UpdatedI take roxycotin 30mg about three to four times a day as well as prosac 20 mg. When i went to my doctor and told her that i was still alittle depressed and still in some pain due to degenerative disc disease, two slipped discs and bipolar/ anxiety for more then fifteen years, she suggested to me that she felt I had FIBERMYALGIA. She suggested that i start taking LYRICA. She also told me that it may cut down the use of the Roxycotins. I have heard some good things as well as bad things from taking this medication and i'm kind of nervous... It is not a cheap medication and at the present time I have no insurance. I WORK FOR AN ACCOUNTING FIRM and it is TAX SEASON so I need to be VERY FOCUSED!!! I am dealing with other peoples money and they need to be able to depend on me so therefore I need as much information as you can give me on this topic/subject. On one hand if it helps take the pain away and even helps me to cut back on the opiates since I'm working twelve hour days and the depression, well, that goes without even saying, that would be great... but there is very little room for making any or all my symptoms worse! Please anybody who can give me advice good, bad, or neutral PLEASE HELP ME!!!
3 Replies
Lyrica contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to be effective as a mood stabilizer and to help with some forms of nerve pain.
The most important thing to know is that it does not work like a regular analgesic, it will not work immediately to start relieving pain or to help with depression, it will take about 4 to 6 weeks to reach its full effectiveness in your body.
An alternative medication, that has a generic available that would be cheaper, if you don't have insurance is Neurontin, which contains the active ingredient Gabapentin, so you might want to discuss trying it with your doctor.
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
Thank you very much for your reply it helps a lot... and like he said if anybody else has anything to add personal experiences i would be most greatful!
Its my advice to u NOT to take Lyrica!!!!! It will INCREASE your pain as well as the fact that it really messes with ur concentration!!!! Along with MANY other side effects and none of them are good! One of the worst things and ur doctor WONT tell u this, but I WILL! Lyrica is EXTEAMLY ADDICTIVE!!!!! I take 150 mg 2x a day, when i wanted to get off of it my doc cut the dosage in half! 75 mg 2x a day and i SUFFERED from withdrawl symptoms just 4 days after the dosage being cut. I couldnt sit still, couldnt eat cuz when i tried i gagged on the food in my throat. I was nausous and the worst side effect from Lyrica is the sweating. My body cannot regulate its temp, im so HOT from the inside out and sweat profusly, but the slightest breeze and im freezing! My skin is cold to the touch but im so hot n cant quit sweating!!! PLEASE BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL U THERE IS NO PAIN WORTH GETTING ON LYRICA FOR!!!! Theres other drugs to treat fibromyalgia with lesser side effects, research them and talk to ur doc, but dont trust the doc too much, cuz i guarentee he/she doesnt know all that much about lyrica!!!! B UR OWN ADVOCATE!!! Good luck to u!
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