Can I Use Persivate Ointment For Piles


Can I use persivate on piles? I have very sore bleeding piles. What can I use both internally and externally for piles?

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Hello, Odie! How are you?

This cream contains a steroid that may help, but it is best not to use it internally, unless it has been specifically formulated for such use, otherwise it may cause irritation or infection.

The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including irritation, redness and dryness.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi. I am 30 and suffering from piles since two months taken ayurvedic medicines but none help...I have two internal piles and a fissure as diagnosed by a doctor what should I do? It's really painful. I'm taking flexon analgesic and anti-inflammatory tablets for a while is it safe to use it?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've been bleeding for 3 months and have been looking for a piles treatment to help. Does anyone have any recommendations?

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