How Long Does Methadone Stay In Your Urine (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have taken 35mg of methadone today, and i have a urine drung test coming up, how long will it take to get out of my urine?

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Methadone has a slow metabolism and very high fat solubility, making it longer lasting than morphine-based drugs. Methadone has a typical elimination half-life of 15 to 60 hours with a mean of around 22. However, metabolism rates vary greatly between individuals, up to a factor of 100,[46][47] ranging from as few as 4 hours to as many as 130 hours,[48] or even 190 hours

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no its does not show up the same oxy is a Opiate and the methadone is a Opioid
here is a site to explain the difference for ya

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yes methadoe is a long shape form all oxys Ive seen are round and has oc on the side

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It showed up in my UA after three weeks of not ta
king it.

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If I am taking methadone every other day and 40mg if I just stoped and used no more how long would it take for me to test and it not affect it

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i took just a half of a methdone about 4 days it was only 10 mg how long will it stay in my urine

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if you used H right before you went in for the test and if it was a urine takes a couple hours before it gets in to your urine, that could be the reason for the negative test.

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There's a Thai medicine that can help you stop from using Methadone. It help you to test negative on a urine test.

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well 20mg is not a very big dose but like u said your metabolizem and age will surely affect the amount of time i would say couple good weeks of sucking in lots of water if you only did it the 1 time. depending on what kind of test it s your doing blood test to a lab good chance they might see it , just a simple piss test u have good chance

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I take about 250 mgs. Once a week on Friday and do nothing for the rest of the week ,I stay clean from saturday to friday again how long will the methadon be in my urine if I use once a week

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I have taken a total of 120mg (10mg pills) in just under week. My pm dr switched me from 120 mg of morphine and 30 mg of oxycodone a day to this methadone which by the way I'm scared to death of! My question is I stopped taking the methadone last night I have surgery on Monday morning at 10:30 am to have some discs in my neck fused so I will be having anesthia. Just a little over 72 hrs away will this methadone affect my surgery? I do not plan on taking it ever again after reading and scowering the Internet for hrs I've come to learn methadone is some pretty scary stuff:( so will the methadone still be present enough in my system to react with the anesthesia or any other meds I may be given while under? I can't sleep or eat with anxiety building as surgery day closes in, not knowing if I will pull through or die like so many others have:( god bless you all,and any help is greatly appreciated

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how does it take for methadone to show up in your urine test? and how much would you have to take for it to show up at all?

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Go to rxlist and you will see that Methadones' half-life is like 128 hours; like 5 days and a few hours, and that is just half the drug out of your system. To my knowledge this is the longest of any water-based pill

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I took 220 mg in 2 days, and 18 days later the methadone is still showing up on a drug test, and i only took it for 2 days

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Took 5 methadone 10s 10 days before my drug test at the pain clinic and it didn't show up but my metabolism is so high that when I take a rox 30 it's out of my system within 24 hours! So my advice if your scared go buy a home drug test and make sure it's out of your system before you go take a piss test

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ive been takeing 230 mg diamorphine 70 mg methadone went for a piss test where they send it off and it came back that there was no mertaberlite in my urine ive been trying to get off methadone for a while but did not want to let my drug worker no as i keep failing no he says i might loose my script help plz

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I i took methadone one time six days ago when can i pass a six panel urin test

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Did you ever get that methadone out of your system in time? I took about 10mgs this morning (friday) & got drug court urine test Monday morning...I need feedback bad, facing prison time. I know it was a sketchy move considering I didnt even really feel it. Hopefully that'll work to my advantage.

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you are going to bun out methadone will stay in your system for about 30 days. drink alot of water that may help a little,

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sorry, your screwed, methadone stays in your system longer than any other narcotic, drink alot of water and maybe it will show only a wee bit.

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