Fenopine (Top voted first)


what purpose.

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side effect...... this drug when taken even with food causes me to have severe stomach pains.

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I've been taking fenopine for about 3 weeks for back pain but I'm in agony with stomach pains since. I can't eat and the lining of my stomach has been eroded. i've had tests at great cost to me and nothing showed up but i'm still in agony - I've lost over a stone in 3 weeks -any one else out there who has the same side effects please contact me. Tomorrow I go for an ultra sound . Natuually I have stopped taking Fennopine but I'm worried the damage is done.

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The active ingredient in this is Ibuprofen, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.

This class of medications is well known to affect the stomach of some people, especially with long-term use.

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I Have pins and needles in my hand anyone else with this complaint

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