How Long Do I Wait After Taking Pills To Take Suboxone (Page 2)
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I've been on percocets for 2 years. 5mg. 4 times a day. I know not much. now I'm down to 3. my last dose was 1230am. is now 1030. I have an 8 milligram suboxone. how long should I wait. and how much should I take. I just took a 5 milligram klonopin. on my nervousness. my legs are starting to feel a little crampy. got a little stomach pain. so please can someone tell me. how to start this. I know its not much that I did. but they say it doesn't matter. you still get the withdrawal pains. Help .

27 Replies (2 Pages)

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I agree, don't get on suboxone! The withdrawal from Percocet is probably going to be much quicker than when you have to try getting off suboxone. Just try to get through a week, if you've been given something to help- great. Suboxone addiction is not something you want to have, & really you'd just be trading evils.

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Hi K, Allways wait until your in wds before taking subs. Around 16-18 hrs is a fairly safe bet.
Subs are not a magic bullet. Some people think a couple subs are gonna get them thru wds and there problems will be all gone. It doesn,t work like that.
It depends on how long you were using and how much.
If you been taking 15-30mg per day of oxy or tabs that is a what a doctor may prescribe for pain.
You would be better off tapering off the pain pills by taking less each day.
But if you can,t do that for whatever reason you could try a little sub AFTER your in wds.
Just cut off a quarter (2mg) of the strip and try that. After an hour see how you feel.
If that doesn,t do it try 2mgs more.
The next day only take half of whatever you took and the next day half etc..
I wish you luck in whatever you decide to do.

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I am just as concerned as you and have no one to answer my questions so I will try again. i have been taking 15mg or 30mg a day depending on what i have. I got two suboxen so I can get off these. What do I do? I was thinking once I start withdrawals take a half or maybe even just a quarter. next day a quarter, next day a quarter or less. depending. i do not want to be addicted to subs. I only have two I am thinking I will only have withdrawals for 3 days... How long do I have to wait until I take subs? someone help please.... I am lost and need help

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Hi Chrissy9, u could b going threough withdrawals or it could b your other meds interacting. I'm on 3(8mgs) of suboxone a day Md I take klonopin 4 anxiety. I also take Trazodone and a couple of other meds. I've never had a problem, accept, when I was withdrawing and needed an increase in the suboxone. If I were u, I would talk 2 your Dr and tell him how u feel.

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Ok,so,I've been on suboxone for 2yrs.,started at 24mgs,now down to 6mgs..I tried to stop a few times,but could not handle the withdrawals.My story is pretty much like everyone else's,even though I didn't consider myself an addict at the time,when IN ALL ACTUALITY I WAS,and still am.Yes,Subs took away the withdrawals and in the beginning I felt amazing(I also take Lexapro&Seroquel ,for other issues.With that being said,do you think it is possible that the Subs are interacting with my other meds,causing them not to work?Like I said!in the beginning the Subs were great,now I am depressed and want to just stop.I wish there was a drug that wasn't addicting to take to stop the Subs.Imagine that.xoxox

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I was taking 2 norco a day and ran out of supply. I had a sub strip that I got from a relative, took bits of it for a couple days until I got more pills and I had to take 6 pills a day to feel what I did on 2. Don't take the strip unless you are going to get more and if you want off the pills, like the above comment suggest, just go off them. I'm on these message boards trying to weigh my options because i can't afford to keep up this habit, but I absolutely am terrified to try suboxone as a replacement. I used to take methadone for a year and a half and I ended up tapering down and insufflating coke to counteract the methadone and get it out of my system faster to get off of it permanently. I never felt so stuck in my life being on methadone and I don't want the same problem with sub. if you find any good tapering info, please share

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You need to be in wds before taking subs, about 16-18 hrs. The amount of percs you were taking is not that high. Thats actually a prescribed dose. 1, 4x/day. Anyways, one sub isn,t gonna last long. If I were you I,d just go thru the perc wds, 4-5 days and be done with it. If you got Klonopin to help along the way thats all the better. If your gonna take your sub (after waiting 16-18hrs) try a quarter of it and see how you feel after an hour. Taking the sub is only gonna postpone the enevitable I think. Good luck with whatever you do. Post back and let us know how your doing.

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