Foot Cramps While Taking Chlorthalidone (Top voted first)


Since I started taking this I have been experiencing really bad foot cramps. Off and on during the day and some nights life tonight its really bad and causing me to lose sleep. Dr told me to make sure to eat leafy greens which I do daily and also bananas for potassium but they won't stop. Any suggestions?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I too am having leg and foot cramps and taking Chlorthalidone. Previously only had cramps at night. Now after starting this drug they happen off and on all day. Muscle relaxant helps partially. Drinking plenty of fluids so that's not the source. Labs are good.

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Hello, April! How are you?

Are you also being careful to take in enough fluid each day?

This medication is classified by the FDA as a diuretic, so it works be removing fluid from the body. You may be experiencing the cramping due to dehydration. That's always an early warning for me that I'm getting dehydrated, which I have a bad habit of doing.

Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, hypotension and increased urination.

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