How Long After Taking Suboxone Can You Take Norco
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Ok I have been given a prescription of norco 7.5. I have been on subs since Dec 2013, 8mg a day. Is it safe to take them when they pull my tooth?

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Suboxone is not working for me for my pain. I'm on a very low dose..and want to go back to my Norco. How long do I stay off before starting again? I've been on suboxone for 5 weeks now.

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My son was on suboxone. He's 37. He stopped after being on them 2 yrs... Now he's broken his foot and bone across the top of his foot and something is wrong with his arm... Is he allowed to get on Norco? He was told no pharmacy will fill pain meds since he's been on suboxone. Plz reply, he can barely walk.

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I only wait 12 hours after pain pills and it works for me BUT prior post is should browser search & use the COWS scale to be completely safe...

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I took 1 8/2mg of suboxone at 1 pm, because I ran out of pain meds after knee surgery. Can I take my narcos at 7pm the same day?

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Hello ive been clean from suboxone since tuesday at 6:30 i have to start taking 7.5 i was post to today but ive been doing my research n it says 3 days tomorrow will be my 3rd day will it be safe to take tonight or should i wait till tomorrow

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NO NO NO PEOPLE!!!. YOU CANNOT TAKE SUBOXONE AND ANY TYPE OF OPIATES AT THE SAME TIME, PERIOD. The only legal use of Suboxone is to alleviate withdrawal symptoms from stopping the use of opiates due to dependence or addiction. If you are just using your Suboxone when you don't have your drug of choice, you are abusing it, AND YOUR DR WILL FIGURE IT OUT!!! Then you'll be stuck with NOTHING, and going thru the withdrawals you have fought so hard to get away from.

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i m on subs i ran out gout cutt of iys been 48 hours I have some norco 7'5 is it safe to take them?

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Wait at least the next day/34 hours At best

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I've waited 24 hours after last pain pill and took Suboxone and I was fine.

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Search google for the cows scale, you have to wait until you are in withdrawal otherwise you will go into precipitate withdrawals and that is Very very painful. You have to wait until you feel like crap basically and I'm talking sweats, goosebumps, runny nose. There is no set amount of hours contrary to what the sub doc tells you prior to induction. There is a test that you can check your symptoms against Called the COWS scale.


If you don't wait you will go into precipitated withdrawals and wish you were dead ( I'm speaking from experience )

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Ok say if I didn't take the subs for them 48 hours how long would it have to wait to take my suboxone again? Thank u for the help by the way

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Ok so it did work with the extra 4mg. I don't do pain well at all. The dentist already scares the s*** outta me so that don't help...

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Steph77 is right it's a complete waste, you should probably just take an extra 4mg of sub that's what my doc told me to do and it worked call your doc and see what he says.

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It will not help with your pain until you stop Suboxone for at least 48 hours, and even with that you might get limited relief.

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