How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 3)
UpdatedJust had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.
I have been on Testopel for over a year and get 14 pellets. I was at 135 testosteone when I started and generally peak at 550 to 650 one month in. I crash after 12 weeks usually around 200 to 220. As an amateur bodybuilder I can easily feel the difference in my workouts when I drop off at the end of the cycle. I also use cialis daily as well. The combination of regular exercise and great fitness level along with the therapy has given me the sex life I had back in my late 20's. Note: Dr inserted the pellets into my lower back last goround and it was worse then the insertions into the glute. I will definately go back to the glue insertions.
Each person is somewhat different/unique as to time frqames and efficacy. Hopefully, you will have good results. The pellets -- they can be a really good vehicle for correcting problems such as you are having. Good luck.
I am 56 and have had Testopel inserts 3 times. I would say that my results are mixed. I have measured the T levels and they do go up but not as much as I would like. Mine went from the mid 200's to the upper 400's. I still think that it is worth it so I will be going again soon for another treatment. I like the convenience of not having to worry about spreading gel or getting shots. I just wish that they would last longer than 4 months.
Actually I have not had the issues (spike, pain, ect...) that people complain of with the shots. I do not seem to have that spike that people complain of. 1ml a week (actually about 1.25ml a week) Giving yourself a shot is a lot easier than I thought. With my insurance it is also A LOT cheaper than the pellets.
Thanks Bob. I am getting my first pellets 3 days from now. I'm looking forward to it. With my very low level of testosterone, I really feel fatigued very easily.
36 years old. I just had my first Testopel insertion today (10 pellets) and am really banking on this working. My T level was 204 and I've been really struggling hard with lack of energy. My sex drive is basically non-existent. I have 3 young children and trying to keep up with them seems impossible. I'll let you all know if/when I feel any positive results from this procedure. Thanks to everyone who thoughtfully shared their comments and stories about Testopel.
Just had my first ten pellets of Testopel inserted (5 hours ago). Doc gave me a lab order for blood work to be done in 4 weeks. So far, no pain or discomfort. Doc told me it would take 2-4 weeks for me to feel the full benefit, since my testosterone level is extremely low. Looking forward to feeling better!! I will post again as soon as I have something to report.
Pellets Vs. shots- Mike, what is the story on testosterone shots? My insurance company does not cover the pellet procedure so I am out about 900.00 every 6 months. I guess I assumed that I would have to go to my doctors office to get shots so I figured that would be really inconvenient. If you can administer them your self and they are covered by insurance, I might give them a try. I would appreciate any feedback.
Yes you can. I originally thought that you had to go to the doctor every week for shots also, so I quickly ruled out the shots initially as a visit to the doctor with an injection runs @ $150. When I had the lackluster results with the pellets I had to re-look at my options. I am in the exact same boat with my insurance so I was willing to give the shots a try. My insurance discounts a bottle of cypionate @ $85…and that is good for about 9-10 injections. You can also get the disposable needles at the pharmacist for about $.50 each. I was surprised by how easy and relatively idiot proof giving yourself a ‘test’ shot is. When I switched to injections I also added a half dose of arimidex twice a week to keep my estrogen level in check. Things are going pretty good now. Sometimes I think I may want to do the pellets again, but it is hard to justify the cost when what I am doing now is working well.
I had 12 pellets three months ago.Never felt any change.Still no energy,belly fat still growing,man boobs,sleep alot but tried all the time.Level was at 98 before pellets and I just had a test and am going to the Dr. in two days to find out what is next.I have been on shots,patchs and gels over the last year and a half.Need some HELP soon
Did your Urologist prescribe the shot method? I am assuming that my Urologist would have to authorize the prescription-which I think he would. How often do you give them?
Yes he did,but I only had three shots from him before going to the pellets.
@ Steve, Yes he did. At first it was to supplement the Pellets because I was still having the symptoms with the 10 pellets. Now I am just the weekly shot and the bi-weely Arimidex. I do a 100ml shot once a week. I have not had my levels checked since I have been on the shot only, but I feel pretty good and not too concerned with 100ml shot. Ask your Urologist, I am sure that he would prescribe it if your symptoms are still persisting as mine were. I was expecting major improvements with my well being with the 10 pellets and unfortunately that just did not happen.
Over what time frame did you do this.Meaning going from just pellets to pellets and shots?
I am guessing that it was about 2.5 months after the pellets were implanted when I added the shot. I know the pellets were still there becaue I could actually feel them through my skin. Honestly I did not notice the diference when the pellets dissolved. Maybe my body just respondes better to shots, who knows? @ around the 4month I bumped my shot to around 110ml, which is where I am at now.
So if I ubderstand you right the pellets alone did not help ,but shots and pellets work?Will you do pellets again or just say with shots? I don't mean to be a pain in the butt (ha,ha) but I just need to get something that will work for me.THANKS
I was doing both only becasue the pellets themselves did not work for me like the doctor and I were hoping they would. So he said to try the shot and see how I feel. I have heard horror stories about the shots, mainly regarding mood swings and how much of a hassle giving yourself a shot was. I do not feel the spikes in mood and giving yourself a shot is alot easier than I thought.
Thanks for the info.Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day at the Dr.
Exactly 7 days for me both times I've had them inserted.
Sorry. The purpose of my post was to answer a question about how long the post-insertion pain lasts.
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