Dytor Plus 20
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Hello, I'm a 20 yrs old, female about 5 feet tall and weighing around 52-53kgs. I've been using dytor plus 20 for about a year now, although however I've not been using it regularly. But the last few months I've been consuming it regularly. There's no specific reason, it's just for weight loss. I've tried to quit the drug many a times except when I do that, I have swelling and bloating which lasts days .. Till I'm compelled to take the medicine.
I'd be extremely grateful if you could tell me if this could have a damaging effect on my body and if I should stop taking this or if there's any alternative.( I've never really faced a problem with this though barring the tiredness)
Thank you

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Thank you so much.
And no I've not been prescribed this medicine. I'd be extremely grateful if you could tell me any alternative method, after I stop the pill, since it'll cause a lot of discomfort and bloating.
Is there any natural diuretic that I could use instead.
Thank you.

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This medication is a diuretic that is used to remove excess fluid from your body, to treat conditions such as congestive heart failure, edema, and high blood pressure.

Thus, if you've been taking it for awhile, to try to lose weight, stopping it abruptly could result in fluid retention that causes swelling and bloating.

And yes, it could cause damage to your body, due to dehydration, liver, or kidney issues, according to the NIH.

Any weight loss gained from it will also not be permanent.

Has your doctor prescribed this for you?

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