How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 4)
UpdatedJust had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.
Had 20 testopel pellets inserted five weeks ago. Seemed like alot to me. Feel no better, maybe worse. Get first blood test tomorrow. Other than a.m. no erections.
Post about your blood tests. That is ALOT of pellets!
The most I have had is 16 and boy could I tell the difference. It all depends on your levels when you get the refill. Last week I only got 12 but my levels were at 393. When got the 16 I was at 92. Over the last 2 years I really feel no difference in my energy levels but do feel it in my sex drive and irratibility the higher the number, the higher the drive and the more irratible.
I had never heard of implantation of 16 pellets. I just received my implantation last week which is my sixth time around. I receive only ten (10) and my urologist is hesitant to increase number of pellets. He has said that I can receive at three (3) months instead of waiting until the fourth month, though, which I appreciate. It has been six (6) days and I'm noticing a difference already. Morning erections back and more firm overall ... also big increase in nipple sensitivity which always happens with me. Hope things continue to improve for you.
Level was 671 from 20 Testopel. Was around 200 before. Seems like there should be a difference but there is not......very disappointing.
well my original t level was an 8, yes an eight. i have had problems all my life, i am 53. with shots my t level was 900. at 900 i feel nothing. no sex drive, no morning erections, no libido. i just had 12 pellets inserted yesterday. i was once at a 1500 level t with a high dose every week with shots, that was nice! doc said way to high and spaced the shots out. now the real kicker, blood work up shows i have .4 level of lh and fsh and low level of prolactin and sex gluton. urologist says he can only work on t level, he says workup shows that it all originated in my pituitary gland, and hypothmus not the testies, by the way are the size of a peanut. you can just imagine the size of my penis, you would laugh. i also take medicine for parkinsons, seizure control, cardiac for blood pressure and edema, acid reflux and psychotrofic meds for depresson, anxieity, and i have sleep apnea. and take a sleeping pill. i know all the meds have scewd things up. and have to go to an endo. plus a stroke at 45, only left with me with executive cognitve functions. any body out there have some kind issue like this? how much do i need to counter all the other stuff? is 1500 too high in the eyes of the doctors? who knows what the endo. will do? anybody out there have a magic trick or something to say? reese
If you are taking Ambien, I would suggest asking your doctor about stopping. I was on it and it messes you up on many levels. With your problems that you mention and others as well as crummy sleep and overall irritability, I would stop taking it immediately.
I had my first implat 2 weeks ago. I have no soreness left and I never had any bruising at all. This past week has been the best week I can remember in years. I have energy left at the end of the day. I have experienced the unexpected erections during the day, my penis is very sensitive and ejaculations are almost euphoric. I used the gell for a year and never experienced this.
It's good to hear that you're having good results with the pellets. I hope it continues for you. I've had them now five (5) times. Started at repeating every six (6) months but found that was too long of an interval. I'm now going to be going to every three (3) months. I asked about "upping" number of pellets from 10 to possibly 12, but Doc didn't think it beneficial for me. The 'desire' definitely has improved; just wish the erections were a bit firmer as I am only at about 90 degrees. I can live with that, but always looking for optimal I guess. Continued good luck to you.
How old are you and do you still use Cialias or Viagra with the pellets? I am just curious. I am 56 and have had the pellets 3 times. I am finding that I need sooner than every 6 months. I don't have the desire as much as when i have had a recent implantation. I also use Cialis-which helps.
I have been doing the Shots for 1yr now, 1 shot every 2 weeks, my levels stay about 300 but my energy level is low still, sex drive low, and when it is close to time for next shot with in a day or two am very sleepy ..Am on medicaide it does pay for now trying for the Gel with a different doc, put am TRYING HARD to do the Testopel if it is covered under medicade...
A shot every 2 weeks is too long of an interval from what I have been told and from what I have read. 1 ml every week is the 'usual' dosage. Heck, I would do a .5ml every 3.5 days, but trying to keep the holes in myself to a minimum. I would try the pellets if you can, everybody is different.
I'm 51. My T level was 316 when I started the pellet therapy. I had 3 insertions every 3 to 4 months. The last insertion was 4 months ago and the Dr increased the dosage to 20 pellets to try and have me last 6 to 8 months. Good news is I'm having daily erections and libido has increased significantly.
Bad news - the edema is horrific. So much swelling in the ankles feet and lower legs. So painful I can barely walk some days. I have developed acne on my chest and shoulders. I'm having shortness of breath, heart palputations and anxiety attacks. It's pretty scary stuff.
Has anyone else had the side affects? I'm on water pills. My urologist has been no help at all. He told me to go to my primary to deal with the reactions. The bad part is that they cannot be removed once inserted.
My blood test last week showed a T level of 978.
20 pellets was way too much for me to handle.
Have not had any of those side effects. 978 sounds oretty high to me especially going up from 300'ish. How did you end up with 20 pellets? Did you gradually go up from 10?
Yes he built up with each insertion until he got to 20. I looked up possible side affects and looks like I'm having just about all of them.
Mike: Wow!!!!! 20 pellets?????? Really? I get only ten (10) and wondered if I could possible go up to twelve (12) but my urologist said that -- in his opinion -- ten is the max that he uses. Doesn't believe anything more than that results in the good results outweighing the bad. I can last only 3 months before needing the 10 inserted again. PLEASE becareful regarding these side effects, especially the heart palpitations. The edema is definitely not a good sign, either. I wish you well.
You should start to feel it within two to three days.
Erect or tender nipples can be a sign that you may be converting T to E. I take .5mg Arimidex to control the nipple sensitivity and other E effects.
3 days. And wow could I tell a difference.
Today, I will be starting my testopel. My Dr. Said he will be starting me with 10 then check my levels to see where the levels are. Levels @195. I have been on Androgel for about 2.5 yrs and just sick and tired putting on the gel. Wish me luck!!! Will re-post ltr
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