescribed 100mg 3 times a day still retained fluid. I had an issue with bladder leaking it did stop once I stopped taking the medication. I can say it does help with the pain, which I could tolerate Gabapentin.

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Do you guys think it’s permanent? I took Gabapentin for a few years, but I stopped in 2018 because the daytime fatigue was crushing (I only took 600 mgs before bed, nothing during the day) and the urination is still ridiculous. I pee 10 -12 times before noon still. It slows down later so I stopped counting, but it’s ridiculous.

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