How Long Do I Wait To Take Suboxone
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Can I take suboxone I waited 15 hrs and I feel like crap ive been on H about a half g to a g a day

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Hi, I have a familiar story, car accident, pain meds, and now I am sick to death of it all. My husband died of a fentanyl overdose in August 2017, 4 months ago and i am so depressed and tired of this life. We were normal people with everything to look forward to. Now he is gone 25 years too soon and i need some advice. I have suboxone 8mg here x7 pills - how and when should i start it? I have just taken my last dose of fentanyl, it's new years eve and time to start a new chapter. I hope i can do it. Someone please respond. How long do i wait because the p/w sounds terrifying, but dying like my husband did and knowing what my kids and grandkids will go through is enough to make me at least try. I am 51 and living the drug life is so tiring. Please help. Happy new year and stay safe everybody.

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Bro, I go threw that same thing... RLS...tearing my legs up... severe anxiety...stomach pains, diarrhea...the shower feels awesome, it's like your home when in withdrawls until you get out and 5 mins passes...i bought a heating pad and put it between my knees...ive been taking suboxone strips 10 to 12 hours after my last dose. If you've taken methodone it's longer i believe but i took a half g a day and my withdrawls would start from 3 to 6hrs ....wake me up in the middle of the night and cant go back to sleep until i redose... im not a dr or a specialist ....i am a normal person who has hid his addiction from my wife and family for almost 3 years now and am experiencing the same thing you are ...good luck my friend ...some people can get away with taking a piece of a strip but i have to take 1 1/2 to do anything for me... I wonder if it has to do with how strong the opiates you were consistently taking are, like the stuff i was having if a normal occasional user had half a point they would od and now the drugs are s***. It's all this fentanyl and it's strong but wears off super quick and makes you want more and then you od where the good opiates last ....anyways good luck to you my friend.

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I have been on h for years well now I'm addicted to the h that has fentynl in it an I just got suboxane prescribed to me I'm trying to get off this crap but I have actually been thrown into really horrible withdrawals from taking suboxanes so I have been scared to death if them but I know if u dint do something the end of the road will be here for me soon I dint want to keep going like this but I also don't want to get thrown into them horrible withdrawals ever again. When I withdrawal off if h I go through it soooo bad most people I have been around has told me I get a lot worse than anybody they have seen I vomit for days can't hold still not even for a second I start thinking really crazy thoughts I beat the crap out if my legs I'm in an out the shower I freeze,sweat and I could go on an on anybody that has gone through it knows what I'm saying but now I got my self in an even worse situation because if I don't do the h with fentynl in it I stay sick an I'm just done with it all together but like I said I'm scared to death of these subs because I have got thrown into them withdrawals from taking the subs. My brother waited a full 30 hours an took a suboxane an got thrown into withdrawals so I'm really stuck on what I should do if I wait 30 hours an then take a sub by the time I do take the sub I won't even be able to hold my head up if you can give me any helpful advice gid how I would appreciate it I just want my life back.

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Hello, James! How are you?

You need to follow your doctor's instructions and only take it, when you are in full withdrawal.

Taking it too soon could cause you to go into dangerous precipitated withdrawals.

The FDA classifies Suboxone as an opiate that is most commonly used to treat drug addiction, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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