Coladapin (Top voted first)



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Could you possibly mean Klonopin ? Treats seizures and panic disorder. Active ingredient is called Clonazepam. Hope this helps...

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Yeah Paul is right - Coladapin is a common misspelling for Klonopin and is often confused with the spelling of the active ingredient Clonazepam.

"Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine derivative with anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, and anxiolytic properties. It is marketed by Roche under the trade-names Klonopin in the United States, and Ravotril in Chile. Other names like Rivotril or Rivatril are known throughout the large majority of the rest of the world. Clonazepam is generally considered to be among the long-acting benzodiazepines"

Lots more details are available on the page for Clonazepam Details.

Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

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