How Long Before Testopel Pellets Start Working? (Page 2)
UpdatedJust had Testopel pellets inserted in my backside. Forgot to ask doctor how long until they take effect. He's out of town.
I would like to hear from people as to how many pellets inserted and what were/are your levels. I am curious how different doctors, symptoms & levels have been improved and by how much?
I think mine is now mental. Having had issues and then having an actual problem diagnosed, it always seems to be in the back of my mind that not rising to the occasion will happen again. THAT sucks.
It's in my mind too Mike. What do we do about that? Counseling? I hate Viagra. Tried the injections once and man did that work!!! But I can get it up, just not at the right moment it seems.
Yes ... I, too, have had that same experience. I have been on the Testopel now for over a year, and have to get it every 3 1/2 months because my testosterone level is so low (136 w/out any pellets). This is due to removal of a testical two (2) years ago because of bad prostate infection that "invaded" the testicle. Increased 'nipple sensitivity' has been normal for me. Erection improvement is almost immediate, usually the next day, even. Then... have "good" erection capabilities for couple months about 1X a week. By end of 2nd month, I am definitely on the 'downslide', looking forward to next pellet implant procedure.
I am on my third dose of Testopel and have done countless hours of research. 10 to 12 pellets is generally what people get to start with and your doctor can increase from there if he feels necessary. Body weight and starting testosterone level is also taken into consideration so you may get more than 12 to start with. I started at 12, now get 14. For me, I get about 4 and a half months of good levels and then schedule another appointment. My doctor said there was no need to check levels on a regular basis after the first go around since he will have a good idea of how my body is reacting to the Testopel. I went in for one month blood work to get a peak level (it was 720) and then back at four to see where I was (340). He felt like adding two more was necessary so now I just go in every 18 weeks or so for another dose. Still get my PSA and levels checked periodically. As for the discomfort, I personally do not find it painful. Takes no longer than 10 minutes and it's a little tender with some bruising for a couple of days, but after that it's like nothing ever happened back there. Prior to getting it done I read where a few people said they can feel them under the skin. I have not been able to feel them and when I asked my doctor about it he said that is probably from them being placed a little shallow, which he said is not a big deal. That's been my experience, so I hope that helps. I am 56 with a starting level of 186 by the way. Best of luck.
Wow, 12 pellets took you from 186 to 720? Impressive. That was the reponse I was hoping for, not just the 100 that I got. With my 10 pellets (3 months ago) I just added a weekly 1mg shot until I go back in for more pellets. I can definitely feel the pellets under my skin. That is kind of how I know they are pretty much gone now. Shots are waaay cheaper than the pellets but I have heard varying issues with the shots so I would prefer the an adequate amount.
You should notice almost immediate results. I notice next day 'beginning' of improvement. By week's end, things are much much improved.
Hope this helps.
I just received my testopel pellets right at a month total testosterone went from 318 to 418.....started with 12 pellets.....not quite what I was hoping for either although I do feel testosterone is at 16.6 (8.7-25.1) which is not bad but would like to get that between 20-25.....had my estradiol checked and it was 11.2 (7.6-42.6)....Only minor discomfort for me for about a week......maybe I need more pellets next time.....
Another thing to note is that a man's testosterone level is most high late night/early 'wee hours of morning', so the increased 'early morning erections' occurs because of this fact. Usually more frequent and more dramatic during the first month after pellet implantation, ... ... at least for me.
It helps if your attracted to women.
Roger, no need to be an ass. If you don't have something constructive for the conversation stay out of it.
Just saw my doctor yesterday and he said we will do more pellets next time. He's thinking 16 pellets. Will get rechecked in a month after that. Also, only going to wait 3 month from initial insert of Testopel. Although Testopel is harder to dial in than other forms of testosterone, I love the fact that you have nothing to do/remember daily. Very convenient...
Dont do anything until you see your level
I was using Androgel for a year and I liked it. but as of Jan. '12, my insurance stopped covering it. I tried Testim- didnt like it. Now I have been off testosterone for 3 months. I have been getting hot flashes several times a day, and I feel weird and not well unless I'm relaxing. Erections? Whats that? I just had a blood test and my T level is 20!!!! One of my docs said he never heard of a level so low in an adult. I will be starting Testopel in a few days-I appreciate this forum. Wish me luck.
Hopefully you will get an adequate amount of pellets (14+). I am still doing the weekly shots until my HSA card cools off a little. I don't mind the shots and they are quite a bit cheaper than the pellets....however with that being said I am going to go with the pellets again in the future as it is 'suppose' to be a better form of Test.
Yes ............. 20 is low low low! I thought mine of 126 was low, but you've got me beat. (Sorry about that!) DO hope that you get things on the right track for you. I just notified my Doc that I'm 'in need' of the pellet implantation again. By the end of the 3rd month after getting the implant, I am needing it again. Do feel/act so much better when I have it. Good luck!
Typically 2-3 days and you will see a noticable difference.
Thanks Bob. Good luck to you too. I'm eagerly looking forward to getting the testopel. One of my docs said he's against men getting testosterone because he believes it can cause cancer, but he said in my case it was so low that it is necessary.
Just had pellets yesterday. Feel nothing yet.
Everyone has the same bouts about wanting to perform at the moment.
BTW, I'm attracted to GUYS. Makes no difference!
Wow, I havent had a morning erection in 25 years!!!
I'm still waiting for insurance authorization for testopel.
I was taking androgel for 10 months and the insurance stopped covering it, so now I'm eager to try testopel.
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