Cor 103 Is It A Soma (Top voted first)


Muscle relaxer Cor 103

4 Replies

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I have taken Soma/Carosoprodol 350 mg X 4 a day for 5 years. They do very little but relieve nureuthopy (spl). However, I recently got a prescription for Soma cor 103 and they messed me up. I am not taking them. All the other brands act the same, but this cor 103 acts more like a narcotic, and I do not take narcotics.

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Yes, COR 103 is Carisoprodol 350mgs, a generic for Soma.

So not a narcotic at all.

However, the reason it could be causing you to feel that way is the real nature of generic drugs and the laws that control the making of them.

In truth, generic drugs are allowed to differ, in the ACTIVE ingredient, from their name brand counterparts by as much as PLUS or MINUS 20%.

In addition, it DOES NOT necessarily have to be the same exact active ingredient as the name brand drug. The law requires the company only to prove that the active ingredient they are using is BIOEQUIVELENT. So it is metabolized by the body in the same way and produces the same therapeutic effects.

I am sure that by reading this, you can just imagine how different a generic can be from the name brand version of a drug, and how different one companies generics can be from another.

In addition to this, if a company has poor quality control, then you could end up with severe differences, even more so than that 20%.

On top of that, the inactive ingredients are entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer. They do not have to be the same as the name brand at all. The FDA has a list of substances that they title as GCAS, or Generally Considered as Safe, and a company can use any binders and fillers that are on the approved list that they wish.

And, of course, just like the active ingredients, some inactives can affect people differently and affect how the drug reacts in their bodies when they take it.

That said, you could conceivable be getting a higher dose than you are used to taking, and/or one of the inactives could be affecting you as well.

In the future, when you go in to the pharmacy, or phone, for your refill, you might want to ask them specifically which generic they have available to fill that one. If it the one marked COR, which is manufactured by Sandoz, you might want to ask if they have any other options available, and if not, try other pharmacies, since there are several other options available and you already know that the others work better for you.

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WOW, thank you, that was a good answer and made sense. I am definitely going to stick with Qualitest or Watson. I still cannot take the Cor brand of Soma. I do not like being buzzed up, but I do like the fact Soma stops the muscle pain. Well mostly.
Again, Thanks, Bob

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