I Need To Find A Doctor In Fort Worth Texas That Prescribes Pain Killers (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know a doctor that is good about prescribing pain killers like hydrocodens 10/325 in fort worth Texas? I am a diabetic type 1 that has a lot of pain and really in need of a good doctor that can help me out and not think i am faking pain.

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The laws changing hydrocodone containing products from a Schedule III to a Schedule II are about to be changed. The comment period is open until April 28, 2014. Put Dea AND rescheduling hydrocodone in your search bar. You can have your voice heard at regulations.gov.

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Thanks, Lyn! I will call them tomorrow to find out about a referral and how much an office visit is. I don't currently have insurance so I need to find out if they even take cash pay patients because a lot of doctors don't. Can I ask what kind of meds/therapy they have you on? Thanks for the info!

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AMEN!!! I'm right there with you. I'm currently dealing with an a**hole rhuemotologist at JPS (county hospital for the uninsured) who is jerk know it all who thinks diet and exercise is a cure all. I asked him how the hell I am supposed to do PT when I can barely walk some days at a normal pace!! My PCP sent me to him because it looks like I am on the brink of being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Actually, I should say another one since I've been dealing with Fibromyalgia for over 20+ years. But you know that Fibro is no big deal, though! BS!!! I've had over 20 surgeries since 1998! I've had bilateral ankle repair/stabilizations, 3 extensive knee surgeries (twice on the right, once on the left), 2 failed rhizotomies for my back, right wrist surgery, 3 L rotator cuff repairs which included a bursectomy, an acromionectomy, a tennis ball size cyst removed and the worst of all, a biceps tendonesis (because the bicep had torn away from the bone trying to compensate for the torn RC so it had to be reattached with a large bone screw). I've had more than 30 cortisone inj's. in my right hip/joint for Illiotibial Band Syndrome and osteoartritis and now have "snapping hip" and osteoarthritis in my left hip. In addition to those I have a Baker's cyst in my left knee which is a cyst full of synovial (joint) fluid where the joint is leaking and causing knee pain and leg swelling. For the icing on the cake my right knee has a torn meniscus which needs to be fixed. Despite alllll of this I am being told basically that I have to suffer!! My ridiculous PCP gives me Tramadol and Robaxin for pain and Lyrica for the Fibro. Not mention the absurd amount of anti depressants because she thinks I am depressed. As I've told her....I'm NOT depressed! I am pissed off and sick of friggin' hurting allll the time! She wants me to see Pain Management however JPS is such a joke and they treat their doctors like crap that every PM doc they've had has quit! The only one who remained (that all the patients loved) just quit recently because he was tired of being worked like a government mule and dictated to as to how to treat and medicate his patients. So...he walked out one day after his last patient and refused to go back. Basically, that means there is no PM in the network right now. Her suggestion was to go see one outside of the network and then bring back his recommendation and she would go from there. Sure, that's a great idea IF I HAD THE MONEY!! I wouldn't be using the county health system if I could afford to go outside of it, believe me!! So, I just continue to hurt every damn day, not to mention I can't do the things I need, want and should be able to do with my 8 and 5 yr old kids. I'm tired of our damn government dictating what and how doctors can treat their patients and with what. Last I checked we still live in a democracy but maybe I'm wrong. The fact that hydrocodone is becoming a schedule 2a is ridiculous!! But more than that is the fact that friggin' Tramadol (glorified asprin/ibuprofen, IMO) is now a controlled drug! Why???? Just because it has the ability to act as a narcotic does NOT make it one. Here is what I told my doctor is going to happen...there will be a dramatic increase in pharmacy thefts, more and more legitimate pain patients (who are treated like junkies by our govt) will start using illegal methods to obtain their meds because they can't get them legitimately and there is going to be a sharp rise in the number of patients overdosing on Tramadol because that is all doctors can or will give!! Maybe once all of this starts happening the damn DEA and DPS will reconsider their position on the meds, though I highly doubt it!!!!

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I wish I knew why doctors think that patients should have no say in their personal health, unless they want to abort a baby.

Impressive since 50% are in the lower half of their educational class and more than that are screwups with God complexes

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Sorry that you received abuse for your thoughtful response. America is the only country where this type of prescribing is not only prevalent, but considered a right by so many patients. I do not doubt that these patients hurt, but we see so many who are needlessly on the quantities of meds that they does themselves each day. Function and pain control is the goal in our office, and the patient must be willing to work at the problem going to physical or even psychological therapy (over 50% of patients in pain will benefit from psychological therapy - no I am not saying they are crazy, just that they would benefit from the advice and guidance of a good councilor).
Please do not write abusively about my offices practices. We have our successes, and others who believe in a more medicine related approach may have theirs.
Thank you.

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I asked to be put on Suboxone for 3 months. I wanted to stop taking so much medication myself. Am I labeled for life? My pcp called me last week and told me not to return to his office??

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you are so right about pain meds,these new texas law,s are not right.we all need to get togeather and petition these new law,s.let,s do something about this!!! .we can all go to FDA and get something done,our right,s are being violated!!!!,let,s get something done about this

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So many people that have bad pain are being treated like junkies ....The State needs to stop pressuring the Doctors .

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This is amazing. The dea does not care about our pain. Their funding is not based on how many people are treated legally. The problem is our society has become complacent to a broken government that takes knee jerk reactions to current issue's in order to perpetuate itself. Writing and protesting will do nothing. Until enough people are ready to do the hard ugly things this world requires to change government, it will be this way.

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Hi. I saw your thread Abput pain doctors. I need to find one that will listen to me and cut the crap and help me with my pain hAve you found any Drs you like?

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Drs in Texas and other states aren't afraid to treat chronic pain patients. What they don't want and should not have to tolerate are patients who think they know more than the dr. If a patient won't have diagnostic tests done to show that there is a medical reason for the pain, they are in their pain shouldn't be treated because that would not be a responsible practice of medicine. If a patient won't do the things they need to do to ensure the least amount of pain meds work, they have no one but themselves to blame. If they want to spend their drs time complaining about having to have a drug panel done and signing a pain contract, they aren't that concerned about their pain.

Patients who have medical proof that they have conditions that can cause severe pain, adjust their lifestyle so they can take the least amount of pain meds with good results, realize that having their pain treated in not a right and treat their drs and pharmacists with respect don't have a problem getting their pain managed or their rxs filled.

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If you will read the new laws that went into effect you would not be so misinformed! A Dr. has to hand-write the prescriptions and must be an MD, not a P.A., I am not sure if a D.O. can write them, but Government has dropped the boom on Narcotics!

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Yes a DO can write a script, they have their medical licensing as well as their license in osteopathics.

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It's horrible! I have multiple issues with pain & old injuries. I have been taking some kind of pain meds, when needed for almost 20 years. My pain management dr. Will give Tylenol 3. He suggested I look around , but he doesn't want to risk his license. I'm in West Texas & am tired if the government! Obamacare is in our lives & getting worse. I agree, we need to do something! There are a lot of us folks in pain.

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Marilyn, you need a new pain management Dr.

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Marilyn, almost all pain management drs are prescribing extended release pain meds when a patient needs 24/7 pain meds. The immediate release pain meds don't work as well as extended release. And because extended release meds are only taken twice a day there are less pills. The extended release hydrocodone, Zohydro, is very expensive because it came out last year (2014) There are other extended release pain meds that work well and are much cheaper because they come in generic. Some of those meds are MS Contin and Oxycontin.

Hydrocodone combination meds like Norco which contain hydrocodone and acetaminphen or hydrocodone and other meds are immedicate release and were reclassified as a Schedule II med Oct 6, 2014. That means that they can't be called in and you can't get refills written on the prescription. You also must see your dr at least once every 90 days if you're taking them for chronic pain, although most drs have you come in every 30 days. Usually pain managment drs will prescribe Norco, but most won't prescribe it for 24/7 pain management.

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Marilyn, if you think that politicians that are also physicians will be more lenient. look up the way the ones that are Senators and Congressman have voted on the topic. They are For tighter restrictions.

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I don't know what the legal limits are currently. I went just after the reschedule of hydrocodone last year. Brought back enough to last me a while. Since I don't take them daily I can make a few 90 day scripts of maximum daily amount last. I found an English speaking doctor trained in America. He used to practice here but became fed up with fda,ama, politics and malpractice insurance hassles. I found him through a cab driver. The cab drivers are the best way to find information in Mexico. Just remember to tip well. Or you could find yourself in a bad place. Lol. Best of luck. Please remember that your trying to manage pain not escape it.

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My Dr. prescribed me Hysingla ER last visit. It is a new 24 hour hydrocodone that comes in 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 milligrams (mg) of hydrocodone to be taken every 24 hours. I was excited, no more taking 2 hydrocodone every 4-6 hours! Took my prescription to my regular Pharmisist and he came to the window and said "John, that prescription is $944.50 and after insrance your part was going to be $238.00." He said I would have to prepay for him to order the meds because he could not float that much without assurance that I was going to take it. I am totally disabled receive no income at all. I could not afford the medication and have to drive from 50 mile west of Ft, Worth to east side of Dallas to get a new script for the old hydrocodone. I pay 103.00 a month for Medicare and almost a $100.00 a month for a supplement and the co-pay is so high that I cannot get the new medication, pretty sad!

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Ms Shae your points are well taken. In my case the Rx pads were not stolen, only the numbers from them and, as you know, those numbers are on every Rx that leaves the door of our offices. They can be accessed by the patient, their family, the pharmacy tech and pharmacist, and probably others too, all in legitimate circumstances.
I do have a problem with the word "right" though. Physicians and pharmacists have the right and indeed the obligation, to practice according to their codes set up by the federal and state governing bodies. The patients seek the opinion and assistance from physicians who, if they are not comfortable at any time with the medication levels or any other aspect of a patients care, are in no way obliged to prescribe any medications at all, and the pharmacist equally is not obliged to fill a prescription even if it is written by a binafide doctor to an equally binafide patient. These are the rights given to us and demanded of us in order to maintain our licenses.
That there are patients in pain not receiving pills to mask there pain I do not question, however there are too many of my patients who want pills from me, but are unwilling to follow the treatment plan, for example lose weight (with a dietary consult), getting blood pressure under control, exercise (within reasonable limits of course), get up in the morning and do something with your life, stop smoking, cut down on drinking alcohol and increase intake of water (beer does not count as water). Is it any surprise that physicians become a little reticent to just go the pill route?
I wish you luck in finding the treatment you need for your painful condition. ,

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