Blue Fluoxetine Causes Heartburn (Page 4)
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Recently my pharmacy began giving me a new version of fluoxetine, which I have taken for MANY years with no problems.... however the blue fluoxetine gives me horrible heart burn. I use to take them at night before bed, but couldn't sleep, so decided to start taking them in the morning and still get the heartburn. I don't take them with any other meds. I tried an empty stomach, and after eating, but the results are still the same. I also get a bad headache (I think from the heartburn.) Has anyone figured out how to avoid this problem?

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Thank you all for sharing. I thought I was losing my mind. Have even had endoscopy done because of the pain (and of course they found nothing wrong with me). It's the blue fluoxetine. I never had this problem before the pharmacy switched to the blue capsules. Horrible pain. Makes you think you are losing your mind. Throat on fire, headache...... literally pain in my ears it hurt so bad. I can't believe I found other people with same issue. I have lost so much sleep the last couple of years due to this. Will definitely be calling pharmacy tomorrow.

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Why put up with pain and torture? Because before taking fluoxetine I was suicidal.

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Same here, i am taking the blue capsules 40 mg and right away i get the burning sensation in my stomach, back and even i get a headache. I have to take 1500 mg of tums to get some relief...

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i have the same issue with the blue prozac...i use to have these pills that were orange/ green and no issues.....these blue ones set my stomach and throat on FiRE

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I get the same thing! Where it feels like the pills are stuck in your throat burning through your esophagus! Put them in an empty pill bottle and do it like a shot straight down the chute. When my throats more open it happens less, even if its not really stuck in there. I take 80 at night for 5+ years and since theyve changed manufacturers it happens more.

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Read through the other replies. You'll see that the problem is the gelatin capsules. There are a couple of different things you can do. (1) Ask your pharmacist to give you a different form. (2) Asking your doctor for a different form. (3) Transferring the contents of the capsule to a vegetarian grade capsule which can be bought online.

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I get the same thing. Extremely bad heartburn for 1-2 hours after taking fluoxetine capsules. I only get sometimes, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I've eaten, etc. Could it be that there is a flaw in some of these capsule.

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Yes, there is gelatin in a non-capsule pill. All pills contain binders. That's what helps the pill maintain its shape. Gelatin, and gelatin derivatives are frequently used as binders, along with other agents. You'll often notice that a pill becomes slimy and slips around your tongue as soon as it gets wet. That's from the gelatin. Blue dye is not known to cause allergic reactions, though people in general can experience anything from anything depending on whether or not their body is vulnerable at that moment. (For example, a person might be ill and their immune system either very weak or in overdrive, which would cause the body to overreact to a certain usually harmless substance at that particular moment). Dye allergies are usually restricted to red, yellow, and orange. Dyes get washed out quickly by the kidneys, which means they don't have time to build up in the body unless you are eating a lot of them at one time (such as drinking a gallon of blue Hawaiian Punch, then ate a big bowl of blue jello, then followed it up with a bag of blue M&Ms, and so on). I would suspect that either the pill contains gelatin binders or something else could be causing the heartburn, such as taking the pill on an empty stomach, or taking the pill with orange juice or grapefruit juice (which are acidic and when taken on an empty stomach cause the acid to reflux).

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is there gelatin in a non-capsule pill? I don't often eat blue food (lol), but in times I have had, say blue Hawaiin punch, I have not had episodes, but perhaps it's cumulative since I don't eat/drink blue dye daily other than prescribed meds.

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The issue of dyes is frustrating to explain because by themselves they cannot cause heartburn, but some dyes can create allergic reactions in a very small number of people which can sometimes create inflammation in the lower esophagus which can facilitate acid reflux (the cause of heartburn). But in that case it would mean that you have an allergy to the dye itself and would experience the same symptoms from other things containing the same dye (for example blue M&Ms, blue Jello, blue marshmallow peeps, etc...). The blue dye you are referring to is often mixed with a gelatin coating. It is the gelatin that facilitates acid reflux resulting in heartburn. If you suspect an allergy to a dye you should talk to your doctor so that he can prescribe an epipen for you to keep on hand.

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with me, it's the blue dye, and when taking blue pills, I feel like a fire breathing dragon. I was on Wellbutrin, which I really liked, but they were blue pills. It was my pharmacist at CVS that mentioned this, so they prescribed the white ones, which are slow release, so not as much energy, but the reflux was gone. I was just prescribed Naproxen, and when I opened the bottle they are BRIGHT blue, and I said, "uh oh." I took them for a week + with awful gerd again. I haven't taken them in going on 3 days, and the gerd is coming back under control. For me, it's the dye.

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I have been taking this medicine for twenty years. I have been to ER three times thinking I'm having heart attack. I have had catscans, upper GI. Taken gas x like candy, use prilosec otc. So glad I came across this site now I know what the pain's from. Thank you so much. Now if only our Doctors and Pharmacists would listen, we wouldn't have to suffer.

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I understand. Price is often a problem when it comes to medication. One simple solution that I can relate to you which is not expensive is to go online and buy "vegetarian grade capsules" in what is called size 0. They do not contain any gelatin and are only made from plant material. Then all you have to do is empty your Fluoxetine from the gelatin capsule over to the vegetarian capsule. They are very low cost and it's easy to do.

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I am on 40 mg. My doctor said it is like eating jello. I asked the pharmacy to switch me back to the white capsule. The white capsule costs more and is not ideal for a special order of 1000. Order request for 2 20mg capsules was not signed by Dr. I have not pushed it waiting to see what surgery and diet would do.

I put the money part in not pharmacy. I know white capsule cost 12 something with insurance. Blue capsule cost 6 something to fill. But it is the start of a new year so maybe the allowable changed. I know 20mg only cost me 2 something a bottle.

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No, it's not the Fluoxetine, it's the gelatin in the capsule. Ask your doctor to switch you to a regular pill form. In fact, sometimes you can even ask the pharmacist if he has a different form of the medication. Gelatin is a substance that comes from the dehydrated skin of animals such as cows and pigs. It is very sticky when it gets wet and it does not digest very easily. For many people the gelatin sits on top of the stomach acid and then refluxes up. When it does that then the stomach acid has a path to reflux as well. Ask your pharmacist or doctor to switch you to the regular pill form and you'll never have Fluoxetine related heartburn anymore.

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My Dr did not feel the pill was the problem. My mom said when my gallbladder is out I would feel better.

I had my gallbladder removed a week ago. Probably too soon but I was in a hurry today and took blue pill without pill. It was scary. But no chest pain or reflux. Though I will not be doing that often.

My doctor said to be sure to eat a big breakfast. It did help but would get nausiated and it does not seem reasonable that I will never have a small quick breakfast again. I have not followed up with her yet.

But both my and Dr so far seem to be right but it has only been a week.

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I also take the green/yellow Fluoxetine (20mg) daily, and more than often get moderate to severe heartburn as well after taking. I have been on it for years, and heartburn seems to be getting worse and more often... I also take a number of other daily meds, and never get heartburn after taking any of them. It must be something with the Fluoxetine.

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I recently started taking fluoxetine capsules, the green and yellow ones. I've noticed I have been having bad heart burn and sulfur burps. Can this be due to my medication?

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Teva is the best manufacturer I've found. I can not take the Blue ones from NorthStar without getting sick to my stomach of dry heaves. I always make sure they carry Teva and check the order before paying. Walmart Carries it, so I use that instead of my Insurance carriers Mail order service.

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Yes, it is irresponsible, and certainly shows that they care more about keeping costs low than for helping people. The gelatin capsules are the nearly universal cause for the heartburn people experience with taking their generic drugs. In other words, it's not limited to Fluoxetine, but is reported by people all over the world whose generic medications that use the size 0 and size 00 gelatin capsule. The vegetarian grade capsule in size 0 and size 00 never causes heartburn because it's made out of plant material, but the gelatin capsule is made from animal hides and gets stuck to what is called "the lower esophageal sphincter" which is the muscle at the top of the stomach. The gelatin gets stuck there causing the stomach acid to reflux (go backwards up the esophagus). Despite the many reports globally, these companies still won't switch over to vegetarian grade capsules for sizes 0 and 00. For those reading this who are suffering the heartburn right this moment: the best remedy is to take two large gulps of Apple Cider Vinegar followed by two gulps of cool water. Wait 15 minutes, then repeat. The vinegar will burn as it goes down, but it will neutralize the stomach acid and stop your heartburn within 30 minutes.

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