G3722 Xanax


I need to get my script filled with the g3722 instead of other generics. please it's the only medicine that helps me with my severe anxiety and my pharmacy didn't refill it for me because my insurance doesn't cover it. What should I do or where can I get it filled?

16 Replies

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How would any of us be able to get you a controlled substance?!?! I take 3 g3722's a day but i get mine from my doctor. Getting them off the streets is hard because sometimes you can find them sometimes not. And you go into horrible withdrawal symptoms. Get to a doctor an get them the right way and you will never run out.

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Dean is correct, these are only legal by prescription in the US, in addition, this site does not prescribe nor sell any medications, this is an information only website.

The pills you are asking for are 2mgs of Alprazolam, a generic for Xanax, a very potent Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

Taking too much of this and/or taking it without a doctor's supervision can be very dangerous, especially at this high of a dosage.

In addition, these are also highly addictive.

Have you ever consulted a doctor about your anxiety and possible treatment options?

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Verwon is right, they are very potent. I take 6 mg a day because I am a diagnosed BiPolar, major panic attack, and depressive. I started taking Xanax in 1986 and my dose was taking 2 .0125 a day which is but a fraction of what I take now. Your body does build up a tolerance for this medication. I do not recommend taking this pill recreationally. It leads quickly to an addiction that is VERY hard to stop and very expensive to buy on the street as your dependance increases. I take what I take because my life is not livable without it. It is one of 3 different meds I take to control the symptoms of my mental issues. And Xanax is truly a medication that should only EVER be taken by those prescribed it. You'll be doing yourself a favor trust me.

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P.S. I would go out on a limb and guess there is a reason why your doc won't prescribe it. It is usually only prescribed after trying many other very effective drugs used for anxiety. In my case the severity Xanax was the tried and true drug needed for my level of anxiety and the panic attacks I take. Also, I am on SSI because of the severity of my bipolar. Do yourself a favor and ask your doctor for something else or ask him what he thinks you should be taking. The fact that you have asked here for a specific brand of Xanax that you are taking them for reasons that go beyond just plain anxiety. Try Seroquel, Buspar, or maybe even some antidepressants are very good choices besides the highly addictive Xanax. For me its just a side effect I have to deal with. But if you can avoid Xanax you should try very hard to. Good luck and health to you.

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poeple that take zanex for fun r so dumb. ive seen poeple do the most ridiculous thiings on those, and the poeple on them think there not doing n e thing wrong at all. but the person that started this seems like tey need a little bit fersure

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Okay so to the guy who just posted that last comment, you need to learn how to spell before you trying insult other people. I know that some of these people said some stupid stuff, but you have by far said the dumbest most unintelligent thing I've ever read on the Internet.

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Not sure why no one mentioned this… the problem was this orson had a script for it and get insurance wouldn't covet it… they could still get it filled and just pay for it out of pocket… unless im missing something??

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G3722 is still a generic pill, I have tons of them. Its not that the insurance company didn't want to cover that pill, they didn't want to pay for Xanax in any form. You could purchase that item at Walmart or other retailers that would carry it for around 20 cents. I pay 2 cents for them or an equivalent?

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I really wish to havea picture of g 3722.

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Google it?

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Has anyone ever seen a g3722 with a 2 on the back? I've been taking these for so many years and I have these plenty of times but I've never had on with a 2 on the back. They've always been smooth. They seem to take fine, when you bite them or chew them like I do you know the taste, and it seems right, but it kind of has me thrown off because I've had these many on times and they're always smooth on the back. Please somebody tell me if you seen one before. I get brand name Xanax too and that has a 2 on the back, I know. :) thank you for your time.

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I pay cash every month for mine forget the insurance if u really need the Xanax for anxiety like I do then you should have no problems paying cash for them!

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Re: EDDY (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

umm we need to talk lol. where do u live? Do u ever come to Orlando Just curious. ha

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Re: Shelly (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I'm the only person I know who drove to Disney World Orlando and then not go to the park. Had my birthday dinner at Taco Bell, stayed at a terrible Motel right outside the park. However, I would never come back to Florida, that Governor is a maniac, if not the Crime, COVID will get you. I moved across the Country back to California, endless Xanax & Pot it seems?

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Re: Mike (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

The problem isn't getting them filled the problem is finding a doctor to write the script it doesn't matter if I paid cash or pay does my insurance card at the visit regardless it's trying to find a doctor that will actually write you the script

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Re: EDDY (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in N.Calif... Can you recommend a doctor?

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