Doctors In Oklahoma Prescribe Oxycodone (Page 2)
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I'm looking for pain doc that will give me what my old doc did which was 30mg oxycodone (5 daily), 2mg xanax (4 daily), 10/325mg norco (6 daily). I live in okc, plz anything will help.
I am unaware of any PM Dr that allows contract patients being treated with an opiate to receive any benzodiazepine even if prescribed by a psychiatrist. I have been with my current PM Dr for a very long time, it is a 45 min cab ride. If I could find a PM Dr who was not going to leave practice or get in trouble I would switch if the person was closer and allowed my psychiatrist to resume prescribing xanax. I am SW OKC so anyone reputable thats closer than 45 min would work. As for Soma, I didn't think anyone would still prescribe it. It is a shame though. Soma was very effective for treating my restless leg syndrome and it allowed me to get some sleep. No other muscle relaxer did the same and many had undesired side effects like heart palpitations from skelaxin and flexeril.
I am looking for pharmacies that will fill Oxycodone in Oklahoma. I get a prescription for Oxycontin 20 mg 60 tablets. I have no insurance so was told the generic drugs are cheaper but I am unable to find it.
Please give me a doctor name on tulsa to get my pain med from. My doctor retired. I have been to 5 doctors & still looking.
I need a good doctor in tulsa. My doctor retired & i have been to 5 differ doctors & none will give me my monthly pain meds. I have been on themv for about 15 years. Please reply will some names.
Do u have a doctor's name in tulsa. I need one. My doctor retired & i have been to 4 other doctor but they do not do pain meds. I have records & i am on disability. I have humana insurance. I really miss my old doctor i was with him for like 15 years. Please give me a doctor name for oxycodone & morphine, soma.
I need a doctor in tulsa, owasso area. My doctor retired & i have already went to 4 new doctors & i am still looking. I am on disability & have recorders. I take oxycodone & morphine, soma as need. I used to take zanax but can't find a doctor to give me zanax with my pain med. I need pain med more. Can someone please help? I hAve Humana insurance..
High, can u please tell me where this Dr. Is in Tulsa ?? I can not deal with OKC Dr. Shopping & wasting my time & $$$$ for A Dr. To give me 90 7.5 a strong Aspirin to me..I have been on my Meds for 10 yrs. Now !! I really would appreciate a response to my e-mail...thnx....
Go to Sooner Pain Management in Del City, Dr Dawson is the best!!'
Wow!!! I am amazed about the OK State on getting in to a P.M. Dr.....I myself have been gone 10 yrs. Came back & can't believe what it takes just to get an appt. in P.M. I have been on Oxycodone 30's since 2004 have all medical records, been with 1-dr. 10 yrs. In Texas..I was involved in a 5-Fatality Big Truck accident back in 1983, broke my neck, back, serious head trauma, hand surgery, went back to wk. After 2-yrs. Of rehabilitation with no MEDS!!! Work all the way up to 2014 & our good ole Gvmnt. Says I can't work no more !! Now I did start taking Oxycodone in 04 when my pain got so bad cause I had gotten older, I am in OKC since 1st. Dec, 2016 my Meds ran out 30th. Dec, 2016 everywhere I called about 80% says not taking any new Medicare Patients, other 5% want a 2016 MRI, & last 15% are mixed up and say, need referral & or Medical records & we will call u for appointment after Dr. Looks over your records!!..I have never had a Dirty UA Ever in 10 yrs. W/1-Dr...I am holding 93 pages of medical records & holding referrals from primary care in OKC...This is all Great rite ?? But while I'm hanging onto my cell In Bed in so much pain playing the waiting game for a Drs. office to call me, WTF Am I suppose to do ?? I went to ER & got 24 POS 5/300 Norcos & that lasted couple days & I was told don't go to no more ER's cause P.M. Drs. will think ur a pill head hitting different places, IDK...WTF A Person in need of Meds 100% legit due to very serious chronic pain from being hit by a BIG ****ING TRUCK @ 60 Miles an Hr. & I was rite behind another BIG TRUCK @ a Dead Stop & went completely underneath the one in front of me!! It was in the Daily Oklahoman News Paper Oct. 19th. 1983 on the NE 42nd. St. Southbound lane & Yes I was the only one that lived & lost my good friend rite next to me!! I'm not looking for sympathy here @ all, God spared me for a reason!!! He was live that day when this horrible dramatic accident happen to me!! I Didn't ask for this to happen, & now I'm suffering because all the druggies out here!!..The DEA CAN KISS MY *******,.....I'm sorry.....I wished they could experience just 1/16 of my pain... I Thank you Lord for sparring my Life and making me strong to endure Pain!! FYI I am a 55 yr. old & worked all my life till 11/14...& truly I wished I could work!! Any 1 know of a dr. Just to get one refill till I can get into PM?
Jemtal: I was hoping you could tell me the name of the doctor you know in Tulsa please. I would so much appreciate it.
I'm so frustrated!!!!!! Can someone please let me know of a doctor in the Tulsa area that will prescribe 30mg of oxycodone. PLEASE, can't live in this pain much longer. I am about ready to throw in the towel. God Bless.
I was a patient of his when he left his private practice and went to work for the VA. He referred all his patients to a doctor who was relocating from Texas and his relocation was delayed so I had to go find a different one who I still see. I am looking for a new doctor because my current believes and ablation shots will cure everything and since they havent helped me at all he is frustrated and considering dropping me. I have an appointment in a couple dDr. Sorenson was a good doctor who cared about patients and I hated to lose him. If you find someone as good as him please let me know. Thank you and Good Luck!ays to see what he is going to do.
Does anyone know where Dr. Sorenson is at these days? He is a really good pain management doctor. He is in the Tulsa area.
Can you please share the doctors name with me? I degenerative disk disease, stenosis, and severe osteoarthritis spurs, and I've had several disks removed along with several vertebrae split and expanded with several steel plates and screws in my neck and back. I cannot play with my grandkids and am about to lose my job from not being able to get to work. I have just one year left to retirement and this pain is debilitating. The three specialists I have seen over the past 6 years have all retired and my current one is getting out of the pain treatment business. I am on two 20mg oxycontin er and three 0mg oxycodone daily and this allows me to go to work most days. But I'm going to be needing a doctor within the next couple weeks. I live in Tulsa. I'm 66 years old but feel 90. I would really appreciate your help in finding a doctor. Thank you.
Jemtal, I saw your post and was wondering if can you please tell me the name of the doctor that you know in Tulsa? I would really appreciate it I am having a very difficult time finding a good doctor that will help me. All of the people out there that do wrong are making it hard for people like me that do the right thing and have real pain and need their pain meds.
Any suggestions for Dr.having surgery in 4-6 days need relief now please help with any advice am in fire straits doubled over with cysts and tumors in ovaries
Where do I post to find a pain doctor in NC? Every post I am getting is from Colorado or Oklahoma. Are these posts organized by geographic area? I thought I could get some help here since I need to ditch my pain Dr. of 2 years. I have a bulging disc in my cervical spine plus TMJ & I struggle w/ anxiety disorder. I have been able to control pain w/ up to 32 mg of Hydromorphone & Tramadol for breakthrough pain. I have managed to control my anxiety 28th Klonopin up to 2 mg a day prescribed by my neurologist. I have been on the right dose of meds. for pain control & anxiety meds. for the past two years although I have been on anxiety meds. total for 7 years. This pain doctor has had me @ the same dose of pain meds. for 2 yrs. knowing I was on Klonopin from another doctor. He only advised me not to take them at the same time of day & that he had me on the safest dose of pain meds. w/ me being on Klonopin. I have been fine w/ the plan since both problems were under control. He never once in 2 yrs. told me to go off of Klonopin until my last visit. He was rude & abrupt about it too not giving me a chance to say anything but he has always been in the room less than 5 minutes. He wants me off B4 my next visit in 3 months. I have been on it for 7 yrs. & have anxiety disorder. He said I would need to show clean for Benzos or he would reduce my pain meds. way down which will be ineffective. He could have told me this a year ago but now he is blackmailing me. I am unable to tolerate antidepressants for anxiety so I am stuck. I am considering another pain doctor since he has changed & not for the better. I need to know how this works. How will I know if someone responds to my post? I need to know how to find post from NC in the Charlotte area or 40 miles away.
Did you ever find a good Dr in okc? In lots of pain.
Did u find a Dr in ok that would prescribe the medications u listed above? If so could u give me their name please. I'm having a horrible time finding the right Dr for me
Sure u r.......pill popper!!!!!
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