Eye Drops With Oxymetazoline (Page 3)


replacement for Visine LR

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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Christina, did you ever get a hold of Custom Prescriptions? Even if your compounding pharmacy will not make the eye drops, these people will do it if we can get enough people interested to hold the cost down per bottle.

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I sent them an email but haven't received any response. I think there are many on the other discussion page on this website, see: Discuss/Visine-LR-Discontinued-200960.htm

...that would be interested in working with Custom Prescriptions. Maybe you can post the information for them there as well?

Also, Ray, I haven't heard of Claritin eyedrops. Did you use them in the past?

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I haven't used Claritin, but I read, somewhere online, that it uses the oxy ingredient that LR had. I haven't been able to find it though.

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I have used Visine LR every day for the past 35 years and it is the only eyedrop that works for me to relieve redness. So I have switched to Afrin nasal spray which contains the same Oxymetazoline HCl active ingredient as Visine LR, but at 0.05% rather than 0.025%. I just use fewer drops in each eye with Afrin and it relieves redness in my eyes the same way as Visine LR. Try it and see. It works!

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can you put afrin nasal spray in your eyes?

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Micky please read message 44 below your inquiry.

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I'm buying one bottle Afrin Nasal Spray, Oxy is .05% and cutting in half. Works same as Visine LR. Seems to be same stuff. Don't know about safety issues but it works. Otherwise as one poster so eloquently wrote "I look like a monster".....

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I do, I just cut it in half with water to get back to .025%. Works same.

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This really does work. I mixed just as you said and my eyes are white and feel fine. Don't waste your money on E-bay buying Visine LR at the ridiculous prices they are charging!

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Couldn't find Afrin Nasal Spray but did find Claritin Nasal Spray with Oxy as an ingredient. It works great!

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Yes your right there are others so let's form a pack!

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I also found another nasal spray with Oxy in it. Drixoral, which has 0.05% Oxymetazoline the same as Claritin. This is in Canada.

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Here's what I did, Walmart has artificial tears ($3.00) two drops in each eye along with one drop of Afrin, just like Visine LR

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I've been using Visine L.R. for years. Few years back they pulled it from the shelves and later repackaged it, and it became Long Lasting verses Lasting Relief. There's nothing I haven't tried, even the replacement Totality sets my eyes on fire. Please help =(

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See what I wrote on #47

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Did Custom Prescriptions of Lancaster ever respond to you? I have sent several emails asking about eyedrops with oxymetazoline but haven't heard anything from them.

Thanks in advance

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For any interested, I have two petitions circulating.

The first asks Prestige Brands to make eyedrops with oxymetazoline:

The second asks Johnson and Johnson to bring Visine LR back:

Thank you in advance!

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Thanks, I signed your petition. I spoke with Visine Customer Care today and was told there was a problem with manufacturer and are currently working on a new formula, whatever that means. Was not informed as to what the problem was with the original product. I am on a list to be notified as to when this new product becomes available. HA.....wonder how many years that is going to take.

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Susan, Thank you for your information and update.

I think because I am the original petitioner on these petitions, Johnson and Johnson
is reluctant to tell me anything. Nevertheless, we keep trying!

I truly appreciate you and all who continue to sign the petition.

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Ever tried Restasis? (Cyclosporine)

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