Can You Take Oxycontin While On Suboxone (Top voted first)
UpdatedIf you're taking suboxone can you take a oxy for pain? Will it make you sick or not?
11 Replies
You don't get sick. And you still feel the effects. I go back and forth all the time. Subs are my plan B. They keep me from being sick when I run out of oxy. Just saying...
Thank You 4 being honest. I figured it was more to scare people!
You don't know anything about suboxone and taking Oxycontin. Yes you can still take it, you just have to take higher amounts of it and no I'm not an advocate of it but what the f*** are you supposed to do when you're in pain? Go to the doctor right? You've already been flagged!!!!
Dear mjp it is not a good thing 2 take Oxy with subs. You could get very sick or it could be worse. Besides, suboxone blocks out the effects of Oxy. So, u wouldn't feel the Oxy. Mixing them is a no no. U must also b in withdrawals b 4 u can take the subs.
No No!!! Why would you? Your on Suboxone for a reason. Suboxone blocks the effects. You could go into bad withdrawals or end up dead.
Suboxone blocks the opiates receptors in your body. That's why physicians prescribe subs-- to aide with opiate withdrawal symptoms by blocking the opiate receptors.
1. You're going to end up wasting the oxy for sure if you take it with a sub. Just plain dumb.
And also...
2. Opiates (oxys) will induce withdrawals when taken with or after a Suboxone... Which is never fun. Don't do it. You're gunna regret it. Save the oxy until the sub is outta your body.
So, the answer is no. Don't take them (subs and any kind of opiates) together ever. Terrible idea.
Then why are You on a Pro-Suboxone chat? Obviously you didn't know how literal it gets "NOT being able to function without the drugs!" For those that get Subs & are still using- You are the kind of people that makes it harder for those of us that are living proof Subs work & you make it harder for them to be prescribed! If you use OC's or any opioids while on Subs, your Dr can cut you off Subs right away!
I'd like to believe you. You're the 1st person I've heard sat they can go back and forth. I ran out of my oxy's about 2 weeks ago and started taking some subs I had laying around. Go back to my oxy's on Wed. and really hope they work.
Scotty b
Yeah....but you can't take them together!!! Going back & forth you can but never together....I almost had a heart attack cuz I took some oxy's & then took a saboxen several hrs later (instead of waiting 12 hrs like you're supposed to) DO NOT TAKE TOGETHER...AT LEAST 12hrs apart
Yes, you can take an oxycontin after you have taken your sub for the day. However, 2 things:
#1) you will not get the euphoria you are seeking since that's the purpose of the drug when taken, eventually making it senseless to the average user.
#2) some people will find some degree of pain relief from it, just depending on a persons chemistry, length of use & tolerance, which is the ultimate purpose of the medication.
*But....Dangerously...In that if u take it in reverse* - an opiate first, & then take a suboxone too soon without being in withdrawals. (different time periods for each person-- see the C.O.W.S induction chart for symptoms of when it is an appropriate time to take the sub according to the total number you have).
Usually anywhere from 12-24 hrs, again depending on the individual, amount used, what used, n length of amount of drug usage...
Warning: if taken before you are not in full withdrawals -- "It" will send you into what is referred to as "Precipitated withdrawals"! Which are in no exaggeration, a combination of the withdrawal you experience -- in day 1, day 2, & day 3, of withdrawals - all combined in a matter of ten minutes!!! Not for sissys or those weak of heart. You think you want to die with the regular 5-7 day wd process. Those will be like a walk in the park compared to all of the symptoms hitting you full force at one time.
Kinda like rapid detox w medication. Not something you wanna risk, or if have experienced, ever, want to again. In fact, in know quite a few people who won't even try suboxone believing that is the normal reaction to it in the beginning. They, just like most addicts, want instant relief, & either think they'll get a jump start on the wd's b4 they start (why suffer unnecessarily- cuz eventually if u wanna play- u gotta pay the piper). Or they wanna play the (have your cake & eat it too - & won't most of us try at least once or twice- its the nature of the beast!)
So the decision is on you- but here is the correct answer from an educated- informed- been there- done that- person. Good luck in perhaps being one of the few that are able to learn the easy way, by listening, not the hard way from "Experience!"
I think using one drug to get off another drug is so crazy you get rid of 1 problem just to start another I know what was feel like wanting to die for real but u can make it one day at a time all you gotta do is really want to stop for your own reason Amen you can make it with God's help......noodles
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