Getting Off Suboxone
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Hi. I have been addicted to H/oxycontin for two years. I got clean for 4 months once and never got back to using everyday. I use at the most 3 days a week but most of the time I use just friday night and saturday. When im off opiates i always take 2mg of suboxone daily. Like i said this has been going on for about two years. This is the biggest problem i have when trying to get clean, I know its going to be a struggle but i preparing myself mentally to just grin and bare it but i end up going through this cycle everytime i try to go cold turkey off subs or opiates. The first day i wake up feeling s***ty but go about my day. I go to work and feel super weak and out of it, my nose usually starts running like crazy and its hard to move and I have zero motivation. As the day progresses my nose will continue to run and i will feel cold and start yawning a lot as the anxiety kicks in. At night i get ready for bed and this is when it really gets bad. I can't get comfortable and start to toss and turn as my anxiety and yawning build and build until about 45 minutes into having the lights im going through a full blown anxiety attack. I repeatedly tense my body up and stop while holding my breath and letting it out again. I start yawning and my eyes will water while i tense and contract every muscle in my body hold my breath and then release over and over and over. I can usually take about an hour or two of this before i decide to feel high or get a sub,which ever piece of s*** picks their phone up first. I once went 4 days without a wink of sleep after having checked into the ER 4 differant times in 6 months and having them tell me there was nothing they could do for me while telling them i was just having an anxiety attack, as i didnt want to admit to my drug use. For me the anxiety is the worst part I can't sleep, breath, or eat. Its insane i don't know how anybody can deal with this because its just too much for me. Just the fact that I know i wont sleep for days always deters me from keep my sobriety. Im so sick of playing this game does anybody have a good suboxone taper. 2mg a day is enough to stave off any withdrawals symptoms i get, so i dont think it could be too much to taper down from. like i said the only symptoms i cant handle is the anxiety and sleeplessness. The anxiety gets so bad i literally cant sit still and start freaking the f*** out. please help me i gotta get off these subs.
4 Replies
Sorry buddy but tapering off suboxone is worthless. Suboxone remains in your body for about three days after your last dose and as long as you are still taking even a teeny tiny amount you are just delaying withdrawal. Also be prepared for 31 days of serious withdrawals from Suboxone. Suboxone withdrawal makes opiate withdrawal look like a walk in the park. You will not be able to work during this time. So you need to prepare your life for this downtime. I have been Suboxone free for two years now and once it was finally out of my system I was ok but I am not an addict, I took Suboxone for nerve damage. You can NOT take Vicodin while withdrawals get from Suboxone as it will just make withdrawal last even longer. I wish you a ton of luck.
A side note - If you can make a doctor give you the following:
1) Parafon Forte 500mg for restless leg syndrome while withdrawaling
2) Xanax 1mgs for anxiety
Purchase over the counter:
Benadryl (for the sneezing and runny nose)
Sleep aide tablets (50mgs)
Anti diarrheal meds
Chicken noodle soup
Make sure you have 3 weeks off work. Try and have someone check on you the first week. Do NOT have any opiates in your home
I can not stress to u the importance to have these things lined up before you attempt withdrawal. Nothing worse than giving up after weeks of withdrawal. Suboxone withdrawal feels like it's never going to end but it does so hang in there.
I've been taking suboxone 8mg/2mg for like six weeks I would only take like three quarters of the strip through out the whole day for back pain and they don't work am I going to get sick if I just stop them now,and can I start taking my Percocet again tomorrow and hopefully get some releaf from my back pain And this is my first time taking the suboxone. Thank you for your help with this
Hi SickOfDope, as Verwon said," u should seek some medical treatment." It's like u r on a roller coaster and can't get off. I was addicted 2 Oxy 4 almost 10 years and I know about those horrific withdrawals. I'm also taking a benzo 4 my anxiety. (Helps a lot) but, I also take suboxone. My life is SO much better 2 day. A lot of us have been through what u r going through. But, u have 2 make a choice 4 yourself. I would hope u get some medical help.
I really think the best thing to do, at this time, would be for you to get medical help, that way you can make sure that a proper and safe tapering schedule is followed to prevent as much of the withdrawals and anxiety, as possible.
You can look for a doctor that treats with Suboxone in your area by using the zip code search at click here.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Have you tried getting help with it, before?
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