Blue Fluoxetine Causes Heartburn (Page 2)
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Recently my pharmacy began giving me a new version of fluoxetine, which I have taken for MANY years with no problems.... however the blue fluoxetine gives me horrible heart burn. I use to take them at night before bed, but couldn't sleep, so decided to start taking them in the morning and still get the heartburn. I don't take them with any other meds. I tried an empty stomach, and after eating, but the results are still the same. I also get a bad headache (I think from the heartburn.) Has anyone figured out how to avoid this problem?
Re: Tammy Jo (# 214)
Tammy Jo, was it a big chain pharmacy that gave you this prescription? The blue Alembic I had came from Walgreens. I went to Rite-Aid today with a new paper prescription I just got from my doctor and told them my tale of woe. They sell Teva here in Portland, but the pharmacy tech was very accommodating and looked around in their warehouses and found the Sandoz version for me. She said she thought Sandoz had been taken over by Teva, and I said either would be fine. I'll let everyone know how it goes. I agree about contacting the FDA!
I’ve been taking fluoxetine for 12 years with no problems or side effects at all. After switching from Sanoff brand to these blue fluoxetines a month ago, I’m having terrible problems - severe headaches, nausea, pain in my joints, night sweats, day sweats, insomnia, crying spells, and extreme anxiety. Switching back to Teva brand today and calling the FDA.
Re: David (# 1)
I’ve been taking fluoxetine for 12 years with no problems or side effects at all. After switching from Sanoff brand to these blue fluoxetines a month ago, I’m having terrible problems - severe headaches, nausea, pain in my joints, night sweats, day sweats, insomnia, crying spells, and extreme anxiety. Switching back to Teva brand today and calling the FDA.
Re: Writerly One (# 210)
Yes, I had Alembic as the manufacturer! They apparently think it is okay to coat their pills in poison. I told my Walgreens pharmacy about how those blue pills gave me such bad heartburn I was vomiting, and was given a different manufacturer- Aurobindo. It seems to be okay so far! Ask for it! Maybe if enough people speak up they will stop giving out the horrible Alembic ones.
Help!!! I’m grateful I found this forum. Started taking Prozac about six days ago. Everything was fine until tonight. I usually take it before bed with water. Tonight the heartburn is so bad it caused me to vomit. I also suffer from acid reflux and take Prilosec but it can’t touch this heartburn! It’s the worst I’ve ever had. I also get my prescriptions from Walgreens so now I’m a little worried. I tried the baking soda and water mixture, but it didn’t help at all! Any advice is extremely appreciated!!! I’m calling my doctor in the morning. Not going to be able to sleep at all tonight.
Re: Kaitlin (# 209)
Kaitlin, I'm beginning to think we should speak up. The pharamacists's hands are tied; they're just cogs in the corporate wheel who can't help. There's no point in them shopping for the cheapest price if the drugs are crappy, fifth-world manufactured. Does your prescription also say Alembic is the manufacturer?
Re: Tfcwylie (# 204)
Is it a different manufacturer they just started using? I have also NEVER had this before my most recent refill at Walgreens. I don’t know what to do, I can’t keep taking it if it’s going to be this bad!
I’ve been taking fluoxetine for years and never had a problem. This month, I switched from the tablet to the capsule because the capsule was covered by insurance and the tablet wasn’t (no idea why). Almost immediately had heartburn like I’ve never experienced in my life! Will likely go back to tablet.
I'm so glad I found this site! I've taken 20 or 40 mg of fluoxetine off and on over the past 10 years with no trouble at all. Empty stomach, with food, no big deal. I recently got a refill and my pharmacy switched to Alembic generic (dark blue capsules). I took it only about three times and I got the worst heartburn and indigestion I can remember, ever. I felt like I'd been poisoned. It lasts about 18 hours no matter how much water I drink. I went to the pharmacy today to see if they could get me the Sandoz-manufactured capsules I had taken before. No, they have no control over what they're sent. I asked about the brand name and he quoted me a price of $3,400! With insurance! I laughed and said the price was insane, and that I think the corporate people pluck those figures out of thin air. Long story short, he made the phone calls for me and found Sandoz capsules at WalMart. I was grateful, but I'll see how long I can get them. I'm very distrustful now of this manufacturer (Alembic). Who knows what's in these caps?
This happens to me too!!!! I had chest pains so bad from heartburn I considered going to the ER because I wasn't sure if it was a heart attack or not. I started taking my meds with milk which sort of helps. I also take it an hour or so before bed so when I lay down it isn't as intense. I do hope they recall it though because this is ridiclious!!!!
Re: Tfcwylie (# 204)
Yep. Me, too. My doctor increased my dosage and the 10 mg tablets are from a new manufacturer and I get heartburn from the new tablets ONLY because I took my 20mg tablet - no heartburn, then my 10mg tablet (blue) about an hour later and hard burning in my throat and chest within ten minutes. With food or without food doesn't seem to make a difference.
Re: araw504 (# 10)
I just got my first refill of this in the blue pill form. Never had heartburn before. AND I got this from Walgreens
Re: Drocksc01 (# 194)
I have a similar experience. I take a 60mg tablet. I forgot to eat with my meds 2 days ago and my throat is still burning today. Really bad heartburn. I talked with a pharmacist and he suggested Zantac. I got some yesterday but didn’t notice much of a difference. Tums helped. Every time I eat anything it burns all the way down. This doesn’t happen to me very often. Back when I took a lower dose I took a gelatin capsule instead of a tablet. There were a couple times where I threw it into my mouth just before leaving for work and it would get stuck in my throat then when it melted it would explode and the powder would burn my throat really bad. The second time it happened It made me sneeze and went up into my nose. Holy cow, talk about pain! I never let that happen again.
Re: Stella (# 193)
Wow, I have the exact same problem. I thought it was just me, I haven’t found a solution yet. I take 40 mg everyday for the last 5 years. If anyone finds a solution please share!
Re: Lulu (# 197)
This is exactly how I feel right now. Massive anxiety attack because of the heartburn. Can’t sleep. Sheesh
Re: Eric (# 183)
My son takes liquid and has the same burning. No gelatin
Interesting about the gelatin. Thanks!
Note, however. Vinegar does not neutralize stomach acid, or any other kind of acid, since vinegar, itself, is an acid.
Re: Eric (# 189)
Since vinegar is an acid, it will NOT neutralize stomach acid. Maybe there is another positive interaction, but it is not neutralization. My background? Chemistry teacher.
I am very sensitive to certain things so my dr gave me 1/4 teaspoon of liquid Prozac. I have burning in throat and heartburn. I have anxiety. The heartburn is causing more anxiety! I had been taking it from Walgreens and it seems not to bother me. I then went to CVS and this one is killing me! Has anyone tried liquid before?
Re: Stella (# 193)
I'm having Fluoxetine 20mg after lunch, I'm having a severe chest burn and nausea right after having the pill with enough water. The only way to get off it eat something light before and after the pill and have a glass of water on top of it. It gets better.
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