How Long Will The Short Term Suboxone Wd Last?
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So I've been on Norco for back surgeries for about 10 years. Taking 4 10 mg three times a day. I decided I was done being a slave to this drug! Anyways, I have done the sub treatment before and was on it for two years and weaned off, went thru pure hell for weeks only to start taking Norco again. I took one of my 8 mg sub and cut them into 1 mg pieces. Took 2 mgs for two days then 1 mg next two. Felt pretty awesome no WD or cravings! I decided since I had gone 4 days and being so afraid of the sub building up in my system I would jump on day 5 altogether. Tomorrow morning at 8am will be 3 days clean. I feel a little sick but worked all day which surprised me but diahrea is horrid! Imodium isn't even helping that. How long should I be feeling these symptoms? My craving for norco is very high today which I understand why but with what sub I took how long should I expect to feel this way? I hate to complain cuz it could be worse but I'm hoping this day is my last bad day physically not mental! Anyone ever jumped so fast off one 8 mg strip? Should I take a .5 strip today or ride it out? If I do is that setting myself back since I'm almost to day 3 with nothing? Please help!

3 Replies

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Re: Shy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Loperamide is imodium. I've never heard of it for pain. If so we'd all be lined up at Dollar Tree for it

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RE: "How long should I be feeling these symptoms?"

There's no way of knowing for certain how long withdrawal symptoms from any substance will last for or how severe they may be, as each of our bodies are subject to respond differently under different circumstances.

I think Shy (post #1) shared some excellent information about battling withdrawal symptoms, but I also wanted to add that Kratom is something else that may be worth looking into for alleviating opioid/opiate withdrawal as well since this use-case is arguably what gave it its reputation in Western society (although it does have numerous other beneficial properties as well that I would encourage you to research too, because I believe the effects of Kratom can potentially help a multitude of mental and physical maladies, whether they're associated with opioid withdrawal or not).

NIH posted a brief study on Kratom being used for opioid withdrawal, in the link below:

There's also a vast number of reviews here on MedsChat touting it's efficacy in pain management, depression, anxiety, etc... I'm a big proponent of Kratom because I feel like it helps me lead an active lifestyle without pain or discomfort and I haven't found anything in the natural world (yet) that comes close to it, overall. If I'm not mistaken, Kratom acts on the Mu-receptor site, but I don't know if Buprenorphine's affinity to that receptor would render it useless until Suboxone is out of your system completely...So in such cases it may be best to wait, just as you would upon taking any other opiate/opioid to get the most out of your medication.

At any rate, I know you posted this awhile back, so perhaps my comment will shed some light for other readers... But I hope you are doing much better now and I look forward to seeing any future updates you may have along your journey!

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I know that loperamide helped me. A few years ago I was on Subutex and I was on them bad. A friend came over and told me to take the Dollar General brand of anti diarrhea. It contains loperamide which was once used to actually treat pain. She showed me a video on YouTube where a doctor with credentials talked about the effects of loperamide for withdrawal. It helped tremendously with the withdrawal pain. I still had a little gooseflesh but all the major stuff was gone including the diarrhea. I was actually able to sleep with the help of Nyquil and of course I had my anxiety medicine Klonopin to help me as well. I'm actually going through detox right now from prescription pain meds for severe back pain and migraines. I hate having to take them everyday. It gets expensive! Plus it's just not the way I want to live anymore. I don't want it to evolve into a bigger problem. I swear by loperamide! I couldn't imagine kicking without it!

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