How Long After Taking A 1/4 Suboxone Can You Take A Percocet? (Page 3)


I took a 1/4 of a suboxone a friend had given me around 6:00 pm today. How long do I have to wait until I can take a Percocet for pain and not get it and have it work?

63 Replies (4 Pages)

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I took 2mgs of subs this morning, how long should I wait to take percocet?

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I usually wait 5-7 hours after taking a 4mg sub and I can feel it, but it's like 50-75%, wait 12-15 I'm good as gold. Subs are absolutely terrible for pain..only help you from being sick..period

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Can u take Percocet while taking Suboxone? I have been taking 8mg of Suboxone for two days. When can i take a Percocet?

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I took two mgs of sub 13 hours ago and hadn't taken any for 36 hours before that would I be good to do oxy right now?

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If I took A suboxone 8 mg this morning at 8:45 can I take my 20 mg of Norco now and be able to feel it?

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My friend, everything changes by the hour. It may be good, it may be bad but I promise change will come, so if u really f***ing try to use that change in your favor you might turn out on top. It happens. It happened to me. Good luck.

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You only get sick when u take Suboxone while u still have opiates in ur system, u gotta wait 24 hours after u take opiates to take sub. But u can take opiates after sub and won't get sick, they'll just get blocked. So I'd wait 24 hours after sub to take anything too.

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Simple. If your U/A is clean then you're not taking your meds. You are either selling them or giving them away. You're NOT stupid.

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i have been taking 2 to 4 mg of sub for about 5 months everyday no more than that .how long before i could take a percocet assnd feel it?

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I've taken 1/4 of suboxone (8/2mg) for about a 5 days now. In a week I have a Dr. Appointment and I'm wondering how long can I continue to take this amount and how many days before my appointment should I stop taking it to make sure it's cleared my system. Thanks in advance

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Everyone is different. Some within 12 hours others 3-5 days

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The next day when u take ur suboxone..does it throw u into withdrawal bc of the percocet from the day before?

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Yesss this is the answer i was looking for cuz i didnt wana wait another min to take these perks hah

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Re: Frustrated (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I also have severe chronic pain. I ended up with an opiate addiction taking about 20 to 25 15 mg Percocet a day. That was on top of my morphine, Soma,... You get the picture. I went to a medical detox and did it outpatient rehab. After the medical detox I had a pretty severe pain for two to three weeks but after all the opiates kicked out of my system 100% my pain level was better than it was when I was taking all the opiates. Although I have no good advice for pushing through the initial pain I can tell you that the result is 100% worth it in the end

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Re: roxy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Hey I get the pill form 8mg subs... and I cut them in fours ( 4 quarters) but I had a kidney stone and my Dr gave me a script for 5/325 mg long should I wait?

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If I've only been on subs for 2 days. Total of 8mg. And my last dose of 2mg's was 2 hours ago, when can I take norco again??? Quick answer please

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Re: niknik2914 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Do u ever go thru withdraw like they say if u take sub and percs that's scary thing

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Re: NotMyNane (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I took a 1/4 sublingual this morning at 8am, it's now 5pm, do u think im.okay to take a percocet now and feel the affect. My back pain is starting to set in now??

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I took a little less then half of a 12 mg suboxone at noon. Today its almost 10pm can i take n feel a perc 30? I never take subs just did today so i didnt feel sick

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Re: niknik2914 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for this info. I take about 1-2 mg of suboxone a day. But today I woke up with severe neck pain AMA it’s been since like 7 am that I took my dose and my brother gave me a half of of a norco just now. It’s 7:38 pm so it’s been 10 hours so I should be ok right?

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