How Long Does It Take Gabapentin To Get Out Of Your System (Page 4)
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I was taking 300 mg neurontin. 1 in am, 1 at noon and 2 at bedtime. I was prescribed the med in May of 2013. Increased later when not helping with foot numbness. It has been almost 2 weeks since i tapered myself off of the drug and i still feel nausea in the am which affects my eating. Please advise how long it will take this med to be out of my system? Thank you.

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It's been almost 2 months since I got off Gabby! Still having a few withdrawals from it. Bloating, appetite still not good, some slight chest pain. Hoping each day gets better! Doing much better than a month ago! Was on a high dose for almost a year my Dr brought me down way to fast. I never left my house for a month I was so miserable!
Do not stop this drug cold turkey. Takes a very slow taper!

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Hi. The medicine leaves your system completely in a day or two. But the withdrawals can last for weeks months or you may not get any at all. Good luck. Sometimes Drs will increase it a little. When I got down to 100mg every other day all hell broke out. Before that I was fine. Now I take 100 mg every night and I'm good. Staying on it for a month then going to try again. Don't forget this medicine messes with your brain

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I was prescribed gabepentin to address nerve pain and tremors associated with lupus and fibromyalgia. So I was on the lowest possible dose (100 mg) of this drug for 2 days while I was ramping up to a therapeutic dose. The night of the second dose I had the most violent and horrific dreams. I woke up on day 3 weeping, with the most bizarre thoughts I have ever had (burning all my clothes and an overwhelming concern that I was going to hurt my dog - both of these are completely atypical thoughts and 100% out of character for me). I wanted to hurt myself and went as far as striking myself in the head several times. My husband and I are both in social services and were able to create a safety plan. I went to sleep and slept for 10 hours and woke up feeling physically awful but the strange, uncharacteristic thoughts were gone. It's been about 24 hours since then and I still have a wretched headache and feel nauseous. How long does this drug take to cycle out of your system? I know that I was on a really low dose and not for long but I feel miserable, more miserable than normal, which stinks.

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Not sure if you said you went cold turkey on gabapentin???? Hey you can't do that serious withdrawals.......

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Anne..just make sure to do a very very slow taper on this drug..I was on 3200 a day and was taken off way to fast..its been 36 days now without it and can finally say I am starting to feel better..still a little anxiety but the nausea, nervousness has pretty much gone away..I was on this drug doing an increase for a year..only thing it really made me do was sleep very well..I have osteoarthritis in knees and feet and it really did nothing for pain so that's why I quit taking it
Good luck.

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My husband was on Gabapentin for only about 4 weeks for disc degeneration and firing nerves. He was miserable on it and went off of it. What are you taking for the nerves now? You said the new medication was helping you. Thanks

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Well Allen I think your post just answered my question about this drug.I am on norco,tramadal,zanaax for many painful issues but now have nerve pain,numbness and headache as well.The pain Dr. Gave me this drug to take at bedtime,300 mg.It is still sitting here unopened as I have been afraid to take it.I really don't want another addictive I know I don't want it!Thank you for your post!

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I'm wondering what in Hell I've gotten myself into. I'm taking 800mg. 3x a day for the past 4 years. I guess I'm screwed.....

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I do it all the time, not only oxycodin but methadone and dilaudid too.

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Is it alright to take Gababentin and Oxycodone at the same time.

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I systematically cut back and finally quit Neurotin a week ago. I was given this drug and also Oxycontin after extensive back surgery. I had no problem stopping the Oxi, but this Neurotin has definitely been a demon drug. I am still experiencing tiredness, anxiety, depression, shaking and weak legs starting at the back of both knees, requiring me to sit down less I fall! Was prescribed 300 mg 3x a day. After about 3 weeks I cut myself back to 1 capsule at nighttime. My surgery was the middle of Oct.2015. When cutting back, since it was in capsule form, which would not separate, I used scissors and cut them into smaller portions. Yes, l realize this is not the prescribed way to cut back, but always made sure I ate some bread while ingesting this drug from hell. Would be grateful for any hints how to make this experience more bearable.

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I'm taking 800mg. 3 times a day for the past 4 years. I've never had any side effects like you are experiencing except when I drink alcohol, then it gets ugly. The last drink I had I ended up in the hospital gasping to breathe. Ask your doctor for help, they should prescribe you something to get over the rocky road ahead. Valium or Xanax should help for a temporary quick fix.

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At 50 years old, since I was injured and could not do physical labor anymore, I went back to college and was close to finishing with a 4.0 GPA. The new pain management doctor put me on Gabapentin and I started having problems doing my studies and homework. He started me on 300 mg 4 times a day. Honestly I didn't usually take more than 2 and 3 at the most. He then bumped me up to 800 mg 4 times a day. Again I would try to take as few as possible. However, it made me a total zombie and my school work really suffered because of it. I all of a sudden wasn't even able to complete the school work no matter how much I tried. I had to quit taking it or lose all the years of hard work I had put in. It wasn't long after that I ended up in intensive care and had lost a bunch of blood, not to mention 40 lbs in 9 days. My new pain management doctor has put me back on it, even though I explained to him all of the trouble I previously had. He put me on 300 mg and tapered me into 3 times a day. However, it is affecting my thinking again. I am trying to make sure that I do not make any decisions without spending a couple of days thinking about them. For all the good this medicine does, the side effects are as equally costly.

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Wow. Now I know what the cause of all my tiredness, depression and weight gain are from. I was on this drug for nerve pain related to MS. But more recently started it again for hot flashes. I gained 20 pounds in 8 months!! Holy Moly!! It causes so much water retention it's scary. Can't wait to have this out of my system.

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Yes this is how I feel also! I stopped taking it 1 week ago. It was absolutely horrible and I was only taking it 5 weeks! I feel no one understands how I'm feeling. I'm so happy to read this.

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Hello! Sorry for all the problems. I am Prior Respiratory Therapist and a Psychology Major at University of Tenn. I was placed on this medication for having Neuropothy in my feet, due to a torn Plantar Fascia. My hands and feet began to swell, to a capacity of being unable to grasp or place my shoe on my left foot and utilize my crutches. This analgesic has MANY side effects, too many to list. When trying to " wean" yourself, consult your physician! Do not "cold turkey!". Tapering off is best. Also, take 10 mg of Magnesium. Magnesium connects to the brain chemical receptor that is the same receptor as Gaba connects to, as well. Before doing anything, as always, consult your physician!

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Helpful, that is not true that it is all in the head. I cannot believe a licensed physician would prescribe 20 any strength capsules a day. Sorry to say but I think you need help. Don't judge people and their reaction to medications. You are no physician.

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I have been taking gaba for over a year 300mg 3/day and for the last few months I can't stay awake while driving and today on my way to work I fell asleep and ran off the road I don't know what to do I take it for fibromyalgia and I'm already tired all the time and my rls is unbearable

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Hi...I have been taking 900 mg. a day since 2008. I am now on day 12 cold turkey. I really didn't have a choice, as my prescriptions are delivered, and it was held up over the holidays in the mail. My last dose was 600 mg. on Christmas Eve. I have run the gambit with this withdrawal...from crying spells, muscle spasms, joint pain so bad I couldn't get out of bed, upset stomach and nausea, and finally...not being able to sleep, even though I am exhausted. I would have preferred to taper it off, but I didn't have a choice. The pills were delivered today. As I am already through the worst, I hope...I am going to return them. I was prescribed the Neurontin for pain from abdominal adhesions. I truly don't think that it has ever really helped me, so I'm going to say goodbye to taking any more.

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I was taking 900mg per day for a chronic neuropathic cough for over 10 years. It was the only medication that controlled the cough allowing me to teach. Side effects for me were weight gain and not being able to lose weight. Of course as a female the biggest problem was loss off any libido. My blood test results also showed really high cholesterol levels as well as other areas of concern. I finally tapered myself off the meds this past summer after a blood test shows my total cholesterol was 324. It's been 6 months, no coughing! cholesterol down to 296 and I've lost 15 pounds and my hubby is happy again.

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